Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 899 Hostility Towards Demons

Chapter 899 Hostility Towards Demons

Standing above the main tower with her eyes closed, Shiro sighed heavily while monitoring everything that was going on.

With the recent integration of Demons, the main problem was the humans that held a grudge against the demons after countless years of conflict. The spirits were fine since they trusted her judgment and treated the demons fairly while the elves never interacted with the demons much to begin with. Sure there were small skirmishes every now and again but they were sensible enough to understand that infighting was not allowed.

Thankfully, the actions of spirits, elves and a few humans allowed most of the demons to feel a bit more comfortable in this city. While they still had their worries and were on guard most of the time, they could at least relax when they were in their section of the city.

Not many ventured out to the centre but those that did had good impressions which was what Shiro had hoped for.

"Hais, it’s going to be a long night." Shiro muttered as she snapped her fingers.

10 figures appeared around her as they each had a special uniform. They were specially trained to help Shiro discipline troublemakers. While drones could apprehend those that broke the law, the offender would undoubtedly be heavily injured which was not desired since spilling blood out in the open was rather disturbing. It was better to torture them away from public sight.

"I’m sure you’ve been informed of your duties so I hope you can perform properly tonight. Once tonight is over, things should settle down a little. Don’t be biased towards any race and remember that the demons are no different from you ok?" Shiro instructed as they said nothing and nodded their heads.

"Good. You’re dismissed." Shiro smiled as they disappeared.

Watching them spread themselves throughout the city, Shiro’s lips curved up into a smile as this city was shaping up as expected. The military training that was now supported by the sect showed great improvements in martial techniques and allowed them to fight other adventurers efficiently.

The shops were managed by both the Rising Sun and Winter’s Grace since they had high standings amongst the humans making trade easier.

The guild had requested that she have a branch in the city but she was going to set that aside for now. And determine whether or not it was worth it later.

But right now, she was more inclined to leave them out of the city.

Sensing some conflict, nearby, Shiro only shook her head and disappeared.


The first night of demons entering the city resulted in the arrest of over six hundred humans that had broken the rules, seven demons and three elves. The spirits didn’t cause any trouble as they were the most obedient.

Everyone that was locked up had to go through a screening process to see if they’re allowed back into the city. Depending on the circ.u.mstances, they might just be banned from the city altogether.

Flicking through their files, Shiro had cameras in each of their cells as she rested her cheek on her palm and yawned.

While she could go for a few days without sleep, it didn’t mean she couldn’t get tired. Plus, sleep was necessary to give your mind a rest.

However, with all the things that she needed to do, even after giving most of it to other people, there was still a table full of doc.u.ments.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Shiro rested her mind.

Hearing the door open, she glanced back and saw that it was Nan Tian who entered the command centre.

"You seem tired." He smiled while handing her some hot chocolate.

"A little. Though I would have expected you to give me juice rather than hot chocolate." Shiro smiled lightly.

"You seem tired so something warm to relax you is probably better than juice." Nan Tian shrugged.

"Mn." Taking the hot chocolate, she took a sip while Nan Tian sat next to her.

"I’ve already finished the doc.u.ments that you gave me. I swear, I’m basically your secretary now." He laughed as Shiro grinned.

"Who else does such a good job? I can’t let go of a talent if I see one." Shiro replied while splitting some of the doc.u.ments with him.

"I haven’t even said anything yet and you’ve already pushed your work to me." Nan Tian smiled helplessly.

"Surely you be so mean as to come here and watch me do all the work now would you?" Shiro smirked.

Shaking his head, he flicked through the doc.u.ments.

"Hm... most of these files are on people that were arrested yesterday." Nan Tian muttered as he could see that over 70% of them were arrested on account of assault towards the demons over personal grudges.

"Yeah, the hostility between demons and humans is quite high after all. But right now the demons are better than the humans since they actually know how to follow the laws and not attack humans on sight. There’s some unrest in the human community as well as posts made on the internet but Keiko is dealing with it. Plus, even if they don’t like it here, they can just leave. It’s not like I’m forcing them to be here. IF anything, it just opens up more space for other races." Shiro sighed while placing her hot chocolate to the side.

"Excluding the humans, I’m guessing everyone else is fine with demons?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro nodded her head.

"Mn. I had the demons stay on their own platform but a few wanted to go out to the centre. I didn’t stop them of course since they would need to interact with one another sooner or later. Might as well get it over and done now. A few of the demons understand that there’s not much difference between them and it was just a matter of war brewing hatred. I think if we give it a week or so, we’ll be able to start integrating demons into our own military and train them to use mechs once Madison solidifies her rule. Even with her demonstration, you can tell that a few of the demons are unsatisfied with living in this city."

"Unfortunately we don’t have a week. Things will get awfully busy from now on. I don’t even know if I’ll be able to help you with paperwork." Nan Tian smiled as Shiro shrugged.

"Maybe I should lock you up in a bas.e.m.e.nt and have a tube that sends food and paperwork to stop you from running away."

"Scary. Let’s hope it doesn’t get to that stage then." Nan Tian stood up and collected the empty mug.

"For now though, I’ll help you out with the remaining paperwork. We should probably hire more people for paperwork." He said while looking at the giant stack. Shaking his head, he stored them into his inventory.

"Leaving already? Why not just do the paperwork here?" Shiro asked as she pointed to the chair.

"I was wondering if I would distract you or something."

"Pft, I’ll be fine. I can multitask anyway." Shiro reassured with a smile as Nan Tian nodded and sat back down.

Bringing out the paperwork, he scanned them into the computer before tapping away at the keyboard.

Glancing over at Nan Tian, Shiro appreciated how seriously he took the work. Plus, his work efficiency was high.

{Who was the one that said you won’t be distracted. I can see that you’re already admiring the side view.} Nimue reminded as Shiro had already stopped working on her paperwork.

’Urg, I’m just resting ok.’ Shiro glanced to the side.

{Right. Why don’t you just give all the paperwork to him and you can rest longer.} Nimue rolled her eyes as Shiro paused.

’Good idea.’

Tapping the paperwork slightly, she created a small contraption under the table which continuously increased his pile by taking sheets from her.

After a short while, Nan Tian noticed that something was wrong since he should have long finished his stack.

Glancing over to the side, he saw that Shiro had fallen asleep with her head on her arms while all the paperwork was being transported to his pile.

Smiling softly, he shook his head and reached into his inventory. Grabbing a blanket, he placed it over her body before scanning all of the paperwork in the room and started to work away at it while Shiro rested.


"Mn...." Groaning softly, Shiro sat up and yawned before stretching her body.

Seeing that all the paperwork was done she had a happy smile on her face.

’I knew I could count on him.’ She thought while glancing at the blanket that was placed over her.

Pausing for a moment, she chuckled softly before storing it away in her inventory and walked out of the command room and sent her senses out while checking up on everything that she needed to do.

Surprisingly, her to do list was rather small now as Nan Tian had been completing them all while she slept.

Finding him in the mech hanger, she saw that he was going around for a maintenance check on all the cadets and giving them some tips according to the information he had gathered.

{What a slave driver. Letting him do all the work while you slept.} Nimue smirked as Shiro was about to reply with a smug grin when they sensed Estrella’s aura fluctuating violently between tier 5 and 6.

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