Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1120 Rokarn and Aria

Chapter 1120 Rokarn and Aria

Sitting in his throne, Rokarn opened his eyes and frowned when he saw lights converge in front of him.

Raising up his hand, a great sword appeared in his grasp.


Throwing it towards the light, the sword was blocked by a barrier.

"Aria." Rokarn growled in displeasure.

"Rokarn. It’s been a while since I last saw you." Aria smiled.

"Though I must say, it must feel pretty terrible to have your freedom stripped from your grasp. You are reduced to nothing but a tool for the system."

"Silence. Last time I saw you, you were nothing but a quivering mess that hid behind the God Slayer. Cowering at every sign of danger. If not for her benevolence towards you, you would be nothing." Rokarn replied while standing up.

"Times changed Rokarn. You lost your freedom, I’ve become stronger, and the God Slayer lost her glory." Aria shrugged.

"Yes, and I know that you must have done something to her. Why else would the God Slayer be reduced to this?!" Rokarn shouted while standing in front of her.

His figure towered over Aria as she could clearly feel his hostility and rage.

"Now now, you should sit down and listen." Aria replied as she lost her smile.

Slamming her palm into his chest, a tier 9 magic circle expanded and launched him away from her.


Slamming against the wall, Rokarn widened his eyes as his aura exploded.

"You took it didn’t you." Rokarn said as his voice was eerily calm.

"I don’t know what you’re talking about. If anything, that should be my question to you. O’ Demi God of ’Chaos’ and Destruction. What happened to the lowly Demi God of Death that I knew?"

Just as she finished her sentence, she realised that Rokarn had disappeared.

Appearing beside her, a tier 8 magic circle manifested on his fist.

If it was just a normal tier 8 magic circle, she wouldn’t be too worried. However, a ninth layer was being formed.

Black lightning flickered from his fist as she widened her eyes and activated a barrier with her own tier 9 magic circle.


Before his fist could reach her, golden chains erupted from the void, latching onto his body and forcing him into submission. His magic was shattered apart and a golden collar appeared around his neck.

Forcing him against the ground, he could only glare at Aria hatefully.

"My my, not even you can overcome this huh?" Aria chuckled as she dismissed her barrier.

"But setting that aside, with you being chained up, I’ll get to the main business. I cannot let you kill her. If you do, everything will end. Instead, I’d much rather you weaken her."

Narrowing her eyes, she drew a tier 9 magic circle in the air before carving it into Rokarn’s back.

Gritting his teeth, Rokarn refused to let a single cry out as he continued to glare at her hatefully. The chains of the system dug into his flesh, stopping him from doing anything harmful to her.

Once the magic circle had finished carving itself onto Rokarn’s back, Aria stood up and prepared to leave. As her body was disappearing, she glanced back at him and smiled.

"I’ll be watching. I hope I don’t need to interfere, but we shall see."

Just as she disappeared, the golden chains that bound him shattered apart. Standing back up, Rokarn tilted his head back and let out a malevolent cry that shook the castle.

Taking deep breaths, he calmed his rage.

’Is that why you gave me this power God Slayer. So that you can reclaim it once more in the event that you were weakened by her. Did you know about her dark desires all along? Hidden behind that smile, was a woman who would one day cause you to lose everything.’ Rokarn thought to himself as he closed his eyes.

He could still remember the day when he finally met the God Slayer again. This time, she wasn’t alone. A young goddess with blond hair hid shyly behind her. Her eyes of curiosity and naïve smile.

To think that she would grow up into the woman she was now.

Shaking his head, Rokarn glanced towards Earth.

He has tried to delay it as much as possible so that the God Slayer could prepare herself but time was running out. He will soon be forced to make a move and he had no power to stop it.

’Aria, I didn’t plan on killing her to begin with.’ He thought to himself as he walked out the room.

As long as she is strong enough, everything will work out.



Feeling a hand shake her, Silvia rubbed her eyes and woke up.

