Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1131 Vhimir

Chapter 1131 Vhimir

"You’re Madi’s ancestor." Shiro muttered in surprise. She didn’t expect a Demon God of all people to join the fray.

"Greetings. Madison has told me much about you. But as much as I would love to chat, this world doesn’t exactly condone my existence. I’m here to help you delay until my darling granddaughter has arrived." Makron chuckled as Shiro was surprised to hear that Madi will be coming.

"Wait, this isn’t a fight that she can join in on." Shiro frowned but Makron only laughed.

"Do you think I’m someone to send my granddaughter to her death? But setting that aside, you should focus on healing yourself. From what I’ve been told, you can only sustain yourself in godly form for a short period of time. You’ll need to conserve your strength for the next fight." Makron said as his aura became serious.

Furrowing her brows, Shiro decided to trust in this Demon God.

Jumping back, Shiro opened a portal to the void so that she can recover from her injuries.

Seeing this, Rokarn wanted to stop her but Makron appeared in front of him.

"Now now, don’t think about going after the younger generation while I’m around." Makron smiled as he grabbed Rokarn’s arm.

Shifting his body, Rokarn kicked Makron in the chest but was shocked to see that there was no reaction.

Slowly, Makron’s skin started to turn black as golden runes appeared on the surface.

"You’ll need more than that if you want to make me take a step back young man." Makron narrowed his eyes.


Breaking Rokarn’s arms, Makron pulled Rokarn closer before elbowing him in the centre of the chest, sending him crashing through the walls of what’s left over of Shiro’s station.


Jumping through the void, Shiro immediately deactivated Blessing of Chaos since there was only a minute left of the activation time.

Feeling the Divine Energy drain from her body, Shiro’s face became pale from the strain of all her hastily healed wounds pilling up.

Suddenly, a portal opened behind her as she realised that Estrella had sent her to the station where she sent the others.

Crashing against the floor, Shiro couldn’t help but wish that Estrella sent her to a bed instead.

"Shiro!" Crying out in shock at her condition, Silvia immediately started her treatment as everyone gathered around her.

"What happened?" Nan Tian asked while helping Shiro sit against the wall.

"I received a bit of help from Madison’s ancestor. Demon God Makron. He said that Madi will be coming here soon and she’ll be helping me kill Rokarn." Shiro explained with a weak voice.

"You’re going back out there aren’t you?" Koji asked as Shiro could tell that he wasn’t happy.

"Mn. Sorry dad." Shiro apologised.

Sighing heavily, Koji kneeled beside Shiro and held her hand.

"The pain that fills my chest to see you fight such an opponent while I can do nothing is suffocating. More so when I know that both you and your mother have reached a realm I never thought possible. As much as I am proud of your power, I am also ashamed. Ashamed that I, as a father, must watch you defend the realm without being able to do anything. I want to do everything in my power to stop you from going out there but I know that this is something you want to do. I have already seen how much you’ve done in hopes that the people of this world can have better lives. So asking you to stop fighting is an impossibility. Just... come back home ok? That’s all I ask. I want to be able to see my daughter come home safe and sound." Koji sighed as Shiro smiled and nodded her head.

"Don’t worry dad, I’ll come home no matter what."

"Well now that you’ve finished talking about that, let’s talk about the problem at hand. What do you need from us? Even if she heals you, I don’t believe you’ll be able to fight with the same vigour as before. I don’t know this Madi that you speak of but can she really turn the tides with you not having a single speck of Divine Energy in your body?" Syradil asked as she was watching the fight from the window.

Shaking her head, Shiro had a helpless smile on her face.

"Honestly, you’re right. Most of my skills are on cooldown now, I don’t have any divine energy and aside from Silvanis, there’s not much else I can do to harm Rokarn." Shiro admitted as the party was silent.

"I can help. However, it will not give you any energy for you to use. Only reinforce your body so that you can keep up. Somewhat."

