Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 117: The Chunin Exams - 43

Chapter 117: The Chunin Exams - 43

"That's my point," Sakura rolled her eyes, breaking him from his thoughts, " You know, you gave me some hard truths about Sasuke-kun and my naive thoughts about loving him in the forest, but isn't this more a case of the pot calling the kettle black now? You flirt so freely with girls, spread your attention all around but can't focus on just one. Then again, maybe you aren't interested in love or a relationship and just want to sleep around. I'm not really interested in that."

…This took a turn he was not at all expecting.

Sense and logic, his greatest weaknesses!

How did she know?

It actually took him a few moments to organize his thoughts in response, "Honestly, you're only half right," Daiki replied, sighing, "Do I want to sleep around? Yes, most guys our age do, but it doesn't mean I'm not interested in a relationship, I'm testing the waters myself you know to see who I mesh well with."

Also, he was kind of surprised.

About how reasonable she was being about her infatuation with Sasuke. He kind of expected her to dig her heels in more, she'd spent years thinking she was head over heels for the guy after all.

Granted, in the other timeline, she realised that her infatuation was utterly childish and not real love if he remembered right. And her infatuation turned into real affection later despite Sasuke being a traitor.

And she was already older here than there.

"Still, I'm more surprised of you even talking about the possibility even being there," he pointed out, "What, with you liking Sasuke and all."

"Guess we're both just a couple of hypocrites then," Sakura snorted derisively, "What can I say? Those hard truths of yours hit home, you apparently know far more about Sasuke-kun than I do, you're closer to him than I've ever been and probably ever will be, and I'm not even his type at all. It's funny how a single little fight to the death with enemy ninja can put things into perspective and it just got my mind wandering."

"About?" he prompted, raising an eyebrow at her in interest.

"A few things," she shrugged, "How useless and weak I am compared to Naruto and Sasuke-kun, how I've not been serious enough at all, thinking back to bad decisions I made around Sasuke-kun, you."

His second eyebrow joined the first, his interest totally piqued now, "Me?" Daiki repeated in askance.

Pretty emerald green eyes stared into his own and Sakura gave him a half smile, "Sasuke-kun never showed an ounce of interest in me looking back, no matter what I did," she replied, "You did though, actually you couldn't make your interest any more blatant. You're good looking, strong, successful, help me out…even if you're a pervert about it, so yeah my mind wandered and I thought, what if I tried going after you instead?"

Well…this was unexpected.

Not at all unwelcome though.

"Of course, then I remembered, you mostly just seem to want to bed me," she continued with a shrug, then snorted, "And I realised how shallow I was being."

"I'm mostly playing it for a laugh you know," Daiki sighed and responded seriously, this wasn't really the time for jokes, "Sure, I do want to bed you if I'm being totally honest, but that's just instinct cuz you're hot. You're not perfect, but nobody is to be honest, you've got your problems but I can already see them easing out of you."

Actually, right now, he felt more like he was dealing with Shippuden Sakura, rather than the pre time skip one.

Age wise, she was only a few months off of Shippuden Sakura was at the beginning, and despite having the outfit of her pre timeskip self, she was looking more like her Shippuden self as well, especially now that her hair was cut short.

It was what, October now? If he remembered right, her birthday was in March, so she was six months from being fifteen.

Sakura chuckled lightly, "Now see, if you were serious like this all the time, then I might have went all in and chased you." she teased.

"That'd be so boring though," Daiki laughed along, "I did the serious thing before remember? All through the academy in fact, life is much more fun now that I've changed things up."

They fell into easy, more comfortable conversation after that while he continued healing her. He asked mostly about what went on with them in the forest after he left behind and got more or less the full story of what went down.

Which more or less lined up with what he already knew and what Tenten told him.

After that, they took the sound teams earth scroll and continued on, struggling here and there, before they ran into Kabuto who had been separated from his team.

And from there, things progressed as he remembered, with them running into one of the other rain teams, Sasuke being unable to do anything, the same with Sakura since she was injured, with broken wrists and all and Naruto carrying them to victory.

Though he apparently had a much easier time of winning this time around and defeated them within around ten minutes apparently.

'Probably because he didn't have to worry about his chakra being fucked from the five elemental seal.' Daiki mused inwardly.

And also because he was apparently able to box in the rain shinobi's clones with the Earth Style: Barrier, making it easy to catch them out and tell they were all fakes.

