Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 115: The Chunin Exams - 41

Chapter 115: The Chunin Exams - 41

With the Sharingan now in his grasp, Daiki threw himself fully into developing his new seal.

It was going to be the greatest seal he'd crafted yet. Using everything he'd learned, combining much of the powerful seals he'd learned together.

Taking not only from the Four Symbols Seal, but his Chakra Filter seal, the Chakra Absorption Seal, the Dimension Force Seal, the Life Force Conversion Seal and even the base make up seal matrix of his Heavenly Star Seal.

It might have sounded simple, claiming he was more or less combining them. But, it wasn't.

Not even close.

For one, making them fit together, was a challenge in of itself. And that wasn't taking account of the fact he needed to break down each and every seal matrix and pick and choose the right parts of each seal to conjoin together, in the process having to edit to make it mesh with other seals.

A day and a half later of constant pouring over the seals, experimentation, research and trying things out…

And he was barely any closer than when he started.

"…This won't work." Daiki groaned, tossing aside a huge rolled out scroll, a seal attempt scribbled on the middle.

It landed on the pile of other duds.

…The pile that was now taller than him.

Daiki rubbed at his eyes, "This is even more complicated than I thought it was going to be." he huffed.

He knew it wasn't going to be easy of course.

But, he'd still seriously underestimated the sheer scale of what he was doing. And that wasn't taking into account the fact that, he was going to be putting the seal on something as small as an eyeball.

There was a limit after all, to just how much a sealing matrix could be locked and miniaturized.

…But it was worth the effort.

Should, or rather once he managed it, because he would, he would have access to all the abilities of the Sharingan.

Enhanced perception, increased prediction ability, technique copying. And that was just the base.

Above that, he would have access to Shisui's Mangekyou Sharingan. Putting aside his bullshit mind control genjutsu, there was his Susanoo.

With the Susanoo, he could perform the Majestic Attire Susanoo with Isobu in his full Biju Mode.

On top of that, he could create even more armour with chakra with the Mysterious Peacock Method.

With all that stacked on top of Isobu's absurdly durable shell, there would be few ever capable of breaking through their defences.

They would become an unbreakable wall, the tankiest of all tanks.

His stomach growled breaking him from his delusions of grandeur, "Ugh, I need something to eat." Daiki groaned, grasping his stomach.

How long had it been since he last ate?

'Nine and a half hours.' Isobu helpfully informed.

Ugh, that long?

While he could go longer without food if needed, he was expending a lot of chakra with his clones training and the seal attempts, plus concentrating with all he had.

Thus, his stomach got more growly faster.

His eyes drifted over to the night stand he'd pulled back out of his dimension force seal.

Where a few empty plates were piled up.

He'd sent a clone out every so often to bring him back some grub to munchity munch on. He needed his vital proteins after all for his epic muscles.

Hmm, now that he reviewed the memories he'd gotten from said clones…it seemed Ino and her team had finished the exam not long ago. Well, not long was relative because he wasn't exactly sure how long ago that was.

He'd noticed them in the mess hall. And stopped to say hi and the like, Ino had been totally red faced when he did.

Temari had given him dirty looks when his clone flirted with Ino a bit. While Tenten had ignored him entirely.


And his clone had caught sight of Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai and a few other jonin arriving at the tower when he was out just browsing around with his eyes.

Hmm, his clone had felt his frustration it seemed and had been tempted to go see about banging Kurenai.

Good thing he didn't. Those memories would have totally distracted him from his seal experimentation.

The path of the horny was no good for this kind of thing. 'Though maybe getting my rocks off could clear my head a bit.' he mused.

There was a knock at his door, making him pause.

'Maybe that's Kurenai now?' he mused, perking up. Chakra flooded into his eyes and he peered through the door.

Only to sigh in disappointment when he found himself looking at a familiar orange book toting one eyed scarecrow wannabe.

Ew, Kakashi.

'Why would it have been Kurenai you dunce? The woman has tried her best to distance herself from you, lest she get roped back into your embrace.' Isobu asked.

'For that reason, she's the one that keeps coming back for more.' Daiki shrugged.

Standing up, Daiki stretched out the stiffness in his joints and walked over to the door, pulling it open.

"Yo Daiki-chan." Kakashi greeted him with a perky eye smile and wave.

"Go away, I'm busy." Daiki responded flatly.

He had no desire to get involved with Kakashi. Whatever the man wanted, it was going to be, to borrow a word from Shikamaru and his clan, troublesome.

Fuck that noise.

"Aw, you think you have a choice, how cute," Kakashi giggled, "Still, is that anyway to talk to a good mentor like figure such as myself?"

Technically, Kakashi did have authority over him, since he was a genin and Kakashi was you know…an Elite Jonin.

Daiki could also technically transform into his Bijuu Mode and Bijuudama the man out of existence.

He was just saying

That was all.

'When I get Shisui's Sharingan working right, I'm going to copy and steal all your jutsu.' Daiki mentally vowed, while out loud he said, "Since when are you a good mentor figure? I've taught your team more jutsu than you." he deadpanned.

"What can I say, I'm a trend setter, I'm so hip and cool I don't need to teach personally, they just learn from my example." Kakashi shrugged, not missing a beat.

Ugh, how he hated dealing with this guy.

'Probably because he's one of the few people that can be as obnoxious as you.' Isobu commented.

Daiki ignored him.

