Naruto- Secret Sage



That sounds like a sad existence to live but I disagreed. It was quiet and peaceful to not NEED to push yourself or strive for a lofty goal you may never reach. It was rather ironic how very sagely I was acted in regards to the way I lived. I did as I pleased and had no true burdens on my shoulders in truth as who could give them to me? The village refused to do anything that might annoy me and I didn't really have any enemies.-

Sure there were people that would absolutely not hesitate to kill me if given a chance but no one was ACTIVELY trying to murder me anymore after Danzo was dealt with. My beasts were sort of a different story with Kiseki currently being actively targeted by the other villages due to her ability to influence the growth of plants around her. All of the villages save Suna sent regular assassins after her because of the sheer threat to the balance she posed. More plants in a shorter time meant more money for the village and more money meant better trained and outfitted shinobi which the other villages did not want to see.-

While money didn't exactly make the world of shinobi go around it was without a doubt a serious factor to consider. In the short term the impact Kiseki caused to Konoha's finances was not a problem but say five or ten years from now of nothing but stupidly fast plant growth and profits and there was now a VERY big problem. The village was already the wealthiest in the world due to it's location being hyper rich in resources that we absolutely exploited so if we grew too wealthy we might be able to throw absurd amounts of money at the other villages to suppress them.-

Most of my other beasts weren't targets of assassination due to being very powerful on their own or just as reclusive as myself but every now and again some idiot attempts it still. The latest of these trials was aimed at my cat hilariously enough to embarrassing effect for the would be assassin. None of my beasts are stupid per se, not geniuses or anything but certainly not retarded. That said a few, my cat included, had lets say troublesome tendencies.-

I am of course referring to actions that could be considered playing with their lives such as my cats habit of stealing food from shinobi. Chasing my cat had in fact even been turned into a very popular D rank mission for new Genin squads to be given as it trained their tracking, urban movement and trapping skills. Obviously no one had succeeded in completing the mission but the lessons learned from the attempt was worth it as far as the village had decided. Obviously this boost of competency even small as it was annoyed the other villages who failed to replicate it for obvious reasons.-

This meant some assassins were sent every now and then to kill the bothersome feline in any way possible. The most recent assassin disguised themselves as a Konoha shinobi and was fake about to eat a very heavily poisoned sandwich to try and get my cat to kill itself. The problem came however when some ACTUAL Konoha shinobi joined the poor bastard to eat their lunches and my cat never showed so the fool had no choice but to eat the poisoned meal. He was obviously captured after the other shinobi saw that he had been poisoned and took him to the hospital only to discover he was a fraud.-

The kicker? My cat had been watching from the shadows nearby the whole damn time but sniffed him out due to knowing every shinobi in the village after having stolen from them all before. Yes my cat was that much of a menace to society and I couldn't be prouder. Anyways Karin, my moth and I left the forest of death after the moth got settled. There was a bit of a commotion when we entered the village what with the tailed beast level chakra that the moth had and all.-

"Hard to imagine that this is that same fat caterpillar from before, it feels like an entirely different thing." my sensei said surprised as she examined my moth.

"Well it did evolve into a sage beast by devouring my chakra for several years so I don't think that such a leap in strength is out of the range of understanding." I said calmly.

"Knowing what i do I can't really find a reason to disagree, still at the rate you are going you'll have an army of S ranks to yourself in a decade at most. This moth makes two with Shiro right?" she asked and I nodded.

"Kuma and Akasha haven't quite crossed that gap between Elite Jonin and S rank but Akasha is the closest of the two. I'd say if she can push the distance of her innate ability further and increase her chakra pool she'll make it there. Kuma's a bit trickier as while he is growing more powerful over time he hasn't TRIED to improve his strength in an active manner and is frankly rather lazy instead." I said helplessly.

"I'm not surprised since he's a bear. He was already a part of an apex predator species even without being a chakra beast but after that he could be considered a monstrous existence now the same as that tiger, Akasha. With no natural competition it's no wonder the slothful aspect of his species is at the forefront." she said with a shrug.

"I know, still it would do him some good to actually try and improve himself even if only a little. His ability has such room for growth after all." I said with a sigh.

"The Nara clan is of a similar mindset from what Shikaku has told me. they believe Kuma's ability to absorb sunlight would be a perfect addition to their secret shadow techniques if utilized correctly." she said with a nod.

This wasn't the first time i heard about this as Shikamaru had mentioned it a few times over the years but I had always explained that I honestly wasn't sure HOW exactly Kuma's ability worked chakra wise. At first glance one would think it a fire release or even perhaps a yang release but I personally verified long ago that this wasn't the case. Just the fact Kuma could draw literal light coming from the sun was bamboozling enough.

Add the fact he could somehow then mix that light with chakra and belch it out like a bear shaped godzilla and you could see my trouble in replicating the ability. Honestly I basically tossed figuring the ability out into the "spare time" portion of my list of things to do as I simply didn't care enough to dedicate more focus than that on it. The ability was great and might have some awesome applications if used smarter than how Kuma utilized it but i wasn't exactly pressed for techniques that fit that description now was I?

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