Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 959 Entering Space

Chapter 959 Entering Space

Looking at the rocket that had broken past orbit, Shiro widened her eyes at the scenery.

A myriad of colours covered the sky as countless stars and unfamiliar constellations filled her view.

Despite seeing everything from a camera right now, Shiro could feel energy coursing through her body as her blessing of Asteria was being activated by the sight.

Ignoring the chaos that the new age had brought; this was truly a beautiful sight in Shiro’s eyes as she stood speechlessly.

Shaking her head, she glanced towards Nan Tian. Admiration for the sky can come later since time was running out.

"How are you doing with the blueprints?" Shiro asked as she had finished her current job of finding a way into space.

"It’s going... ok. A lot of these concepts are foreign to me so it’s taking a bit to understand. But I’d say it’s around 40% done give or take. At the rate we’re going, we’ll be able to make it in time." Nan Tian replied while scratching his head.

"Mn that’s fine. I found a way to space so we can start working on a practical model rather than just a hologram. Simulation is one thing but we can truly see how it works if I made a model of it." Shiro smiled.

"True. Speaking of which, why are you so fast at doing this compared to paperwork? I swear you wouldn’t need me if you could do this with your paperwork too." Nan Tian chuckled.


"Well paperwork is boring." Shiro muttered.

She felt more excited at the prospects of making a weapon that is fueled by the power of several tier 6’s and a tier 8 rather than sitting down and doing paperwork.

Shiro understood that she needed to think about the consequences more so the chance of making a weapon like this and testing it was few and far between.

She needed to capitalise on this moment as much as she could!

Looking at how excited Shiro was, Nimue face palmed since her inner child was showing. Every time they worked on weapons or slaughter, Shiro would begin acting like a child who had gotten a new toy.

However, thinking about this, Nimue realised a small problem. Just a small one.

If Shiro reaches tier 8 to create this weapon, the one that needed to deal with the aftermath and make sure that Shiro didn’t die was her.

Widening her eyes, Nimue froze up in realisation as Attie waved his hand in front of her and furrowed his brows.

[Why is aunty not moving?] Attie asked as Iziuel chuckled.

[She just realised how much work she needed to do, don’t worry. Just let her rest for now since god knows that she won’t be able to soon.] Iziuel smiled as Attie nodded and followed Iziuel to another island, leaving Nimue who’s brain had crashed from the realisation.

Meanwhile, Shiro had started to pack up as she sent a message for Isilia to come to the launchpad.

"I’m guessing you finished your job." Madison said as Shiro nodded her head.

"Mn I did. Once Isilia comes here, we’ll be teleporting to space. I’ll give you your spacesuits now since you’ll need this. You might be tier 6 but you still need oxygen." Shiro smiled as Madison nodded.

"What about you? Didn’t you say you’re a demi god? Will you be able to go up there without oxygen?" Madison asked curiously as Shiro was crafting the suits.

"Hmm... that’s a good question. I think my passive regeneration should be able to keep up. If I didn’t lose the sense of touch, it’ll probably hurt like a bitch though." Shiro replied after thinking about it for a moment.

Finishing the space suit quickly, she handed it to each of them. The spacesuit was quite simple as it looked similar to a set of light armour but more mechanised.

Once you equip the suit, a barrier would be deployed around your body, protecting you while the mask stored oxygen. There was a small teleport module inside the mask that extracted oxygen from earth so you didn’t need to worry about running out.

There were more functions but they’re mostly for safety. Shiro could activate these features remotely so they didn’t need to do it manually.

Distributing the suits, Shiro could see that Isilia rushed over.

"I hope I’m not late." She smiled while swiping her hair out of her eyes.

"Nope, you’re just on time. How are the dungeons coming along?" Shiro asked.

"Oh it’s going better than expected. This place called the forgotten realms is quite strange. The amount of divine energy inside is ridiculous and even the smallest dungeon could hold as much energy as an average medium sized dungeon. Even though the dungeon size is ’small’ the capacity is large." Isilia smiled as these would make excellent batteries. In fact, she was even beginning to feel a little fearful of what kind of weapon Shiro would create from all of this.

"Interesting... Well setting that aside for now, here’s your suit and once you’re ready, we’ll be teleporting to space." Shiro smiled.

Nodding her head, Isilia quickly put on the suit that Shiro had given to her since she had donned this back in Aria so she was familiar with the process. With everyone suited up, Shiro snapped her finger and opened a portal to space.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as your portal conductor, I would like to congratulate all of you. Once you step through this portal, you will become the first people to enter space after the world was integrated with the system. Have fun." Shiro grinned as the party rolled their eyes with a smile.

Stepping through the portal, they were overwhelmed with a sense of weightlessness as even the smallest movement felt huge due to the lack of resistance.

Looking around them, they were in awe at the sight since this was clearly not the same sky they saw back on Earth. Looking down, they watched the blue planet silently. Despite the continents being jumbled up with new landmass filling the surface, they could still spot their country in the distance and smiled.

"Really makes you wonder doesn’t it? In the grand scheme of things, we’re just tiny people on this planet in the middle of a giant galaxy. Though some of us are accomplishing great things as we speak." Nan Tian smiled as he glanced over at Shiro who was working at the blueprint, not taking another moment to admire this scenery.

"Mn? Oh right sure. You lot can enjoy this sight. I got a weapon to make." Shiro waved her hand as her eyes glimmered with excitement at the thought of her weapon.

Shaking his head, Nan Tian used his mana to control his body as he started to work with her on the blueprint.

"Isilia, I’ll make the frame for now and you can install your dungeons onto them. If you need an office, I’ll make you one now." Shiro said while glancing at Isilia.

"Yeah an office would be nice. Just a room will do since I have all the equipment in my inventory."

Nodding her head, Shiro flexed her fingers and made Isilia a room before floating away from the group.

Stretching her body, Shiro grinned as she slammed her hands together.

A tier 7 magic circle expanded out as nanobots started to appear in the area in front of her.

Looking at the waves of nanobots appearing, Madison blinked a few times to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating since the size of this weapon was twice as big as Asharia! And it was still increasing!

"Wait wait wait wait, Shiro, how big is this weapon? Are you sure you’re trying to destroy a relic and not a continent? What about the city near the relic?" Madison asked as Shiro glanced back.

"Mn? I was thinking of making this just a ’little’ bigger. Don’t worry though, I’ll be focusing all of the power into a single point that will target the relic and nothing else." Shiro reassured.

However, Madison knew Shiro’s dictionary and little didn’t have the same meaning as the normal dictionary. To make matters worse, she was planning on multiplying the power stored within this super weapon before condensing it down.

Taking a moment to facepalm, Madison took a deep breath before sighing out and floated to one side. She was going to work on her berserk modules without disturbing anyone.

With the frame of the weapon being constructed, Shiro closed her eyes and started to plan out everything that she was going to do since she’ll only have a small window of time once she ascends to tier 8.

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