He was nowhere near as obnoxious as Kakashi after all.

Honestly, with that imagination of yours it's a shame you don't focus on Genjutsu, you'd be an undefeated master of it.' Isobu snorted.

Silly turtle bro. He just didn't understand that Daiki was a really down to earth, kind, generous and extraordinarily humble guy.

If he wasn't, he'd be crowing from the roof tops, boasting for all he was worth and rubbing all his achievements in everybody's faces.

He was fucking amazing after all.


'That…that's the complete opposite of humble, just because you don't say it out loud doesn't change that.' Isobu groaned.

Daiki gave an internal shrug, he disagreed, "What do you want?" he asked the virgin porn peddler on the other side of his room door.

"A new Icha Icha book, an Icha Icha movie, the Mizukage to star in the Icha Icha movie, Gai to stop wearing that horrible leotard, more new icha icha books-" Kakashi began rattling off.

"No, enough, you're not as funny as you think you are bro." Daiki cut him off.

'Pot meet kettle.'

"I'm funny, you're just not smart enough to understand my humour kid," Kakashi shrugged, "Anyway, Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura finished the exam not long ago."

Daiki blinked.

Huh, that was news to him.

He glanced behind him to a clock on the wall of his provided room, 'There's still a good twelve hours before the next part of the exams start.' he noted.

They finished faster than they did in the other timeline it seemed. Good for them.

"Good for them, what does that have to do with me?" Daiki responded.

"Mmm, well it's two fold, Naruto's exhausted and sleeping it off right now," the man informed, "But Sasuke and Sakura are different. Sakura has broken her wrists and medical staff won't intervene right now for the exams unless it's life threatening, to keep things fair and all."

…Oh yeah, Tenten did say something about that didn't she? Though, he didn't know that the medical staff weren't going to intervene and heal people right now.

That was odd.

Though it did explain partially why Tenten came to him to heal Lee instead of taking him to the infirmary.

"You want me to heal her then?" Daiki cottoned on.

"See, you're not as dumb as you look after all," Kakashi's eye smile got bigger...somehow, "And as for Sasuke, well I'm sure you already know why I'm bringing him up, the Hokage tells me you jumped in when he had a little run in with a certain snakey snake man after all and managed to grasp quite a bit about the Cursed Seal."

"Insulting my looks just shows how much of a jealous virgin you are, Tinyashi Peniskate," Daiki shot back, before smirking and crossing his arms, "So you came to see me not only to heal one of your genin, but also to help deal with a seal you don't understand at all. I see, I see, not much of an Elite Jonin are you?"

Of course, he left out the fact that it was just pure luck and outside world knowledge that let him understand the Cursed Seal itself.

"Hmm, you seem to have a fascination with my sexual exploits and penis, sorry kid I'm not into dudes, no matter how much steroids they pump into their muscles," Kakashi shrugged off his words easily, "But I have no problem sealing off the Cursed Seal myself, it was the Hokage that told me to have you tag along. And as for Sakura, well, healing jutsu were never my forte, medical ninja like yourself are a bit squishy and need to hang at the back as support, unlike a super powerful front line fighter like myself."

Daiki resisted the urge to click his tongue in annoyance, "Just means the Hokage has more faith in me than you, which is telling really, weren't you taught by the Fourth Hokage, one of the greatest seal masters like ever?" he fired, "And front line fighter, that's a laugh, can people that can't last fifteen minutes in a proper fight be qualified for that role? Does someone have a small chakra capacity?" he smirked tauntingly.

"Bigger than yours," Kakashi didn't miss a beat, and Daiki had to force his eyebrow not to twitch, "Anyway, as much as I love this little game of ours kid, I'm afraid I don't really have the time to indulge your poor attempts at flirting with me, so what will it cost me to move this little shindig along? I'd like to have Sasuke and Sakura ready for the next part of the exams."

Honestly, he didn't really need payment. He was just shooting the shit and giving the guy a hard time because he was a prick.

Sasuke was his friend and Sakura was eye candy, teasing the pair of them, in totally different ways, sounded like a fun time right about now as far as breaks went.

Still, that didn't mean he wouldn't extort Kakashi with the option available to him.

And he knew exactly what he wanted from the man, "Tell me how you trained your ninken summons and I'll do it." he replied.

He'd ask for a lightning jutsu, but this was more worth to him right now. The thing was, he wouldn't really need them soon.

At least from Kakashi.

He'd be learning from the Third Hokage himself over the next month. That man was sure to know plenty of lightning jutsu he could teach Daiki.

"Huh, figured you'd ask for a lightning jutsu," Kakashi blinked, then shrugged, "Sure, fine with me kid, I'll write down how I did it and give you it later."

"Good," Daiki smirked, "Where's your team then?" he asked, he may as well get right to it.

"Sakura is with Naruto in their room," Kakashi replied, "As for Sasuke, he's waiting right now for me, he was allowed to get checked at the infirmary because of the Cursed Seal, I'll be taking him to a specific room soon to apply the Evil Sealing Method to it, I'm sure you'll be able to find your way there with those eyes of yours once you're done with Sakura."

"Right, just point me towards their room for now then." Daiki shrugged, 'The Evil Sealing Method, huh?' he mused inwardly.

That was one he hadn't been able to find an example of. So he could learn all about it from watching Kakashi and see if there was any parts of it he could put to use for himself.

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