Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1160 Interference From Gods

Chapter 1160 Interference From Gods

After another round of experimenting with Aoi, Shiro was a little taken aback by her reaction considering how much she was panting. She figured that it was probably Aoi feeling cold from her ice but Queens should have a pretty high resistance.

'Maybe she's not used to feeling anything through her body since she's turned herself into a puppet. The sensation of touch might be a little sensitive for her right now.' Shiro thought to herself while letting Aoi go.

Seeing some disappointment in Aoi's eyes, Shiro shook her head since it'll take a while for her to be able to fix her complete.

Setting aside Aoi's recovery, Shiro had a few plans today. She wanted to find more Queens and recruit them into her alliance, that way they don't need to die for no reason. Plus, if their goal is something she could accomplish, she'll grant them that wish.

Leaving the throne room, Shiro looked for Nine and Iris. Seeing the two of them investigate the Star Chart that Iris had obtained from the guild headquarters, Shiro knocked on the wall to get their attention.

"Oh sorry, didn't see you there." Nine waved as Shiro nodded her head.

"That's fine. We'll be setting off soon. I want to make alliances with more Queens in the span of two days. If you two want to join then it'll be good for you since you'll see more of the world. Who knows, you might find something that interests you." Shiro smiled as Nine thought about it for a moment before nodding his head.

"If you don't mind me tagging along then I'll be in your care." He smiled as Iris also nodded her head.

"Mn, don't worry, I won't be messing around with the jet for you this time. I'll give you a small break." Shiro chuckled as the two of them packed up and prepared to leave.

Leaving the castle, Shiro brought out a car from the rift. Sitting in the drivers seat, Shiro forgot that she was a little too short to see the road clearly.

Giving herself a little boost on the seat, she adjusted her posture so that it felt comfortable.

While doing this, Nine and Iris watched with concern but shrugged if off.

Getting into the car, the three of them went for a small road trip as Shiro booted up the Argus Satellite system.

Scanning the areas near them, Shiro narrowed her eyes seeing the signals that represented a Queen's influence.

"Why is it so small?" Shiro muttered as Nine perked his ears up in curiosity.

"What's small?"

"The Queen's domain. At this stage, each Queen should have a relatively large domain. But most of them aren't even two cities big. It's they've shrank back down to their initial size at the start of the new age." Shiro explained with a frow.

Flicking her fingers, she had the car project the map and switch to live cam. Looking at the cities, Shiro could see several statues in the process of being built.

Furrowing her brows, she zoomed in on the statues.

There were surprisingly a few barriers but thanks to Argus' Blessing, those barriers couldn't hold her back for long and soon, the statues were displayed in full detail.

Widening her eyes, Shiro could tell that a few of the statues represented gods that she knew and their crests were etched to the surface. While it was not the 'real' crest, they would pulse with slight traces of golden energy that Shiro was all too familiar with.

"The gods are already reaching out with their grubby hands." Shiro muttered with a frown.

"Gods? How do you know it's the gods?" Nine asked curiously.

"Well as you figured, I'm not an average person. My level is not 250, I can kill beings that are level 1000 and I can make a Queen fear for her life. I'm a God as well but I've sealed my divinity away for the time being in pursuit of the divinity of creation. Hence why my level is jumping up whenever I make a big breakthrough. That's because I've already reached the max." Shiro smiled as she explained to Nine about her identity.

Naturally, Nine had his suspicions but he didn't think it was like this. Level 1000, god, Empress and someone that could make Queen's cower in fear.

It was no wonder that Aoi was shivering in her boots in front of Shiro since anyone would when their opponent was someone who reached the mortal limit and became a god.

"So, what do you think now?" Shiro chuckled as Nine scratched his head.

"Honestly, overwhelmed. If the two of us annoyed you earlier then please spare us." He shrugged with a forced smile. While he and Iris have only been with Shiro for two days, she seemed very relaxed and down to Earth with her attitude. Of course, if someone annoys her then their in for a treat but as long as the two o-f them are not idiots, Shiro will be nice to them.

"Pft, don't be so nervous I'm not going to bite. I'll tell you something else as well, each garden or world will produce a Queen to participate in the new age. For me, I'm the Queen for this world. One of my friends did also become a Queen which was a small anomaly but overall not too serious. In other words, I'm on your side/I'm on this worlds side." Shiro reassured while driving towards one of the closer settlements that had already prepared a statue for a god.

"However, it seems like this Queen is rather unfriendly." Shiro narrowed her eyes.

Sticking her hand out of the window, she snapped her finger and a tier 7 magic circle appeared around the car. Projecting a barrier, 9 orbs of purple energy suddenly appeared as it crashed against the barrier.

Setting the car on auto pilot for now, Shiro flipped herself onto the roof of the car.

"You two stay seated, you're not high enough level yet so it's probably best for you to observe for now." Shiro said as Iris and Nine nodded their heads.

Stretching her body, Shiro grinned as she snapped her finger.

Suddenly, an array of tier 7 magic circles appeared around her, each one produced an ice bullet that started to flicker with lightning. Tier 6 magic circles appeared in front of the ice bullets as they were meant to accelerate them towards the target.


Releasing waves upon waves of ice bullets, Shiro watched them crash into a barrier before being flipped and sent back at her.

"Oh? Well this is a little surprising. Perhaps getting the blessing of a god allowed her enough power to deflect my attack." Shiro muttered before snapping her finger. All of the bullets exploded into a shower of snow, instantly turning the battlefield into a blizzard that was useful for her since she could control everything in this domain.

"Are you going to keep hiding? It'll be a real shame if I slaughter you without knowing who you are. If I did, I could at least give you a grave!" Shiro shouted out as her mana flared outward.

Hearing no response, Shiro glanced above her and saw a tier 6 magic circle slowly morph to a tier 7 one.

A spear of purple energy shot towards her as she closed her right eye. Red circuits appeared on her arm as she opened her eye and glared at the spear.

Snapping her finger, a single streak light shot up to the spear and dismantled it in a single moment.

Dismissing the circuits, Shiro had already locked onto the casters energy in the distance.

"Might as well make it flashy." Shiro grinned as she jumped forward.

Slamming her hand down, a tsunami of ice appeared beneath her as it crashed towards the settlement in the distance.

Within the ice tsunami, thousands of armoured warriors could be seen as they were awaiting deployment.

"I'll give you one more chance to come out before I end you for good." Shiro warned as she clasped her hands together. A tier 7 magic circle appeared around the city and sealed off their exit, all teleportation circles were disabled and they were nothing but sitting ducks ready to be hunted. Of course, Shiro didn't want to have to kill the residents if possible but that did not include the Queen. If she was attacked, she'll fight back.

Hearing no response once more, Shiro frowned and glared at the Queen through the walls. Suddenly, she noticed something wrong as everyone in the city almost seemed robotic. The Queen didn't have any reactions to what she said except to attack anything near her.

Furrowing her brows, Shiro activated Error and glanced at her source code from afar using analysis to help her.

The moment she did, Shiro felt a wave of anger wash over her.


One could see a vein threatening to burst on her forehead as Shiro dismissed the ice tsunami. After looking at the Queen's code, Shiro could tell that most of it had been taken over but a certain god or rather, gods. There was three god like presences within her body and her main conscience had long disappeared. Using her as a vessel, the three gods did the same to every other inhabitant in the place. To put it plainly, they killed everyone in this city.

Feeling anger boil in her heart, Shiro gave them all a death sentence.

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