Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 917 Second City

Chapter 917 Second City

Finding a spot for the construction of the branch anchor wasn’t hard considering that they were just making it for the sake of another city right now.

They could pick any spot they wanted but couldn’t build it near one another or else the quality of the anchor would decrease.

After all, each of the anchors needed a lot of ambient mana.

Looking for three suitable spots, the group split apart and began the construction of the branch anchor.

The process was rather simple and the method appeared in her mind the moment she made the main anchor.

There were three steps.

The first was to extract a bit of energy from your main anchor. The second was to enhance it with your own power, hence why many Queen’s would be weakened after the first branch anchor. They’d need to wait for the power to return to them over time as more people live in their city.

If they create the anchor in the middle of nowhere, the returns for their initial investment would be close to 0 and it would mean that they wasted stats for nothing.

And finally, the third step would be to condense everything into a crystal and ’install’ it at the current location. Once ’installed’ it cannot be moved unless it’s a mobile city like Asharia.

Shiro didn’t know what kind of method the Ice Queen used but if they were to ever become enemies, it would be troublesome to find her real location.

Shaking her head, Shiro started to create the branch anchor. Extracting some energy from the main anchor, Shiro made sure to retrieve some of the excess divine energy that was generated thanks to the shrines.

Watching a gold and blue liquid swirl in front of her, Shiro closed her eyes and created a tier 6 magic circle.

Placing it over her chest, she reached towards the magic circle with her right hand as it sunk into her body.

Flinching slightly, she pulled out with her arm and a storm of white and silver energy could be seen around her hand. The energy was quite volatile as snow started to form around her.

Taking a deep breath, she glanced over at her stats and saw the decrease and couldn’t help but shake her head.

Pushing forward with her hand, the two energies started to collide before slowly merging together.

"Madi, Isilia, what’s the situation on your side? I’ve almost finished my branch anchor." Shiro called out over the earpiece.

"I’m almost finished with mine. But jeez, watching my stats disappear hurts my heart." Madison sighed.

"Think of it as an initial investment. With the city that Shiro is going to create, I’d say we’ve got a month or so before our stats recover." Isilia chuckled.

"PFT! A month!? Aren’t we planning to fight some Queens? A month is a bit too long isn’t it?" Madison widened her eyes.

"Well that’s just a rough estimate. If we can help more people, the time needed to recover will naturally decrease. Plus, we also have people helping us in Asharia so it’s fine. Just focus on making the second city so that we can help more people." Shiro chuckled as she started to condense the energy into a crystal.

Once the crystal was formed, all that was left is to install it.

Setting the crystal to the side, Shiro took a deep breath and prepared to make another city.

Cracking her neck, she planned out a blueprint in her mind. It didn’t need to be as advanced as Asharia since its main goal was to give a place for the people to stay. Making sure that the power sources could actually power everything meant that she had to take some of the features out.

’If I had to describe it, I guess it could be called a village when compared to Asharia.’ Shiro mused to herself but this was fine for now. Once they link it to the main city, she can upgrade it in the future using the main anchor as a secondary power source for this city.

Suddenly, a tier 7 magic circle expanded out around her as nanobots appeared.

Making the city itself wasn’t difficult since Shiro had prior experience. The main problem was balancing out the power sources so that it drained from each of them evenly. Unlike the anchors on the main city. All three branch anchors were of the same quality.

Giving one more burden would throw things off balance so she had to be careful.

While this was happening, the people in the city were watching in surprise since it was the first time that they had seen Shiro create a city. Watching the nanobots swarm around her and fabricate intricate parts in an instant before merging together, some of them couldn’t hold back the desire to record everything and post it on the forums.

Of course, Shiro didn’t stop this since all they see right now was the nanobots forming the city. She had used a mirage to disguise the tier 7 magic circle so that the enemy couldn’t study it.


Smiling softly, Nan Tian watched the livestream that was being broadcasted on the Asharia forums. Naturally, some of this was spread to the other forums around the internet and quite a few people recognised Shiro since she had been quite high key in her performance over the last day.

With her constructing a city using her own power, the people were quite confused about what kind of ability she controlled. It wasn’t like anything they had seen and while metal was the closest, it wasn’t as versatile.

Seeing people praised Shiro in the comments, Nan Tian felt happy on the inside.

However, his smile soon faded considering what he is about to do.

Looking at the city that the beast queen had taken over, he glanced at his subordinates.

"Take caution in the city and try to keep yourself hidden if possible. If you are forced into signing a contract, try to run. Once you sign that contract, you become our enemy until we defeat the beast queen. Our goal is to find their capital don’t forget that. Even if it takes us weeks or maybe even months, we have to make sure we aren’t discovered. Don’t let them know our true goal. Plus, we have Shiro covering our backs. Should you find yourself in danger with nowhere to go, pray to her and she will help. Naturally, I’m no exception despite being tier 6. This shows how dangerous this mission is. If any of you want to opt out now say so since this is your last chance." Nan Tian said as none of them even moved from their spot.

"Good. Let’s go." Nan Tian nodded.


"Hou~ Seems like the young queen has gotten stronger." A woman smirked seeing Shiro’s performance on the screen.

Narrowing her eyes, she glanced down at her subordinates.

"How are the plans coming along? Are we ready to proceed to stage two?" She asked as they shook their heads.

"Pardon my rudeness but I believe it is better for your highness to recuperate some of your strength first. You are weakened after constructing so many anchors and quite a few of the Queens are already paying attention to you. One of our neighbours near Hatril City is amassing a small army in order to take over the anchor. Their goal is to whittle down your highness’s strength as that is a rather new anchor." One of the subjects replied while kneeling in front of her.

"Hm... you have a point. I want you to take two of our tier 6 guards and deal with our neighbour. You won’t be able to crush them but it should be enough to force a stalemate." The woman ordered as the subordinate nodded his head.


"What about you? What do you have to report?" She glanced at the other subordinate who had stayed quiet.

"I want to report about the discovery of high level beasts that I believe your highness would appreciate. They average around level 600 to 650 and have established territories that are beneficial for them. With your power, converting them to our pawns should be easy." The man replied.

"I see... Sure. I’ll need some exercise too. Gather up the royal guards, we’re going out for an excursion." The woman smiled as a portal opened up in front of her.

[Thiria LVL 625 Beast Queen]


Completing the city, Shiro immediately posted a notice in the main city and started to move a few of the citizens over. With the underground layer being a temporary home for them, they didn’t mind at all. If anything, they were happy that Shiro had actually made a city just for them.

Looking at the city, Shiro figured that she should wait another day or so before adding the shrines to boost up the faith generation.

As she was helping everyone move to the new city, she received a notification about a small group of people that were running away from monsters right now.

The group was quite small and only consisted of 10 people. 8 of them were a.d.u.l.ts while 2 of them were kids.

Furrowing her brows, she called Kanae and had her accompany her. It was a good chance to see what Kanae can do in these kinds of situations.

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