Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1153 Star Char

Chapter 1153 Star Char

"Right then, my destination right now is the old guild house belonging to Lumia’s Blessing. If my information is correct, it should be roughly half a days journey away from the centre of London." Shiro smiled as Nine perked his ears up.

"The guild should be the one with the Healer hero right?" Nine asked as Shiro nodded her head.

"Yep. Since I’m planning on learning how to become a healer to harness the powers of creation, I figured that their headquarters would have quite a bit of information on healing. I might be able to get some inspiration if I was to go." Shiro replied as Nine nodded his head.

However, there was a frown on his face.

"If you’re looking for something there then you might be disappointed. From what I’ve heard a short while ago, it seems like some of the people who have defected to the Queen’s side have exposed information on all of the important places. Headquarters are no exception since they hold plenty of information, equipment and items that are helpful to the Queens. There might not be anything left there." Nine shook his head as Shiro raised her eyebrows.

"Hmm... That is a problem. Don’t worry about it though, I also have my own ideas when we get there. But first, how do you feel about a unique mode of transport. This might not be as fast as I like since it’s something I made a while ago but it’ll suit our needs." Shiro smiled as she pulled out an orb from her inventory.

Throwing it towards some empty space, nanobots appeared and transformed into a jet.

"With this, we should be able to reach our destination in roughly a minute or so. It’ll save us the travel time." Shiro explained while hopping into the pilot seat.

Blinking his eyes in surprise and awe, Nine examined the jet.

"Does this jet teleport through space? If it can then it’ll definitely shorten the journey."

"Well~ It’s something of the sort." Shiro smiled mysteriously as Nine turned to Iris who was already climbing into the jet.

Shrugging his shoulders, he strapped himself in as well and got comfortable.

"Right then, since it’s your first time, I’ll go a little slower." Shiro chuckled.

Before Nine could even finish thanking Shiro, she launched the jet, blasting through the skies as rings of air exploded behind them.

Crying out in shock, Nine was completely pushed into his seat while Iris was almost in the same situation. It seems like there was a barrier around her that helped her adapt while Nine was subjected to the full force.

As he finished shouting, Nine realised they were now just outside of the headquarters. As Shiro had promised, they arrived in roughly a minute.

Without saying anything else, Shiro hopped out of the jet and looked at the building in front of her.

The building was suspended above a ravine with pillars of support everywhere she looked. In the middle was a large building with an almost alien like design compared to the buildings in London. Marbled surfaces with golden edges and neon green highlights filled with mana.

Despite being broken to pieces and toppled, the tower managed to retain some of its impressiveness during its prime.

Waving her hand, Shiro scanned the building for any monsters and took care of them quickly so that they don’t waste her time. Flexing her finger, a hole appeared on the building, allowing her entry.

Since the building was toppled, she was essentially walking on the walls.

Picking up a few of the books, Shiro waved her hand and started to organise the rest while looking through the pages.

Just as Nine was about to say something, he could see that her focus was entirely on the book. Her eyes seemed almost desperate which came as a slight surprise.

He figured that he probably shouldn’t interrupt her right now and explored the rest of the building with Iris.

Unfortunately, it was as he expected. Rest of the building had nothing of value, not even a spare potion as everything was looted. The only things left were some old data chips and books that were deemed useless to the scavengers.

Noticing that iris was distracted by the side, Nine walked over.

"Ah I was surprised to sense a star chart. I didn’t think that there were healers in this guild that also used the power of stars to buff and heal. Compared to my own star chart, this one is more complete. Though the problem is that it’s a little too big, I won’t be able to carry it around." Iris smiled while pulling out a few cards and charms that had pieces of her star chart etched into them. These were also the mediums that Iris used to cast her spells. With a more complete star chart, her spells would be more powerful but the problem was that there was simply too much for her to store away.

The sheer size of this star chart encompassed three whole floors that were connected by a spiral staircase in the middle. This allowed them to view the star chart from any angle but that was only when the tower was straight. Now that it has been toppled, they viewed it from the side. With how much space this star chart covered, Iris would be lucky to even find a few cards worth of decent upgrades to her current arsenal.

To make it worse, she didn’t know which ones were actually useful for her. She would need more time to study the star chart if she wished to know. However, due to her sensitivity to mana, she could tell that a few were minutely more powerful than the others and decided to record them into her cards for now and study them later. She didn’t know how long Shiro was going to stay so she gathered everything with the intention of leaving immediately if needed.

Seeing that she was adding more cards to her arsenal, Nine helped out.

"You know that using the blessing only shaved off more of your life right?" Nine said as Iris was silent.

"You may be the Enchanter of Stars but there is still a limit to your strength. Using so much of your own fortune and life force to boost her fortune is a little extreme wouldn’t you say?" Nine asked but Iris chuckled.

"I knew the risks and blessed her since our fates are definitely connected. Little did I know that her fate was rather volatile. Once I had blessed her, my own fate started to change. That is the same for my fortune. Nine, if anything, I was the one who benefitted from blessing her." Iris admitted as she placed her finger on the bandages over her eyes.

Just as she was about to slide her finger underneath to touch her eyes, a seal appeared and deflected her finger. Shaking her head with a smile, she continued to add cards to her arsenal.

Hearing this, Nine glanced towards the office where Shiro was at right now. Eventually, he looked away and focused on helping Iris.

Meanwhile, Shiro was growing more and more annoyed.

All of the content in the books were stuff that she already knew and nothing she searched was of value. All common, not a single bit of rare knowledge.

"Tch, all of the good stuff has been taken. I wonder which Queen robbed this place, perhaps I kill her and take her stuff." Shiro muttered as her eyes radiated with an ominous lust for blood.

However, she quickly snapped herself out of it and slapped her own head.

"What am I thinking about. If the Queens form an alliance, there will be no need for me to kill. Plus, I can’t keep killing things if I want to cultivate creation. Stop being a murder machine Shiro, you dummy." Shiro pouted as she lectured herself.

Sighing heavily, she tossed the book behind her and looked around the room.

Tapping her finger against the walls, a thin blue mist started to spread through the room, eventually latching onto a few mana signatures that had rummaged through the piles of books before.

Tugging on the threads that were now connected to these signatures, Shiro could tell that they were all going the same direction.

Seeing this, she guessed that they were the ones who worked under the Queen that ordered for this place to be looted.

’Hmm... I’ll go pay them a visit. Hopefully I can add her as a friend in the alliance. If not, it’s better to kill her to get rid of any problems. She might not be a danger to me but she might be annoying left alive and bring about unforeseen consequences.’ Shiro thought to herself and walked towards Iris and Nine.

"Iris, Nine, we’re changing locations. I’m going to pay the Queen that looted this place a visit to see if I can get some of the data back. Is there anything you want from this place before we leave?" Shiro asked.

Before Iris could reply, Nine opened his mouth.

"Yes, Iris requires the star chart to improve her spells. She is unable to take everything here which is a shame. So if you have any methods that can help, it’ll be greatly appreciated." Nine said as Shiro nodded her head

Looking at the star chart, Shiro narrowed her eyes.

Flexing her finger, the room was sent into the void while metal sewed the tower back together.

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