Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 222: Yami goes full out...

Chapter 222: Yami goes full out...

Title: Yami goes full out...


-Yami POV-

I look at the people around me. Hmmm this combination is actually dangerous. Especially since one of them has something like particle release and that can definitely destroy my body, if I lose my strong body, my strength pretty much plummets. 

The others just need to restrain me for one second and I am pretty much done if I don't go all out. There is actually Nagato amongst them too, so he could actually kill my soul with his Rinnegan by using one of the six paths powers.

The 3rd Raikage looks at me and says. "Why Yam-"

I don't even let him talk, I don't care about his philosophical talk or sh*t like that. I don't have the time currently. I just make three hand-seals and summon a bunch of clones who do their own hand-seals and cast countless barriers with privacy seals so no one from the outside can look on the inside. 

Immediately in half a second my hair falls down, and the countless Sharingan and one Byakugan at the back of my head, covering the Byakugan's blind spot.

Immediately three of my Sharingan transform and change form in the Mangekyo, I input huge amounts of chakra in them. I guess it's time I stop playing around and hiding my power.


Immediately all of the Edo Tensei stop and look around weirdly, I smile at them. Immediately black tendrils come out of my body and immediately piece all of them. They don't dodge obviously, slowly I smile as I can feel all of their chakra get absorbed by me as curse marks start spreading all over their bodies. Anyway, it seems like Kotoamatsukami doesn't work after death, I did put Nagato under Kotoamatsukami before I killed him, but he wasn't under my control when Edo Tensei was used on him.

But still it doesn't matter since when I get serious and immediately go full power I can't easily be stopped. I look at them all and look at Nagato. "Take their souls now."

I take out my tendrils as I absorbed their power and chakra. But suddenly I sense bile rise at the back of my throat. 


And I cough, I look on the ground and see that I actually coughed blood I see my body is approaching its limit again and my my DNA is shutting down, unable to handle the countless Kekkei Genkai that I have within myself.

I look around me and see Kisame as he dissipates and a dead body falls down. It is the ninja who was used as the sacrifice for his revival. I look at Samehada sitting on the ground and the other seven swords. I bet Orochimaru thought that I had some type of weakness, or something like that. Like having such a huge group of people with different dangerous abilities in one place coming to fight me. Sadly for him, I have no weakness whatsoever, I didn't waste decades trying to perfect myself just to be taken down by a weak attack that can counter me. 

Anyway I pull out the red cube from my chest and put it down next to the Samehada. Even the sword who has a little intelligence fell under my Kotoamatsukami and it doesn't resist as the cube absorbers it. I then bring the rest of the seven ninja weapons and slowly each of them get absorbed. I immediately put the cube back on my chest. 

Immediately I use the Evolution Cube to manually. Devour some of my overflowing chakra and temporarily stop my DNA crash down. My cells will soon change anyway, just lasting two more days is enough, my body can definitely hold on for at least a month. But it doesn't matter, I am already prepared anyway I can only use Kotoamatsukami only once more today. I have four Kotoamatsukami eyes on my skull. Two Kamui, one Amatarasu, one Tsukuyomi and two Teleportation. 

I take a deep breath as I see that all of the Edo Tensei start dispelling. Sigh, it seems like I was correct, this is a new Jutsu created by me when I was studying the first three Edo Tensei Hokage who are sealed in Konoha. I have learned a lot of things and how it works. It truly is fascinating and kinda scary actually, it defied the law of nature itself to bring someone dead to life. Death isn't something mysterious to me, I understand what it happens.

In this world it is simply a passing of spirit as the body cannot hold it anymore. That is the over simplified version of it.

After this, I use my eyes to get out of this 'No Hiraishin' zone. 


During this time too, in another part of the battlefield. Many Reanimated ninja were fighting against the Shinobi Alliance's troops. Of course the high level reanimated ninja were being fought by other high level ninja. Hanzo the Salamander was one of these, he is slaughtering some Konoha ninja when suddenly he feels the air above him shift slightly and he immediately jumps back.


A figure crashes down punching the ground and creating a giant crater. Hanzo looks at the figure and he has a calm look on his face as he says. "I see so you are that woman from back then"

As the dust clears up it shows a blonde woman with a giant bust. 

"You are one of the Sanin, Tsunade Senju. I must say back then when I gave you those nicknames I never thought they would become such a big thing. But then again, you still all got overshadowed by that other kid." Says Hanzo, at the end kinda mocking her. Due to his time of death, he never understood what really happened with Yami later on the years.

"Don't talk as if you are all high and mighty. Everyone got overshadowed by him." Tsunade didn't take the bait as she just calmly looked at Hanzo as she said that. "I never got the chance to ever redem myself after that fight with you. It seems like this will be the right time for me to defeat you and show you that the Sanin aren't someone who should be knows for only surviving a battle with Hanzo the Salamander."

Tsunade powerfully kicks of the ground creating a crater behind her as she charges at Hanzo. The latter looks calmly at her, he can't help but wonder about the future world. 

"Then let me ask you something, Tsunade Senju." Says Hanzo as he jumps back dodging another one of Tsunade's punches. "Has war finally stopped, and I have seen some ninja from different villages fighting together. Is this some type of alliance, is this the last war? The war that will end them all?"

Tsunade frowns at this and and simply says. "No, wars will always continue, that is human  nature. But that still doesn't mean that there is no peace."

As Tsunade says that she high kicks the ground with her full power.


The ground shakes and Hanzo looses his footing for a split second. That is all she needed as Hanzo was midair she punched towards his head.


Completely obliterating it. She then gives a sideglance behind her and orders. "Sealing squad, come and seal Hanzo the Salamander."



The MC has always hidden his cards and doesn't have a weakness in an ability. He can easily fight without his Hiraishin. After all, Yami isn't strong because of the Hiraishinm Yami is strong because well he is Yami.????

Also remember that Reanimated corpses are usually weaker, they have infinite chakra which in some cases, someone like Itachi would become stronger due to no longer having to deal with his sickness.

P.S: When this story reaches 1000 Power Stones, it will get +1 Bonus Chapter that day.


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