Glancing towards Chen Yu who was getting changed, she sat up.

"Did something happen?" She asked as Chen Yu nodded his head.

"Mn, Shiro is calling everyone to the command centre. Things are reaching a boiling point."

"Wait already? I thought we had half a week left." Silvia widened her eyes and quickly jumped out of bed.

"Not quite. I also thought we had a half a week left but the barrier holding them back on the moon has almost disappeared. It’s rate of decay has sped up and people are noticing the moon slowly turning red." Shiro informed as she was leaning by the door.

"The f*ck!?" Silvia cried out as she didn’t expect this.

"Sorry for the intrusion, I normally don’t do this but I’m teleporting you to the room. Get changed quickly. Also, this entire city is made from nanobots, do you really think I would have no idea if someone was to have a crazy night? I just ignore it most of the time." Shiro shrugged as Silvia blushed heavily before coming into a realisation.

"Wait a minute."

"What?" Shiro tilted her head.

"What do you mean by most of the time?" Silvia asked as Shiro choked on her saliva.

"There are times where I would accidently ’see’ someone having a battle in bed. I’m scanning the whole city so it’s only natural that some slip past." Shiro replied as Silvia continued to stare at her.

"Well setting that aside, stop parading in your underwear and get changed." Shiro said while gesturing towards her.

"I’ll wait outside. Come out as soon as you get changed."

Watching Shiro leave the room, Silvia turned to Chen Yu.

"Do You think Shiro is a voyeur?" Silvia asked but before Chen Yu could reply, a note appeared in the air.

Reading it, Silvia coughed.

[Who knows, considering the fact that I can view this entire city at all times, I suppose I am. But I wonder who’s the crazier one between a voyeur and whatever you were last night. ~ ♡]

This is then followed up by an image of a smug Shiro with a knowing look in her eyes.

Crumpling the paper and immediately destroying it, Silvia quickly got changed with a blush in her face.

Thinking about it for a moment, Silvia whispered something into Chen Yu’s ears as he widened his eyes and coughed.


Teleporting everyone to the command centre, Shiro displayed a hologram of the moon.

"As you can see from the projection, the barrier is barely holding together. From the gaps, you can see the army preparing themselves for an invasion. We’ll be preparing to meet them in space to reduce the chances of collateral damage. I’ll be supplying everyone with a mask that’ll allow them to breathe in space. It’s been tested rigorously and will hold together even if Revel was to punch it with all his strength. I’ve set up space stations for us to prepare in as well as turrets that should be able to hold back the fodder for quite a while." Shiro explained while showing them their fortress in space.

"I’ll send each of you a document briefing on your jobs and priorities but just know that you will need to fight a Demi God that forced back primordials at the end of this. There is no doubt that he’ll have generals to fight under him so try to save your best spells for when we need to kill him. Dad and Li Jian will be our vanguard, followed by Revel and Syradil. Dad and Li Jian are at the front so that their skills can give us a boost. Silvia, I want you to keep an eye on them so that when they fall back, you can give them some protection while healing Syradil and Revel. They’ll be our main tanks for this raid."

Nodding her head, Silvia activated a spell that marked both Li Jian and Koji.

"This mark will help me spot you in the crowd since I’ll be honest, it’ll be hard to find you if you’re surrounded." Silvia explained as both of them nodded their heads.

"Good. There isn’t much else to talk about since our information is limited. For now, just keep your guard up and adapt to the situation accordingly. I have a crystal that stores 20 charges of Grace so we have 20 extra lives outside of what Silvia can provide if things go south. I want everyone to make their final preparations and meet me back here in 20 minutes. I’ll teleport us to the space station." Shiro ordered before sending everyone back.

Looking up at the moon that was now slowly revealing its red glow, Shiro couldn’t help but worry. Earlier, she sensed an outburst of malevolent energy, it was faint but it caused shivers down her spine.

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