Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1143 Lyrica’s Power

Chapter 1143 Lyrica“s Power

Keeping watch through the night, Lyrica kept and eye on any monsters that would come too close.

She could deal with most of them even if they were higher level than her but she was unsatisfied. This was the stage Shiro and Madison was at a while ago. Knowing the two of them, they’ve most likely progressed further. She couldn’t remain stuck at this stage, she needed to find a way to boost herself to the next level.

’Shiro is more of a support fighter despite how powerful her attack is while Madison is tank/berserker. Silvia has the healer role covered while I am the attacker role.

’To fit in the party, I need to go all in on offense, something that can surpass Shiro’s attack. While not exactly glass cannon for when I go solo, I need to put 99% of my focus on pure attack.’ Lyrica thought to herself as she thought back to her training with her mother.


"Listen love, when partying with someone like Shiro, you need to be able to provide the most amount of attack possible since that’s when Shiro truly shines. Her abilities lie in countering and stopping the enemies every actions, making it so that they’re practically useless in a battle. However, this will only happen when she has someone to tank and someone to deal damage for her. If she focuses on protecting or damage, her true abilities won’t shine." Isilia explained while unsheathing her sword.

"Back in Aria, me and Shiro went off on our own for a while without a tank. However, thanks to how much attack we had, it wasn’t a problem. It only became difficult when our opponent won’t go down in a few hits. While we were able to offset that using mechs armours and nanobots, it wasn’t a long term solution. But if I’m being honest, your party is in the perfect spot right now. Madison is a great tank, Silvia is one of the best healers I’ve ever seen, Shiro is taking care of support and you’ve got a fantastic mage. You have a blacksmith and a assassin as well. Overall, the party is highly balanced. As for the core, it’s composed of you, Shiro and Madison. You three are the most important members when it comes to a boss fight. Everyone else’s role is to support you three so that the fight can end sooner. However, as you realised, you are slowly falling behind. Madison has her demon heritage helping her, she’ll only get stronger in time. Shiro is just Shiro. And then we have you. Your attack is good but it’s limited right now. As you are right now, you won’t get any stronger than tier 6. Shiro is already tier 7 and I imagine that Madison will reach the same stage in the future. So what about you?" Isilia asked as Lyrica looked down at her blade.

"I don’t know."

"And what are you going to do about it?" Isilia smiled.

"Experiment until I find a way."

"That’s right. For me and you, we need to keep experimenting until we find a way. Unfortunately for us, we don’t have something like Nanobots or a strong bloodline. What we do have however, is raw talent." Isilia winked as she took a deep breath.

"I was never able to bring my strength higher than the level of Queens after I got a class change but I believe that you can. Think of you three as an avatar. Shiro is the body, Madison is the Shield. You need to be an invincible sword that can cut all."

Adjusting her grip, Isilia twisted her body and sent out a wave of energy that cleaved through the nanotech walls. However, after a few layers, the energy dispersed, causing Isilia to smile helplessly.

"Unfortunately, I was never able to achieve this." She shrugged and looked towards her daughter.

"However, I believe that you can. There is a spark in you, as long as you don’t give up, I believe that you can reach that stage."

Hearing this, Lyrica nodded her head.


Opening her eyes, Lyrica glanced over at the rest of the party that were sleeping.

Vuldrin was sleeping off on his own while the others were in pairs. Cadmi and Gordon were sharing a blanket with Cadmi snuggling up to him to avoid the cold. As for Gordon, he was slowly losing his blanket to Cadmi, causing him to furrow his brows from the temperature.

Nitha was... Biting on Asher’s thigh, causing him to wake up before prying her from his leg. Forcing a smile, he waved at Lyrica before pulling out a monster leg and handed it to Nitha while she was searching for food in her sleep. With Nitha now satisfied, he went back to sleep.

’Next shift should be Vuldrin’s.’ Lyrica thought to herself.

Hopping off the wall, she woke up the dragon.


"Guess it’s my shift now." Vuldrin said as Lyrica nodded her head.

"Mn, keep an eye on Nitha in case she tries to eat Asher again by accident." Lyrica smiled as Vuldrin nodded his head.

"What about you? You seem like you don’t plan on sleeping."

"Well I want to head out for a bit of practice in the night. I’ll be back in an hour or two I suppose." Lyrica shrugged.

"Hmm, alright, just make sure you’re well rested since the journey tomorrow will need your full focus." Vuldrin reminded.

Nodding her head, Lyrica made her way out into the wild.

Summoning a sword, she narrowed her eyes at the night sky.

’How should I become the sharpest sword for Shiro... What can I find in this place that will help me achieve this... The beyond is a place where everything is heavily empowered by mana. Everything that comes here will undergo a change. That includes us.’ Lyrica thought to herself as mana gathered towards her body.

Swirling around her hand, she plunged it into her chest and pulled a light blue orb out.


Shattering the orb, her body erupted with green and blue flames that made her look like a fire spirit. Snapping her fingers, tier 6 magic circles suddenly lit up in the distance as a camouflaged monster was now suspended in the air.

After coming into the Beyond, her senses had been further enhanced. Before, she could sense things from half a world away, now she could almost encompass the entire world if she wanted. Plus, as long as she knows the realm they’re hiding in, she can sense them too.

It was a skill akin to a third eye.

"How many more of your friends are around." Lyrica narrowed her eyes.

Twisting her body, she swiped her hand out, creating 7 more magic circles that suspended more of the same monster in the air, ripping them out from their realm. Normally, they would attack, causing damage to their internals while also draining them of their stamina. During their first week in the Beyond, these were one of the more annoying monsters to deal with.

Hovering her hand over her blade, Lyrica contemplated for a moment before giving up and raised two fingers.

Cutting it across the air, all of the monsters were shredded into blood mist.

’They’re too weak for me to use my sword on them.’ Lyrica thought to herself.

Closing her eyes, she could sense a rather powerful monster approaching their camp. While it’s roughly a day’s travel away, it’ll be annoying for the others to deal with while making their way to the centre.

Grabbing the hilt of her sword, she twisted her body and slashed the air in front of her, leaving a floating blade of energy.

Adjusting her grip, she slashed three more times before slamming her palm against the back of the energy blades.

Suddenly, layers upon layers of tier 6 magic circles started to stack together as the blades shot through them, each one empowering the attack while also enlarging the blades.


Disappearing into the distance, Lyrica waited for a moment before making her way back to the camp as the flames around her body disappeared.

Above her, Vuldrin floated with a small smile. He knows that Lyrica could sense him but since she didn’t say anything, he continued to watch.

Looking into the distance, he watched as a small cut in the ground left behind by the attack slowly grow into a large ravine.

Closing his eyes, he created a few teleport runes and disappeared from his spot.

Appearing above a giant chasm that stretched roughly a city wide in width, he chuckled seeing the remainder of the monster she wanted to kill. Its arm stretched out in a desperate bid for survival while the rest of his body had been obliterated.

’And she wants to be even stronger. I wonder what her attack will be like when she obtained something that will allow her to reach level 1000. Though more importantly, I wonder what kind of enemy she wants to face with this kind of power.’ Vuldrin thought to himself while watching the land heal itself little by little.

Teleporting back to the camp, he finished his shift while Lyrica went to sleep.

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