Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 936 Clearing The City

Chapter 936 Clearing The City

It took around 2 hours to find the closest city. Giving it a quick scan, Shiro could sense that most of the monsters were below tier 6. Even though she couldn’t see their levels thanks to the system, her senses could tell that they could be killed quite easily.

They didn’t have that dangerous feeling of something belonging in the realm of tier 6.

’There are quite a few monsters in this city, if the party kills them all, they should get some decent EXP. However, just to be safe, let me give them a little boost.’ Shiro thought with a smile.

Stretching her body, Shiro flew up into the sky and pushed her hands together. Since they’re not going to be fighting for a while, at least they hope not, it should be fine to use this skill so that they can get some levels quickly.

Suddenly, a golden magic circle expanded out as both of her floating cities. A portal of sorts opened up as angels and white feathers appeared before turning into golden motes of light that descended to the cities.

However, since no one was dead, there was no need to use a charge of grace so Shiro adjusted the spell a little.

Bringing up her phone, Shiro called Lyrica since she couldn’t tell if the spell worked properly without seeing the system.

"Shiro was I just about to call you. Did you activate a skill called Boon of the Demi Goddess?" Lyrica asked.

"Mn, I believe so. Can you tell me the effects? I modified one of my other skills since it’s not focused on reviving people." Shiro asked.

"Sure. The effects lasts for a week and it’s a 120% boost to EXP gain, 25% to all stats and 35% damage mitigation. We are also immune to negative conditions for 4 days." Lyrica replied,

"Oh? That’s pretty good then. It’s better than the previous skill that focused on reviving people. I’m not sure how long this lasts for but I can sense that I still have 10 charges of grace. The cooldown is probably huge though." Shiro chuckled.

"Well you are giving everyone a 120% boost to EXP in the end which lasts for a week."

"Mn. Setting that aside, is everyone ready for deployment?" Shiro asked with a smile.

"Yep, everyone’s on standby now."

"Good, then I look forward to your performance."

Waving her hand, the doors to the hanger were opened.


Swallowing her saliva nervously, Shiina, Oran and Akhess were surrounded by people from Shiro’s party. Seeing them in person was akin to seeing celebrities since Silvia is the guild leader of the healer’s guild, Chen Yu is the leader of the assassin’s guild, Helion is the leader of the blacksmithing guild, Yin was Shiro’s daughter and Lyrica was being personally trained by a tier 6 being. While she might not have an impressive title like the others, they knew that her fighting prowess was just as strong.

"Don’t be nervous you three. We’ll cover you if the monster’s spot you." Lyrica smiled as Shiina nodded her head.

"Noted." She replied while holding the sniper in her hand with a tight grip.

"Well then, since we got a boost from Shiro, shall we set our level goal to roughly 350 to 400?" Silvia asked with a smile since they averaged around 280 to 290.

"That’s a pretty high goal, will you even reach it?" Helion joked as Silvia grinned.

"Of course I will. The problem is will you reach it." Slamming her staff down, several buffs were applied to everyone and Silvia was the first one to jump off the city.

Shaking her head, Lyrica gestured for everyone to follow up.

Watching everyone else jump off the city, Shiina took a deep breath. The three of them couldn’t fly yet but the suits that Shiro gave them helped them fly so there weren’t any problems.

"Ready?" Shiina asked as she turned back to the other two.

Seeing that they’re ready, Shiina also jumped off the city as she could already see signs of fighting.

Swinging her staff, Silvia broke one of the monster’s ankles before slamming its head against the ground. The monster would eat her arm but she’d laugh and grow it back before breaking another leg.

Seeing the healer cover herself with gallons of blood, Shiina paled in shock.

"Wait that’s our healer????" She asked over the mic as both Oran and Akhess was also in shock.

"You’ll get used to it. Our Silvia ain’t a traditional healer. When she first ’awakened’ we thought she might have job changed into a berserker." Lyrica laughed while cutting up a monster that tried to interrupt her talk.

"I see..." Shiina nodded her head before looking towards the blacksmith.

Summoning a flaming hammer, a burning aura enveloped Helion’s body as he disappeared from his spot. Next thing Shiina knew, a monster was forcefully cleaved in half by a HAMMER!

It didn’t matter where she looked but to her, everyone was just as abnormal as Shiro.

’I guess it only makes sense considering the fact that her highness must have trained them as well.’ Shiina thought to herself.

Landing on the roof of a building, Shiina laid down and aimed her sniper.

Narrowing her eyes, she fired without hesitation.

Suddenly, a bolt of radiant energy exploded out from the sniper as the monster couldn’t even scream before its neck was pulverised, separating the head from the body.

Pulling the bolt back, she loaded another bullet before aiming at another monster.

"Hou... Her accuracy isn’t bad is it? Having a sniper support is quite handy." Lyrica smiled as Aarim nodded her head.

"Indeed. I should make a move too before all the monsters are killed by you lot." Aarim chuckled.

Flying into the sky, she closed her eyes and sensing the location of the monsters that weren’t being targeted by the party.

Locking down their location, she brought her hands together before pulling them apart to reveal a tiny black and purple orb of energy.

Pinching it with her fingers, she smiled and stretched it out in an instant, causing it to collapse on itself and disappear.


Hearing the sound of tearing flesh all around them, Lyrica’s smile twitched.

"You really had to kill all of the ones in this area huh?"

"Fufu~ I didn’t steal any of your kills. Well good luck, I think I only need another area or two before my EXP gain slows down." Aarim stuck her tongue out before flying away.

Shaking her head, Lyrica sighed and sheathed her weapon.

"We’re moving to the next area, Aarim just killed all the other monsters in this area." Lyrica called out as the party started to make their way through the city.

Killing all the monsters they saw, Shiina, Oran and Akhess was both in awe and fear of the party’s prowess. Despite their focus being heavily lenient on the offensive side, Silvia was able to support the entire party with ease and keep up the buffs. They didn’t need to worry about defence since they kill the monsters before they get harmed.

Plus, even if they do get hurt, Silvia was there to health them.

Soon, they managed to clear out the monsters but there was something they didn’t expect to find. A dungeon with its doors swung wide open. There was still a portal but it was highly unstable.

Looking at this, Lyrica had a frown on her face as the system didn’t say anything about this dungeon.

Taking out her phone, Lyrica gave Shiro a call.

"Shiro we have a small anomaly here. There’s a dungeon with its doors open and the portal is still intact. But it’s highly unstable." Lyrica replied as Shiro frowned.

"Hold on, I’m coming now."

Teleporting next to Lyrica, Shiro saw the dungeon and frowned.

Unlike the situation with Lisandra, Shiro could actually see the portal and her senses were warning her.

"I’ll see if I can send a drone through this. If not, we might have to set up a perimeter around this."

Snapping her fingers, Shiro summoned a drone and controlled it through the portal. But before it could even send any images back, it was shredded to pieces.

Furrowing her brows, Shiro shook her head.

"We’re giving up on this part of the city. I’ll set up a perimeter around this. Lyrica, Aarim, can I trouble you two to safeguard this while the even happens?" Shiro asked as they both nodded.

"Sure, leave it to us." Lyrica nodded as Shiro sent out a few drones.

Making a map of the city, she set up a no access zone for everyone to see. There was a warning to not approach this area.

Once the map was sorted, Shiro sent out a notice that the scavenger event has begun.

Glancing back the dungeon, Shiro frowned since dungeons were links to past gardens. For the door to be swung wide open and the drone being shredded upon contact, it was a sign that whatever is inside the dungeon was not good news at all.

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