Napoleon in 1812

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

23. In tne sege surrounding the Giant - 4

"The Coalition lost the Battle of Leipzig? Then won't this place be dangerous tooi?"

"Let's evacuate quickly! The devilish French are coming!"

Upon hearing the news of the defeat at the Battle of Leipzig, the Prussian citizens, prepared to evacuate urgently. They remembered 12 years ago, when France invaded Prussia on a massive scale. The revolutionary army viciously plundered their land.

Rebellious houses were set on fire and burnt down, and ruthless oppression was imposed on citizens who deviated from their discipline,

In the process, countless Prussian citizens were killed or injured. The ten months of occupation and domination by the French were simply hell.

'I can't let my wife and children go through that terrible and cruel devastation!'

'How much I worked for this land! The French can't rip it all off!'

Citizens living in Brandenburg packed their bags to leave their beloved hometowns. The farmers in the suburbs ploughed up the farmland they had worked hard to cultivate and left with only seeds,

Many merchants and industrialists also arranged their own properties and prepared to evacuate. Friedrich Wilhelm III, King of Prussia, issued a statement as they were about to pack up and leave home.

The armies of the Kingdom and of the AUies will surely defend the Kingdom and protect the Hves and property of the people. Prussia's security is no probiem, so our good citizens should rest assured!

No matter how much they displayed, it was not easy to turn their back on their hometown. If the Coalition's members protected Prussia's territory, there was no need for a painful evacuation. Citizens relaxed and praised the king's statement.

Some citizens, who knew that the situation was dire, fled quickly despite the statement, but most of them put down their luggage and headed back to their homes, believing the government's declaration,

They then learned some news. The fact that Napoleon's own allied forces were just around the corner of Berlin. And the fact that Friedrich Wilhelm III and other Prussian royal families, court and cabinet ministers had already left for Kbnigsberg, in East Prussia.

"Damn it! He bragged so much that he wouldn't let the French cross the border!"

"What kind of king is he! He deceived and abandoned his people!"

"Shh! Watch your tongue! You're going to get caught by the secret police."

"Hmph! Are you really talking about the police when the government is running away like that!?"

Citizens who stopped evacuating after believing in the words of the king and the government threw up their anger, betrayal, and resentment without filtering.

It was too late to pack now.

The French army, like hungry wolves, would come and repeat the nightmare of 12 years ago! In Berlin Square, there was a fierce confrontation between those who wanted to form militias to stop the enemy and those who said that they should just give up their assets and ask for mercy.

Some left their properties and left the city and village with nothing but their bodies. As the gloomy atmosphere engulfed Berlin and its suburbs, the French army finally emerged.

Chuck-i Chuck-i Chuck-i Chuck-i

The symbol of the French Imperial Army appeared. Uniforms with blue like the sea and white like drawing paper, black boots, and shako hats. They were undoubtedly French soldiers, walking in line in rhythm,

The citizens fell into despair as they watched them approaching confidently, as if the French knew that there were no obstacles to block their way here. They were drenched in fear.

It was like that 12 years ago. As soon as the French found out that there were no resistance forces while entering Berlin in an orderly manner, they turned into hungry and fierce wolves, leaving irreparable wounds to the citizens of Berlin.

Even if they died, they would protect their families. Berlin's men watched the French with nervous eyes, holding their own weapons. Women, boys, girls, powerless old men were ready to ask the French for mercy.

Chuck-i Chuck-i Chuck-i Chuck-i

Disregarding the tense appearance of the citizens, the French simply walked silently. They did not start plundering. They did not even threaten the citizens with their guns to get their properties,

They only advanced under the leadership of the officers, not creating a matter of concern to the citizens of Brandenburg. The French army occupied only the major government offices, military and administrative facilities in Berlin one after another.

In the process, they did not inflict any harm on citizens who were standing helplessly with farming tools or knives. Rather...

"Come on, we are passing through. Citizens, get out of the way!"

They just did their job, asking for their understanding. The administrators who followed the army packed the documents, cabinets, and articles of the official residence, and the French carried them. In a series of processes, there was nothing that could pose a threat to ordinary citizens.

Some friendly soldiers gave military biscuits to a boy wearing dirty clothes, while others winked at a girl hiding behind her mother's back and sticking her head out. It was the citizens of Berlin who were bewildered by the unexpectedly gentlemanly appearance of the French.

"What, what...? What happened?"

"...They're not robbing us, are they?"

"Wake up! You know what kind of people they are!"

"But... We're still fine?"

The tension did not seem to ease easily. Learned fear and memories were still there. However, as the above process was repeated and time passed, the tension and fear surrounding the street were relieved surprisingly quickly.

First of a II, innocent children unlocked their hearts. They waved to the French marching in a disciplined gesture. They aIso laughed and liked it when the soldiers waved back at them,

"Huh... the world has really changed."

"I heard that the French Emperor discussed European harmony, peace and common development in Strasbourg... He must have fixed their demonic mentality."

"Hey! Watch your words!"

"But it's definitely better than His Majesty the King who spoke empty words."

The elderly people around them shook their heads, but they could not refute the old man's words. Some citizens remained vigilant until the end. They stayed aware, saying that they never knew when the French would turn into wolves.

