Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 931 Fighting Jasmine

Chapter 931 Fighting Jasmine

Without hesitating, Shiro immediately slammed her hand down as chains appeared around.

Suddenly, invisible hands were revealed as Shiro managed to parry them before they could reach her.

Narrowing her eyes at Jasmine, Shiro activated Sigil of Night as her body faded into the darkness.

Seeing this, Jasmine put up her guard as souls started to howl around her.

However, even with this guard, she didn’t expect to see Shiro’s left hand cover her vision while her sword pierced the back of her neck.

With a single twist of her body, Shiro gritted her teeth as she tried to separate Jasmine’s head once more.

This time, tens of soul chains erupted out from around her as she aimed to restrain the mass of writhing souls behind her so that she couldn’t revive using it.

But just as her chains came into contact with this writhing mass of souls, Shiro didn’t expect her chains to be swatted aside as black hands aimed to grab her.

"TCH!" Clicking her tongue in annoyance, Shiro gave up on her attack and quickly moved back. Getting her own soul tainted for a short moment of damage was not what she wanted. It was uncertain if she could cancel Jasmine’s ability just yet so suffering more damage from it would not be recommended.

Just as she jumped back, Shiro chanted a few lines under her breath as tens of tier 6 magic circles appeared around her. Each of them twisted with a mix of lightning and fire energy as hundreds of arrows were formed. Swiping horizontally with her hand, she sent the barrage of arrows towards Jasmine while preparing her next move.

’Right now, it seems like melee combat is a no go. A single touch would result in me being slightly tainted and I’m not too excited to find out what happens. Her physical prowess isn’t that powerful, and she relies on her souls. If her physical prowess was strong, I might have some trouble but this should be beneficial for me.’ Shiro thought as she narrowed her eyes.

Jumping back, she slammed her hand down as tens of tier 7 magic circles appeared around her. Flooding this part of the city with nanobots, golden runes started to appear as turrets were constructed on the roof of the buildings nearby.

Without saying anything, Shiro clasped her hand together as a luminescent turquoise flame wrapped around the guns that she had constructed.

Since she had also activated Sigil of Night, her power was doubled under this veil of darkness. It wasn’t to the scale of the void bomb but this barrage should be enough to reduce most things to ash.;

"Fire!" Shiro ordered as the guns hummed with an ominous bumble.

Looking at the weapons pointed at her,

Jasmine only grinned as a shield of spirits wrapped around her body.


Watching the barrage, Shiro was about to continue when she was sent back by an unknown force. Coughing up some blood, she quickly stopped the barrage upon noticing that the damage she took was from the guns she created.

Healing herself with life fire, Shiro glanced down and saw Jasmine standing there with a creepy smile. The ghost that had been used as shields slowly disappeared.

’Did she transfer damage from them to me?’ Shiro frowned.

Watching Jasmine overlap herself with another ghost, she stomped down and dashed towards Shiro.

Understand that melee combat was disadvantageous for her even if Jasmine was physically weak, Shiro flew up into the air and summoned a swarm of nanobots. Creating a mech around her, Shiro immediately slashed towards Jasmine with her sword.


The moment the sword hit, Shiro could feel her ribs break apart as a horizontal cut appeared around her torso. Healing herself up, Shiro understood that Jasmine could probably use any soul she had on her to return the damage.

’There has to be a draw back or a condition that I haven’t realised.’ Shiro furrowed her brows.

Pulling back her sword, the mech instantly disappeared as she converted all the nanobots into a rail cannon that aimed at Jasmine at point blank range. Seeing the same grin again, Shiro narrowed her eyes and activated Kietoma.

Forcing Jasmine’s body to freeze up for a moment, Shiro didn’t fire her weapon but instead cast Frozen Slumber!

Tens of tier 6 magic circles appeared around Jasmine as ice chains shot out. Since it wasn’t a contest of control over the soul, Shiro watched as the chains latched onto her physical body and a frozen prison started to form around her.

