Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 978 Hemera Vs The Watchman

Chapter 978 Hemera Vs The Watchman

Countering the watchman’s attacks with her spears, Hemera gritted her teeth since it was hard to find an opportunity to strike at him directly.

Behind her was a room with an injured person along with his target so she couldn’t use anything too ridiculous. Their power had to be constrained within the small space that they’re given right now.

However, there was a second choice and that was to drag him away from this place.

Grabbing one of the spears, she twirled it in her hand before piercing it towards his throat.

As the watchman parried her blade, she immediately forced it down before using it as a vault to launch her body forward.

Kicking towards his head, Hemera narrowed her eyes and tilted his head out of the way just in time.

"Repulse." The watchman spoke as an invisible force immediately slammed against Hemera’s body.

Clicking her tongue, light focused at her fingertip as she pointed it at the watchman’s eye.


Firing the spell, she watched as he ducked down and deflected her strike with his blade.

Burning a hole into the building with ease, Hemera frowned.

’I don’t want to do this since I want to delay him as much as possible but if we keep fighting, we’ll continue to destroy the building. He doesn’t care but I do.’ Hemera thought with a frown.

However, just as she paused, the watchman took this chance to close the gap.

"Obscure, Numb, Fatigue." He spoke quickly as his figure disappeared from Hemera’s sight.

Before she could even curse out, she felt the blade pierce her torso as she immediately scattered her flesh into particles of light before recreating her body a little further away from the watchman.

’I’m not a fighting type so I don’t have too many skills geared towards killing a person. However... even if I don’t focus on fighting, I’m still a goddess. I can’t lose this easily.’ Hemera thought as she slammed her hand down.

A tier 8 magic circle expanded out as Hemera opened her mouth.

"Do you know that light particles are everywhere? As a goddess that has her divinity tied to light, you can say that everything in existence is within my attack range. Even in the void, as long as you can perceive something even if it’s barely noticeable, I can attack it since light is present." Hemera smiled as she glanced at Nan Tian.

"Watch carefully!" She shouted out as millions of tiny specks of light suddenly appeared around the room and surrounded the both of them.

"Ivarni!" Hemera shouted out as in a single instant, the watchman’s body was filled with holes that seemed as though a burning needle had pierced through him.

Widening his eyes for a moment, he opened his mouth.


Fixing the damage in an instant, Hemera couldn’t help but feel a little irritated but a word like that must have its limits. He won’t be able to use it too often and while he may not show it, there is definitely a backlash or a restriction!

Instead of backing off, Hemera charged forward.

Her body suddenly disappeared as she appeared behind the watchman.

Pulling her spear back, she pierced towards him as he quickly tried to parry but her spear disappeared along with her arm.

Since she has a divinity of light, it’s only natural that she could manifest her body separately as long as light was around.

Sensing danger behind him, the watchman changed his guard as he was barely able to block it in time.

With her spear being blocked, Hemera didn’t stop her attack there.

Twisting her body, she kicked towards him as more motes of light appeared around them.

Seeing all of the attacks, the watchman narrowed his eyes and slammed his sword down.

"Void." He spoke coldly as blood splattered around him.

Looking at him in shock, Hemera didn’t think that he was able to use a word to obliterate everything in the space around him.

Quickly repairing her body, she jumped back and brushed her hand against the wall as tier 8 magic circles appeared.

"Reinforce, Void, Attraction Force."

Destroying the space around him and instantly using that empty space to pull him towards Hemera, the watchman stabbed his sword into her chest as he pinned her against the wall.

Coughing up a mouthful of blood, Hemera grabbed the watchman’s arm with a crazed look in her eyes.

"I finally caught you for good." She grinned as a multi-layered tier 8 magic circle bloomed behind her.

Suddenly, the two of them disappeared as Hemera had dragged him into her divine domain, the manifestation of her divinity.

Standing in the centre, the watchman only looked at Hemera calmly as they were in the middle of a grassland as the sun was rising in the background.

"My divine domain’s a little different compared to others. I cannot activate it unless I physically grab someone and drag them in myself so when a battle starts, they usually have an advantage as they’re able to use their domain without the worry of me countering it since I can’t activate mine as long as they keep their distance." Hemera smiled as her aura started to grow.

"However, once in my domain, my divinity can perform at 100% of its power. I’m Hemera, Primeval Goddess of Day, daughter of Nyx the Primordial Goddess of Night. In my domain, the sun will forever be at its highest point. My powers will be sustained at maximum output."

Clasping her hands together, fire erupted out everywhere as the grassland disappeared and the watchman was surrounded by a sea of fire.

Since she was the goddess of day, her divinity extends from light to fire.

Looking at the sea of fire that the watchman sighed heavily.

"Seems like there will be one more casualty in this mission. It won’t be fatal but you’ll be heavily wounded. I apologise for that as you are still a goddess in the end but you’ve forced my hand." He sighed.

"While there are many who covet my job, there are a few reasons as to why I’m still here. One of them is that I’m the best at doing this job. You’re not the first god to have intervened in my business before." He sighed as he twirled the sword

"True Name Unsealed." The watchman narrowed his eyes as Hemera paused in surprise. While there are many with True Names, having a True Name meant that they will forever be in their weakest state unless it is revealed but when that happens, the burden on their body will increase dramatically.

Having one’s true name unsealed is essentially a berserk skill of a berserk skill.

For him to be able to contest against a god despite having his True Name hidden, it meant that his real power was probably higher.

Opening his mouth, he spoke in an unfamiliar language that Hemera couldn’t comprehend.

"You can simply call me Administrator 3 but that’s an old title now. I’m fired after all."


After Hemera dragged the watchman away, both Nan Tian and Edvimar were freed from their restraints as Nan Tian felt as though he was about to fall into a coma at any moment.

However, before he passed out, he had to warn the three in the next room.

With Hemera delaying the watchman, they should be able to get back to earth so that they could put some distance between them.

While Shiro was suffering from the backlash, they had items to send them back so they didn’t need to worry.

Limping over to the door, he was barely able to open it as Lisandra, Madison and Isilia looked over at him in shock, surprised that he would return with blood all over his clothes. Isilia could see that Edvimar was also barely hanging on as he followed behind Nan Tian.

"What happened?!" Isilia asked in shock as she rushed over to the two.

"Don’t worry about us right now. The most important thing is that you take everyone here back to Earth including Edvimar. The watchman is here and Hemera is delaying him right now. We don’t have time to spare." Nan Tian forced out as he glanced towards Shiro, who at his point, had completely destroyed her throat and even without the silencing spell, she was barely able to make a sound.

Hearing, Isilia’s face paled as they thought they would be safe in space but that was false. With how injured Nan Tian was and how Hemera was forced to hold him back, Isilia understood that this wasn’t something they could fight right now.

Quickly reaching into her inventory, she pulled out a teleport node but before she could activate it, a sword shattered it to pieces.

Recognising the sword, Nan Tian’s face paled as he immediately turned around to see an unconscious Hemera being dragged by the back of her neck.


Throwing her body behind the party, the watchman approached the party.

"Repel, Chain, Seal."

Forcing the party against the wall and restricting their movements, he stood in front of Isilia.

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