Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 869 Old Enemy

Chapter 869 Old Enemy

Time passed as Shiro created several holograms of herself to assist the three spirits in training with the specialised mechs.

With Shiina only needing two days, Shiro immediately had her practice with her specialised mech once the tutorial was over. She would be sent on missions outside of Asharia such as clearing out a high levelled monster nest or scouting without being discovered so that her proficiency with the mech would increase.

With a tiny Shiro by her side judging her, Shiina didn’t dare slack and her progress was amazing as expected.

As for Oran and Akhess, they were less fortunate as everyday of training made them want to just run away.

Shiina was allowed to ’slowly’ get used to a standard mech before using specialised mechs but these two were thrust into the deep end immediately. But since they were given a week deadline, completing the task was possible as long as Shiro cut down on their break times a little.

While it was true that Shiro liked doing this since seeing the fear in their eyes gave her a bit of enjoyment, she also needed to speed this up since the new age was coming in less than a month!

If she didn’t hurry and get them used to the mechs soon as well as train some normal soldiers into getting used to the standard units, they won’t be able to help much during the initial stages of the new age where everything would be open for the taking.

Plus, as harsh as it was, Shiina simply showed more talent when it comes to using mechs so her adjustment to the new systems was simply faster compared to the other two.

The entire world will be changed and once that happens, she will need to find the best spots and claim them before they’re taken by others. Of course, there were more things that she needed to deal with before the new age began hence why the fortress was flying towards the human territory.

While Shiro was focused on training Shiina, Oran and Akhess, she didn’t forget about the normal soldiers. Once she finalised the training plan, she had them all study in a mech school of sorts with training capsules for them to get used to the mechs.

This time, Shiro didn’t force the soldiers to learn the standard mech units in a single day since Shiina had both willpower and talent hence the speed. For them, a week would barely be enough for them to move around in the mechs without too many problems.

Making sure that the city will camouflage itself near the border between the humans and demons, Shiro had Asphil make an announcement to the demons saying that the new queen was undergoing her evolution and that all intelligent demons should retreat from the human borders for now.

With only unintelligent demons around the border, the humans didn’t need to worry about being invaded for the time being.

Sitting in the command centre, Shiro was resting her chin on her palm while swiping at the screens that floated in front of her.

Once she had finished sorting everything out, she leaned back on her chair and stretched her body with a yawn.

"I finally finished everything that I needed to do here after a whole week. Uff, and here I thought I’d be finished in 3 days or so." Shiro muttered while massaging her shoulders.

{Well you are controlling the entire city alone. Completing it in three days was wishful thinking.} Nimue shrugged.

’Mn. Though now that I’ve done what I need to do in this city, I need to take care of a few other things outside of it. I’ll get Nan Tian to inform the sect master about this and have the sect moved to one of the platforms. I’ll also need to get my parents, Kanae and her mother, Silvia’s friend Jonas and his little disciple Raoul, my friend Yuki, Natash and Freya in winter’s grace, Aarim’s half brother Liam, Madison’s parents, Lyrica’s sister, brother and the rest of the elves. There are a few more than I need to bring but I’ll stick to just mentioning these first.’ Shiro smiled.

{Are you sure you’ll be able to do all that in the time left?} Nimue asked with doubt.

’Mn, it should be possible as long as I don’t amplify the shot again. If I do, we won’t be able to teleport and going around the world would be a bit more annoying with this big city.’ Shiro chuckled.

{Don’t even mention amplification to me.} Nimue huffed.

’Haha sorry sorry. I’ll try to keep it in mind next time.’ Shiro apologised with a chuckle.

{You better.}

’But before I do that, I want to make a short trip first. There’s someone I’ve got a bone to pick with and I know they’re alive.’ Shiro narrowed her eyes as Nimue raised her eyebrow.

{You do? I don’t remember anyone like that.} Nimue tilted her head since Shiro would kill most of her enemies rather quickly.

’I do. He’s the only one that survived because I couldn’t kill him and neither could Nan Tian. The guardian of Verron’s anchor. That little shit was tier 6 and would have killed both me and Lil’ Tian if Lil’ Tian didn’t reach tier 6. I’m going back there to have some payback and destroy Verron’s anchor just to be safe.’ Shiro grinned while cracking her knuckles.

Dismissing the screens, Shiro called Nan Tian to the command centre.

"Did you need me for something?" Nan Tian asked as he arrived at the command centre as quickly as he could.

"Mn, are you able to help me move more people to the city?" Shiro asked with a smile.

"Pft what am I? A moving company now." Nan Tian chuckled as Shiro shrugged.

"Maybe. I want you to help your old man move his sect to platform 4. While you do that, I also want you to make a short detour with Silvia and help her get her friends to this city along with Madison’s parents. Unlike her, they are indeed normal people so having them stay in this city would be safer than outside." Shiro said as Nan Tian nodded his head.

"Is there anywhere else I should go? I’ll make a list for now." Nan Tian asked as Shiro snapped her finger and a doc.u.ment was created in front of her.

"This has all of the information on the people I want to help move to the city since it’s safer for them. While I go deal with a few things, I suppose you can work on helping these people move." Shiro smiled.

Flicking through the doc.u.ment, Nan Tian chuckled.

"Seems like I got my work cut out for me. With the new age being so close, it’ll be quite tough to get everyone. Is there a reward for me?" Nan Tian asked with a smile.

"What reward do you even want? And don’t try to be smooth with me." Shiro rolled her eyes with a smile and started to make her way out.

"Well then I guess I’ll have to think about it while you’re out." Nan Tian shrugged.

"You better think fast then since I won’t take too long. I need to pay a visit to an old friend that almost killed the both of us after all." Shiro grinned.

"The guardian for Verron?"

"Bingo." Shiro grinned before flickering away from the spot.

Teleporting out of the city, she flew towards the closest teleport shrine and chose China as her destination.

Using the rift to increase her speed, she could sense a faint signal resembling her nanobots only a lot more corrupted and out of control.

Realising what the guardian must have done, Shiro couldn’t help but shake her head with pity.

’I wanted to kill him while he was at full strength and play around with him to break his will but I didn’t think he was this stupid to actually consume nanobots.’ Shiro thought with a shake of her head.

However, after a short while, she detected more signals and one of them was even familiar to her.

’Why is the world government here?’ Shiro thought to herself as Grangel the dark elf that had impressed her when he fought against her near the government city.

Flickering towards his location, she landed in the middle of the camp that the government had set up.

Seeing Shiro’s sudden appearance, the adventurers near her immediately raised their weapons.

"STOP!!! Do you idiots want to die!?" A voice shouted out in a panic as Shiro recognised it to be Grangel’s voice.

"Yo, I didn’t expect you to be here." Shiro grinned and gave him a small wave.

"Same could be said about you. This is quite a remote location." Grangel shrugged with a smile.

"I got a small bone to pick someone here who had almost killed me before."

"I hope it isn’t one of us since that would be rather unfortunate." Grangel raised his hand in defeat since none of them would be able to stop Shiro if she wanted to kill someone.

"Pft maybe." Shiro grinned before waving her hand.

"I’m only joking. I’m talking about the guardian of the anchor who had made a poor life choice." Shiro laughed as Grangel sighed in relief since that was their target too.

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