But in the end, the French never did so, Before they knew it, Berlin regained its vitality as before, as if the fact that it had been occupied by the enemy had disappeared. The citizens were no longer afraid of the French.

...Just as France in the past and France in the present are different, we know that His Majesty in the past and His Majesty in the present are different. The intellectuals of this time are lambs who are thrilled and obedient to the values of harmony, common development, and human rights that His Majesty displayed in Strasbourg. Please consider their trust...

This was before the French entered Berlin. After his great victory in Leipzig, Napoleon received a letter from Goethe, one of the most prominent writers in Germany. The letter contained pitiful words asking for the mercy of the French.

"That's not a pleasant misunderstanding, What kind of Mongolian nomads does he think our French soldiers are?"

"Haha haha! Isn't it proof that the majesty of the Imperial Army underthe leadershipofYour Majesty the Emperor covers al I of Germany?"

"The Battle of Leipzig and its consequences have caused not only Germany but also all of Europe to vibrate under the name of the French Empire. Any intellectual representing Germany would now know who to bow to."

Generals from Bavaria and Westphalia threw flatteries one after the other, The atmosphere of the Union's forces, which led to the victory of the most decisive battle, was perfect, and generals and officers who were not from France were impatient because they could not see well the letter in Napoleon's hands.

While listening to their flattery, Napoleon handed over Goethe's letter. So that everyone here could read it.

The metaphorical expressions, artistic rhetoric, and writing skills contained in the letter were truly worthy of someone being called the best writer in Germany, so the admiration of the readers continued. But that was not what was important...

"I've said it once, but... In this war, the Union's forces should not touch the goods and property of the citizens under any circumstances."

Napoleon issued a ban on looting. Originally, it was difficult for the military to carry on with only the supplies sent from its home country.

Therefore, the vacant part of the supplies was covered by looting cities, private houses, and government offices. In particular, the French army had an extremely high proportion of local procurement.

Thanks to this, it was possible to march quickly without the burden of supplies, but it was very notorious. It was known for being an army that would take every door of even a shabby house...

Napoleon, however, banned plundering for local procurement, even giving up the strategic advantages of fast manoeuvring and rapid supply. Napoleon did not give such orders because he did not need such advantages, but, because this was a matter of justification.

The direct cause of the war was the attempted assassination of the Emperor. Napoleon turned this into a war committed by the remnants of Fouche, with the support of foreign powers, and was able to declare war with national support.

There was no probiem so far, but as Goethe mentioned in his letter, Napoleon had spoken in Strasbourg.

The reason why Napoleon was truly praised as an enlightened monarch and emperor of tolerance throughout Europe was because of his declarations at the Strasbourg Conference.

A person who preached the values of European harmony, unity, and common development by saying 'At least in Europe, we must seek peace and coexistence,' allowed the looting of European homes and property to facilitate the war? Like the French did in the past?

It would soon be a denial of the cause of the creation of the European Union itself. France, whatever its intentions, should now act like an indulgent empire.

Further wars of conquest were unnecessary, and France needed to conquer Europe in a more sophisticated way.

That was why the Union was established and Napoleon showed clemency. For Napoleon, it was his last duty as the Emperor to establish a grand scheme for France to seize European hegemony for a thousand years while wearing sheep's clothing.

The Brandenburg region, including Berlin, was not an easy terrain to defend, and the Coalition's forces needed time to reorganize their corps and rest after losing the decisive battle.

The Coalition retreated to East Prussia. As if they were going to take a chance to turn situation by fighting there. The Union did not bother to pursue them.

With the unity of the Union and its exquisite interests, Berlin, the capital of Prussia, fell into the hands of the Union's members without shedding a single drop of blood.

Thus, this allowed Napoleon to visit for the first time in 12 years the capital of North Germany. There was no resistance, Although there were militias and vigilantes guarding the city, they quickly raised a white flag as soon as the Union's forces appeared.

'I saw their expressions of humiliation, oppression, and anger.'

The vast majority of the Union's soldiers were French, and they had humiliated Prussia twice. Although this time they did not plunder and were acting as gentlemanly as possible for an enemy.

The citizens of Berlin would not cooperate with the Union after all. They would rather choose to be aggressive and spy.

Germany's popularity and favorability for Napoleon differed depending on the region, and Prussia, including Brandenburg, had the lowest rates.

Napoleon felt the need to change the minds of these Prussian citizens even a little in order to facilitate future wars.

"Call Goethe, He spoke arrogantly to the Emperor, so he must pay for it."

According to intelligence, Friedrich Wilhelm III had left for East Prussia like he was abandoning his people.

By now, the citizens of Berlin must be venting their anger at their king's behavior. Wouldn't it be quite a sight if this anger could be used? The literacy classes in German culture were already mostly pro-France and pro-Napoleon. It was a really reliable method to make use of celebrities who could lead public opinion and who were on the same side.

Napoleon, who was preparing for a personality that would go down in history in Prussia after Spa in, laughed like a villain before a prank. Why did Prussia switch sides? He originally intended to scold only England and Russia,

TL notes

Napoleon and the Great Army entering Berlin in 1806 (painting by Charles Meynier):

Chapter 140

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