Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1140 Seeking Information

Chapter 1140 Seeking Information

Arriving back in the realm of gods, Nyx had a frown on her face.

Seeing this, Gaia raised an eyebrow.

"Did something go wrong?" Gaia asked as she was currently healing one of the gods that was injured in the fight.

"Mn. I think I found out the source of the notification." Nyx sighed as Gaia paused for a moment before her face turned serious.

"Shiro?" She asked.


Hearing this, Gaia finished healing the god and stood up.

"How did Shiro even become the First Born of Destruction? I had only heard rumours and read about small extracts on this being. If... If Shiro really is the First Born of Destruction, that makes her the enemy of everyone in the god realm." Gaia said as the two of them made their way towards their ’office’. It was a space reserved only for the 5 primordial gods and those that they allow to enter.

Entering the realm, Nyx could see both Tartarus and Ouranos recuperating on the bed while the other gods were discussing some plans amongst themselves. This included Chronos, Argus, Hermes, Hemera, Hades, Athena, Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis, Mio and Helios.

Seeing the two enter with frowns on their faces, everyone were quiet since it’s not often that these two would look so serious.

"Aside from the five Primordials, Hades and Mio, I’ll need everyone to leave for now. There is something serious that we need to discuss. And Argus, if you try to eavesdrop I will deal with you." Nyx narrowed her eyes as Argus raised his hands in surrender.

"As you say." He smiled.

With everyone leaving the realm, Nyx sat down with a tired sigh.

"Did something happen back on Earth? Hemera mentioned that Nan Tian asked for your presence." Mio asked with a worried expression.

"Something did indeed happen and I don’t like the changes this brings. Remember the notification that we got?" Nyx asked as Mio nodded her head.

"The one about the First Born of Destruction right?"

"Yes. And it turns out that there is a 90% chance of this being Shiro. When I went back to Earth at the behest of Nan Tian, he showed me what happened after their battle with Rokarn. Ignoring the fact that someone has unleashed the 7 Ancient Lords of Sin, Shiro seems to be possessed by something. Her aura hardly resembled what it used to be. It transformed into a void that threatened to consume everything around her. Thankfully, there was a barrier around her that prevented her aura from leaking out too much but the implications of her having any forms of relations to the First Born of Destruction is worrying. We can only hope that it’s minimal but we’ll only know after she wakes up." Nyx explained with a sigh.

Hearing this, the other gods paused in shock while Mio was still left confused.

"If you’re wondering about the First Born of Destruction, I can give you some details but honestly, not much is known about them." Gaia spoke up as she conjured a book into her hands.

Nodding her head, Mio sat down in front of Gaia and listened carefully since this was something related to Shiro and she didn’t like how the gods were reacting.

"In this book, it doesn’t detail how the First Born came to existence, only that they were always there, hidden away in a prison created by Chaos herself. A prison of boundless energy that was restrained thanks to the prison. Those that stumble into the realm may experience a boost in power but would soon lose their minds. All that are tainted by the aura of the First Born become mindless thralls of destruction.

"After the notification, I searched through all the books with the help of Argus but the information was grim to put it lightly. Even without doing anything, the First Born brought a great catastrophe to the god realms, almost ending all existence as we know it. In all of its depictions, the First Born was the symbol of fear amongst gods. A being on heinous that even the most evil gods will throw aside their differences to assist in the murder of the First Born. Very few who saw the First Born are alive but those that still life are haunted by the memories of the destruction it brought. Despite being gods, their will was shattered after an encounter with this being." Gaia explained as she flipped through this book that contained limited information of the First Born.

"The general understanding of the First Born is a being brought forth by the purest of all evils. The only reason why the war has entered a stalemate for now is because of the First Born’s recovery. With this information being known, we’ve reached a silent agreement of truce until this threat has been dealt with.

"Now, here is the problem. With Shiro being the potential First Born of Destruction, she has essentially become the enemy of everyone in existence. Even our allies desire her death should it be known to all. And even if that wasn’t the case, no one wants to take the chances and bring about a second catastrophe. They would kill without question considering the fact that her aura is highly destructive, more so than even the Gods of Destruction." Nyx said as she massaged her eyes.

Staying silent, Mio could feel her heart pound as she realised the gravity of the situation. Her own flesh and blood had just become the enemy of everything in existence.

Biting her lip, Mio stared at Nyx.

"Does... does she have to die? Is there someway around it?" Mio asked as Nyx furrowed her brows.

"We don’t know."

"The worse part of it is that Shiro is the life line as well." Gaia gritted her teeth in frustration.

"IF she dies, this cycle ends and everyone dies regardless. But if she doesn’t die, then the world will be plunged into chaos and there is a high chance of everyone dying." Hades muttered as he couldn’t help but look towards Mio.

As Shiro’s mother, Hades knew that Mio was probably feeling the worse right now.

"Can’t we look for a way to prevent this? I don’t know, some kind of way to get rid of this title. Cut off the association with this being or something. Surely there is something we can do. There are gods of knowledge aren’t there?" Mio asked as they Gaia closed her eyes and shook her head.

"I tried to look but this was all the information I could get. Not much is known about the first born after its disappearance. We don’t even know what they look like originally. All we know as that the aura is so destructive it is unmistakable. It’s like an ink drop on a white piece of paper. The moment anyone sees it, they’ll know." Gaia replied.

"I need to go back." Mio gritted her teeth as she tried to stand up but Hades put his hand on her shoulder.

"Even if you want to, it’s impossible right now. The most you can do is send an avatar and even then, you’re not strong enough to send one to Earth right now. You need to wait like everyone else unfortunately. However, that does not mean we’ll be doing nothing." Hades said as Mio frowned.

"He’s right. I’m sure there are records somewhere, it’s just a matter of finding them." Nyx said as she stood up.

"It’s a bit risky but there is a place I’m willing to explore for answers. The system holds many secrets but it also acts as a record for everything. There is no doubt that there will be a record or rather, a dungeon within the system that will give us information about the first born. Whether that be from the person itself or someone related to it. I’m going to see if I am able to find the gateway of the dungeon."

"Where will you even start? Plus, if you meet the First Born, what’s to stop you from dying? It is said that the first born was the natural destroyer of all things. They have the power to bring death to all, even us." Gaia asked as Nyx paused.

"I don’t know but we can’t sit around doing nothing."

"Rushing into things blindly won’t help. It’ll only make things complicated. Let us wait for now, it is only 7 days. For us who had lived for thousands of years, this is nothing. We will hopefully get our answers when Shiro wakes up." Gaia reminded as Nyx sighed and sat back down.

"On a side note, it seems like we’re going to be holding a meeting with Zeus and the others to potentially discuss our actions once the second half begins." Gaia said as they sensed Zeus approaching their camp.

"While we deal with this, Mio, you should make some preparations for when you go back to Earth in a week, there are a few things a god needs to do before leaving but you don’t need to worry, Hades will help you prepare." Nyx said as Mio nodded her head.

Looking back one last time, Mio left with Hades while Nyx and Gaia made their way towards Zeus.

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