Dismissing the cannon, Shiro gritted her teeth as she tried to push her hands together.

Once that happens, Frozen Slumber would have completely frozen the enemy inside and out.

However, the difficulty of clasping her hands together was so high that Shiro could feel her hands being forced apart instead. But strangely, the resistance weakened as one of the ghosts shattered apart, slashing at Jasmine before it disappeared.

"!!!" Widening her eyes, Shiro understood that when she uses her skill, she must be hit by an attack and return the damage or she suffers a backlash.

With the decrease of resistance, Shiro created a set of armour around her that bolstered her magical prowess.

A blizzard formed around them as her white hair fluttered in the wind. Jasmine could only watch as Shiro’s hands got closer as she could feel her body shattering apart from the ice.

Gritting her teeth, she forced her mouth open as the stitches ripped apart her skin.

Sticking out her tongue, a dark purple rune could be seen as the ghosts around her let out a mournful cry before being absorbed into her mouth.

Seeing this, Shiro couldn’t help but imagine that she was eating as the resistance started to increase once more.

With her hands being forced apart, Shiro furrowed her brows.


With a final push of force, the ice shattered apart as Shiro could feel an invisible force slam into her as her spell was broken apart.

Healing any wounds that she had received with Life Fire, Shiro furrowed her brows and looked at Jasmine who had disappeared.

Suddenly, two fingers appeared in front of her as her vision was instantly stolen from her.

Suppressing her cry of pain, Shiro didn’t need her eyes as she activated boundary. She could sense Jasmine but she was more powerful than before. Her body flickered continuously as it was difficult to get a grasp on her even with boundary.

’I need to make some distance between us!’

Releasing an omnidirectional attack, Shiro tried to heal her eyes.

However, even with her eyes healed, her sight did not return.

Furrowing her brows, Shiro could hear a laugh all around her.

"I take your sight so you can’t see. I take your touch so you can’t feel. I take your taste, your voice and your hearing. Oh pitiful one, let me help you for I shall take your life and free you from pain." She laughed as her tone was similar to when children would sing nursery songs.

"A conditional skill that invokes my death huh? But it seems like you’ve lost your shield as well." Shiro smiled but her heart was actually pounding right now.

’This is no time to hold back my skills anymore. I’ve already lost my sight, if I lose more, this fight will become difficult and eventually I’ll be killed even with all my healing. Plus, this doesn’t feel like ’damage’ but more like a curse or debuff.’ Shiro thought in her mind as her aura flared. Without holding back, she activated her True Spirit Nature, Demi God Raiment and Divine Gardens.

With the sudden surge of divine energy, Jasmine was forced back as she wasn’t able to attack Shiro due to the pressure.

By the time she realised it, she was in the middle of an empty field created from metal. Large skyscr.a.p.ers could be seen in the distance along with what seemed to be giant planetary sized weapons covered from head to toe in golden runes.

As she was marvelling at this sight, she flinched for a moment as she realised her body had been cut in half. Healing herself, she tried to turn around in order to see Shiro but a hand grabbed the back of her head and slammed her face against the ground.


Feeling her bones shatter, Jasmine gritted her teeth and launched an attack behind her that completely missed. Slamming her hand down, a wave of shadows exploded out.

However, the ground started to shake as the floor broke apart to reveal hundreds upon hundreds of mouths created from nanobots that started to consume the shadows in this realm.

Jumping up in the sky, Jasmine gritted her teeth as she closed her own eyes.

Expanding her domain, she gained true sight of everything around her.

Sensing danger behind her, she finally caught a glimpse of Shiro as she grinned.

"Your sense of touch is mine." She laughed but when she saw her target, she had a bad feeling in her stomach.

"Take it then." Shiro replied with a grin. Raising her right hand that was covered with a layer of black metal and red circuits, she plunged her arm into Jasmine’s heart and activated extraction.

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