Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 123: The Chunin Exams - 49

Chapter 123: The Chunin Exams - 49

Thankfully, with Sasuke awake to banter and take the piss out of, time seemed to flow in a lot quicker, and he was a lot less bored.

Sure, the Uchiha liked to be quiet and tried to brood as he tended to do a lot, but Daiki's boredom could not be quenched with such a thing, and as such-

He spent hours annoying Sasuke.

That too was a form of the grind.

His ability to annoy his enemies, was a vital skill.

Sasuke made for a good test dummy, being the brooding stoic guy he was, so if something got to him, it would easily get to most others.

And he kept that up right up until one of the chunin outside the door let them know that the next part of the exam was beginning.

"…Finally." Sasuke groaned in relief as they made their way through the hallways, heading towards the ground floor.

His face was currently bereft of any doodles.

…For now.

"Somebody's happy to get his fight on." Daiki noted with a grin at his side, arms crossed behind his head casually.

"No, I'm just glad I won't need to sit around and listen to your nonsense anymore." Sasuke snorted.

"Zat so?" Daiki mused, grin widening.

For that, he would make sure to time his little prank very well for maximum points.


They arrived not long later, to find that they were the last to enter, all eyes turned to them, inspecting them.

Man even Kakashi was here before them. Talk about a brass neck.

There was even a few frowns shot their way.

Well now, it seemed that they held them up a bit.

There were a few smiles as well of course, specifically from Hinata. Such a good girl.

Naruto was lucky Daiki was a bro, and it wasn't bro-like for him to pursue Hinata.

Sasuke ignored them, as was customary for the broody teen. Daiki on the other hand, just grinned.

They made their way over to the gathering of genin, taking position at the back of the crowd.

Daiki specifically, stood beside Tenten, since she and her team were at the very back.

"Yo." he greeted her.

Tenten was one of the ones that had been frowning at him.

She gave him a dry look, before turning her nose up at him and looking back towards the Hokage who stood in front of a pair of giant rock sculpture arms formed into the seal of reconciliation. Behind him, were multiple jonin and chunin, the staff of the tower, alongside the jonin sensei for all the teams who passed.

The only non leaf sensei being Baki standing away at the back. Heh, must be awkward.

'She's still mad at me.' he laughed inwardly.

She wasn't happy at all she had to put on that little simpering fan girl-esque fake personality and hype him up to get him to heal Lee.

Though he felt more like she was putting more effort up into acting like that to him rather than was actually mad at him now.

"Congratulations to all of you!" Anko's voice broke him from his thoughts and he looked to the front to see her taking position beside the Hokage, "On passing the second exam!"

She looked around the gathered genin, eyes passing over each and every single one of them. She only paused, and briefly at that when she met his eyes.

He winked.

She had no reaction and her eyes continued on.

"…So that's Gai-sensei's eternal rival, Kakashi?" Tenten murmured at his side and he looked to see the bun haired older girl looking at Kakashi admiringly, "He definitely has Gai-sense beat out on looks and cool factor at least."

"Kakashi has a tiny penis, like miniscule, even baby's have bigger ones half the time." Daiki helpfully informed her.

Kakashi visibly twitched and his head turned from where he was blandly staring forward to look into Daiki's eyes with his own singular revealed eye.

It narrowed at him.

Daiki stuck the finger up.

Kakashi flashed the finger back at him for a split second before it was hidden away again.

Tenten turned to him then and gave him an odd look, "And you know that how?" she asked.

"I've been on a few missions with him," Daiki shrugged, "He got drunk on our way back one time, started bawling like a little girl about how he was still a virgin at his age, and the closest he ever got was third base, barely, the chick he was with laughed at him apparently for how small his penis is and left him." he blatantly lied.

Uncaringly, without any guilt.

He was a shinobi after all.

And Kakashi was a prick.

Kakashi's eyebrow twitched noticeably.

Daiki's grin grew to shit eating proportions.

Tenten sighed, "So he only looks cool then?" she said, sounding disappointed, "He's just as big a weirdo as Gai-sensei?"

It was good that Tenten was so used to Gai, that this was so easy for her to believe.

"Weirder even," Daiki nodded, "He walks around reading smut constantly to get his rocks off because he's a super hyper virgin, he's given up ever getting laid, a tragic guy really."

"…I mean it is a bit weird, but more sad to be honest," Tenten grimaced, "I still think Gai-sensei is weirder than that, you don't deal with him and his quirks like me on a daily basis."

He noticed Sasuke was looking at him from his peripheral vision, looking completely weirded out, before glancing at Kakashi, giving the man a pitiful look.

Negative one hundred respect.

Hopefully he let Naruto and Sakura know about that little tidbit the next time he annoyed his team, and then Naruto being a loud mouth and Sakura being a bit of a gossip with Ino, would get it spread around the entirety of the leaf.

Get fucked Kakashi.

"If you say so," Daiki shrugged at the bun haired girls words, "So, I see you're talking to me again."

"I'm still mad at you." she replied flatly.

"It was just a joke." he pointed out.

"A humiliating joke," she responded, "Only Neji was privy to it, but that's enough. He's been giving me odd looks."

"Probably jealous that you acted that way for me and not him." Daiki assured her.

Tenten snorted, "Somehow I doubt that," she noted dryly, "Even taking him out of the equation, it was still humiliating, I have my pride as a kunoichi you know? And I know for a fact if you got your pride hurt you'd start punching and ask questions later."

…Well, she wasn't wrong.

She pouted at him then, "You're such a bully."


"I kinda am," he agreed, before laughing lightly, "Alright, how about I make it up to you? And well, lemme say first, you're a tough one, one of the best here, I don't think any less of you or anything for that little act, actually I was impressed with your acting skills." he complimented her.

"…Well, that's good to know I guess," her lips almost quirked upwards, before she smothered the smile that wanted to emerge, "And how will you go about making it up to me?"

Well, he had a few options.

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