Before he knew it, over a half hour passed and he finally finished up healing her, taking care of both the broken wrists and the fractures going from her hands to up her forearms.

"Medical ninjutsu is really amazing, my arms feel pretty much fully healed." Sakura flexed her hands after removing her slings once he was done.

"Yeah, it's super helpful," Daiki nodded, "I've taken care of all your injuries, but your arms might be a little tender, so don't strain them too much for the next little while and just rest up until the next exam starts."

Alright, I'll do that," she nodded, before eyeing her hands thoughtfully, "Hey? Do you think I'd be able to learn medical ninjutsu as well?"

"Yep." Daiki replied instantly.

Sakura blinked, "That was fast." she noted, looking surprised.

"I know how good you are," he shrugged, "I don't doubt you'd be able to learn medical ninjutsu pretty easily, hell I wouldn't be surprised if you had a real talent for it, maybe you could even rival Tsunade one day if you go for it?"

Of course, he already knew she did and could do so. She had the potential to be the best medic ninja in the world, rivalled only by Tsunade herself.

Her cheeks took on a red flush at his words, "You think so?" she asked.

"Not a doubt in me." he confirmed with a grin.

The flush got deeper, and a pretty smile spread across her face, "See, you can be charming when you want to be." Sakura teased, a slight giggle escaping her.

"What do you mean? I'm always charming." Daiki's grin widened and he gave her a wink.

"Only you think that," she shook her head, and looked up at him, pretty smile aimed straight at him, "Thanks."

"Not a problem, getting some alone time with you is a pretty fair deal in exha-" he was cut off by a resounding snore coming from a certain spiky haired blonde, "Well, mostly alone." he amended.

Sakura looked over her shoulder and gave the sleeping blonde a dry look, "Well…he's earned the rest I guess, he really pulled through for us there at the end," she mused before turning back to look at Daiki, "And I wouldn't mind doing this again sometime."

"Hit me up whenever you want," Daiki shrugged, "I can even help you get started on learning medical ninjutsu if you want."

"Let me guess, in return for a lap dance?" the pink haired girl's pretty smile turned teasing.

"Well, I definitely wouldn't say no." he grinned.

Her teasing grin just got wider, "Hmm, I'll think about it," she responded, stepping forward and surprising him by standing on her tip toes and pressing a kiss against his cheek, "Right now though, I've got doctors orders to rest, so I'm going to sleep a bit, so it's time for you to go bye bye."

"Or I could join you." he wiggled his eyebrows.

"There'd be no sleeping or resting involved then I'm afraid, right?" she snorted, stepping by him and opening the door, "So bye bye for now perv boy."

"Fair enough." he chuckled, turning around and leaving out of the door. Just before he stepped passed her though, he reached out faster than she could react, and took a nice big handful of her ass and squeezed, "Just grabbing my payment." he grinned widely.

He was expecting to have to dodge a punch, but instead, Sakura barely reacted at all.

And merely raised an eyebrow at him, "I knew you were gonna do that." she snorted.

And yet she didn't try to stop him, and wasn't attempting to remove his hand.

He gave her full, round ass cheek another hefty grope, grin widening.

Sakura sighed, "If you leave that hand there much longer, I'm keeping it." she told him dryly.

He gave her ass another nice squeeze, getting a fell for the bouncy cheek filling his palm, before letting go, "I'm tempted to let you, but sadly, that annoying guy Kakashi needs me to do something else for him." he huffed, stepping outside into the hallway.

"That's too bad," Sakura suddenly pouted at him, leaning on the door, "I was kind of liking that there and was thinking of giving you that lap dance."

And another confirmation that a kunoichi could give a lap dance. Seriously, what did they teach in those kunoichi only classes?!

But more importantly-

"Really?" his eyes lit up excitedly.

"Yeah, no, you're not that lucky buddy." Sakura snorted, and promptly shut the door in his face.

"That's not nice Sakura." he called through the door.

"Ah, I'm soaked with sweat and this thong I'm wearing is just digging in, I should really take it off~" her voice echoed back, definitely teasingly.

That's not fair.

That's not fair at all.

He of course could just peak through the door and wall themselves with his Shinkugan.

But that would mean he lost.

'Fucking Kakashi.' Daiki huffed, mustering his mighty grind enhanced will power and self control and walking away.

It wasn't really the copy ninja's fault.

But, it just felt good to blame it on Kakashi.

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