Hearing an unfamiliar voice, Shiro turned towards the source and saw Esil along with Misu.

"And you are?"

"An old God from Misu’s world. I inhabit this body but my mortal personality does not know of my existence. I can grant you some of my power but not as much as I’d hope since I am weakened. Even the smallest help would send me back to slumber but the situation calls for my help." Esil shrugged helplessly.

"Then can I at least know of your name?" Shiro asked as Esil thought for a moment and nodded his head.

"My name is Vhimir. As for my divinity, you will know in time. For now, I will grant you as much Divine Energy as I can spare. All you need to do is break this orb and it will grant you enough reinforcement to fight at tier 8 standard for roughly 5 minutes. It’s not much but that’s the best I can do for now." Vhimir said as a tier 8 magic circle appeared around his wrist before condensing into a golden orb.

Passing it to Shiro, Vhimir took a step back and closed his eyes.

Suddenly, all of the divine energy left his body as he fell backwards but Misu caught him.

"Hais, he loves to be mysterious as always. Vhimir is a god that I worshipped back in my world, before I became a Queen. As for his divinity, since he didn’t say anything it would be unfair of me to divulge his secret." Misu apologised as Shiro shook her head.

"It’s fine. I’m already grateful that he is able to help me."

Keeping the golden orb in her pocket, Shiro closed her eyes and rested as much as she could while Silvia tried to heal her wounded body.

"Have you used any berserk skills yet?" Silvia asked but Shiro shook her head.

".. .Then I suppose I don’t need to tell you what kind of damage you can cause to yourself if you stack them right now. If you do, I don’t even think all of the healers in Asharia put together can help you." Silvia warned.

"I know. I don’t plan on stacking them this fight. I’m trusting what Makron said about Madison being able to help me overcome this fight. With Vhimir’s power helping me, I should be able to find a chance to use extraction." Shiro smiled as Silvia nodded.

"Nimue, if you hear me, cut off her supply of mana the moment she tries to stack and get Estrella to teleport her back. There’s always a second chance to fight."

"I know don’t worry." Nimue said as she materialised next to Shiro.

Slowly, a flame appeared as Attie could be seen with a frustrated face.

"If Miss Madi comes, can me, Nimue and Iziuel rejoin the fight? We’ll have four Demi Gods on our side." Attie asked but Shiro shook her head.

"You’re not a proper Demi God yet Attie. You’re close but you don’t have a divinity to fight with yet. From what I’ve experienced, if you don’t have a Divinity, he can destroy your body before you can even react. If you have a divinity, you’ll be able to protect yourself before that happens." Shiro shook her head.

Seeing that Shiro was serious in not letting him rejoin, Attie walked over to the window, sat down and pouted with an annoyed face.

Sitting beside him, Yin comforted Attie.

"Stop talking now, you’re only making my job harder." Silvia said as Shiro nodded her head.


Reinforcing his body, Makron focused on delaying things as much as he could.

While he may not be able to kill Rokarn, he is more than capable of dragging things out.

"What’s wrong youngster, can’t keep up with an old man like me?" Makron asked as his clothes had long been replaced by his plated armour.

Furrowing his brows, Rokarn dashed forward and attempted to destroy the old man using his divinity.

However, the moment it touched his skin, the divinity was countered for a split moment. That moment was enough for Makron to punch Rokarn in the face, sending him sliding back while dusting off his armour.

"What’s wrong? Surprised?" Makron smiled but this was a bluff. There was only so much he could do against such a tyrannical divinity. He was hoping that he could bluff his way through and make Rokarn search for different ways to fighting him.

While he may not seem like it, he had already used 2 life saving skills.

’Hais, youngsters these days. Each of them is more abnormal than the last. Madi only needed to kill 72 demon gods but she went and challenged the seven ancients.’ Makron chuckled before charging at Rokarn.

He just needed to delay until she arrived.

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