Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 128: The Chunin Exams - 54

Chapter 128: The Chunin Exams - 54

"Huh, guess I'm up." Tenten grinned eagerly, punching a fist into her palm.

She had no idea.

That besides himself and Gaara, Temari was the worst possible match up for her here.

"Gonna wish me luck?" she asked him, grin widening.

"Good luck," he replied, giving her a half smile, "If you win, I'll give you a present."

"Is it a lap dance?" Tenten asked impishly, raising an eyebrow at him challengingly.

"If you want, but I don't quite have hips like yours." he involuntarily grinned.

"Well, I'll hold you to that then." she laughed, walking passed him on her way down to the arena below, but as she did, she whipped her hand out and smacked him on the ass.

He blinked owlishly.

"Tenten!?" both Lee and Gai goggled at her actions in shock.

Her grin turning massive, Tenten continued on her way down, even as killing intent spiked in the room to almost massive degrees.

Moments later, the bun haired girl was down in the arena, standing opposite of the blonde suna kunoichi.

Who had quite the venomous look in her usually lovely teal green eyes.

Her venomous gaze flickered up to meet his eyes for a moment, before looking back at Tenten, lips pulling back nearly into a snarl.

Tenten said utterly nothing at the gaze directed her way.

'What's up with her?' Daiki wondered, she was much more derisive and mocking originally, but now she was blatantly angry about something.

Was it because of him taking the piss out of her the other day, mocking not only her, but her brother, her father and even her homeland?

'Maybe I should have given Tenten some advice?' he mused as Hayate stepped up to begin the match.

It might not change the results, but if Tenten knew in advance she would be fighting a wind user and that long distance weapon techniques would be useless, her chance of winning by getting in close would be much better.

He knew personally after all, that Tenten was both faster and stronger than Temari physically and much more skilled in close combat.

If she got close before Temari brought out her fan and pressured her, she could possibly win.

'Oh well, too late now.' he mused as Hayate called for the beginning of the match.

And immediately grimaced as Tenten leaped back, gaining distance, her hands flashing into her equipment pouches and unleashing a bevy of shuriken in the blink of an eye.

Each spiralled through the air rapidly, and it wasn't just some random throw, each had their own specific trajectory, spread out and aimed towards Temari's vitals.

If she was say, a fire user, she'd have no choice but to dodge and give Tenten the advantage to press her.

Sadly, she was a wind user though.

Temari's hand went to the fan on her back and she pulled it forward, running wind chakra down its length.

She didn't even open the fan itself, just whipped the huge metal base of it and sent a short but powerful gust of wind to meet the shuriken, blowing them away.

'That wind chakra metal is really something.' he mused. It allowed the sandy blonde to perform high level wind jutsu, without hand seals and more or less instantly.

"Is that all you Konoha girls can do?" Temari scoffed loudly, "Throw around hunks of metal like some little academy brat?"

Tenten's lips fell into a frown, but she didn't reply with words. Instead, she reached for her pouch, drawing five kunai and with a whip of her hand, sent all five soaring through the air like bullets towards the blonde, one aimed for her head, one for her neck, one her heart, and two at her kidneys.

It was quite an impressive throw actually.

"This again?" Temari scoffed, unveiling her fan ever so slightly and swinging it.

Once again, a burst of wind chakra sent the barrage of kunai flying away.

But Tenten wasn't idle, already having leaped into the air, the bun haired girl drew a single scroll, unrolling it and giving it a whipping motion as if it were a whip itself.

Daiki saw her chakra spreading through the scroll itself, going through each and every single storage seal inscribed on the scroll.

There was a burst of smoke, and a split moment later, dozens of different weapons rained down from above down towards the blonde.

Swords, spears, sickles, scythes, axes, kunai, shuriken and more.

And with their trajectory, they didn't just go for Temari's front, but as they fell,, spread out so they were coming towards her from each angle.

"Hmph!" Temari open her fan a bit more and spun, unleashing another, though much larger burst of wind chakra that spiralled around her form and blew away all of Tenten's weapons once again.

It was almost comically unfair how badly Tenten's skillset matched up against Temari.

But such was the life of a ninja.

Unfairness galore, if one couldn't overcome a bad match up, they were destined to fail and die during their missions at some point, usually quite early in life.

"Tch." Tenten clicked her tongue as she landed.

"Done already?" Temari taunted, slamming the butt of her fan into the ground and leaning on it casually, tauntingly.

"Not quite." Tenten replied.

"No, you are." Temari denied, the blonde heaving her fan up before whipping it around, the two moons on it displayed proudly, "Wind Style: Wind Cutter Jutsu!"

From the fan, a compressed torrent of slicing winds were released, roaring through the air towards Tenten.

Just before they hit her though, the bun haired girl launched herself into the air, a pair of scrolls pulled from her equipment pouches. The wind tore through her previous position, leaving great gouges in the ground.

As soon as she unrolled them and channelled chakra through them, a pair of smoky dragons erupted from the scrolls and rushed down towards Temari.

Or so it seemed.

Rather, they slammed into the ground on each side of her and burst into a great cloud of smoke, obscuring both of the girls from view.

Though Daiki could see them both easily with his eyes.

Temari wasted no time in whipping her fan out, blowing the great cloud of smoke away.

But it was enough, Tenten was already in motion.

She spun like spinning top mid-air, rapidly rotating, and a moment later, a massive barrage of weapons launched down towards Temari. It was just like her previous attack.

Only, the scale was vastly different.

Where before it was multiple dozens, this time, it was multiple hundreds of different weapons that rained down like a metal shower of death towards the blonde.

For a split moment, Temari's eyes widened in panic, before she regained control and unwound her fan properly.

'It's over.' Daiki clicked his tongue.

"Wind Style: Raging Gale Wall!" Temari swung her fan, all three moons on it blazing proudly with chakra.

A massive churning gale erupted from the blondes fan, and despite the massive scale of amount of weapons aimed at her, they were blown away completely.

"I'm still not done yet!" Tenten roared as she fell towards the ground, she pulled her hands back and Daiki blinked as he saw chakra shining with his eyes.

Chakra strings, not ninja wire?

She whipped both hands out, all of the weapons lifting into the air and rushing towards Temari.

It wasn't some full on charge of weapons though, not something so straight forward.

They spread out, coming at the blonde from all directions, from three hundred and sixty degrees, aiming at every part of her body from her feet and ankles to her legs, stomach, chest, heart, neck and head.

…And the speed of the weapons shooting through the air was much greater than before.

'This is new.' Daiki blinked, surprised.

Everything had been going more or less the same as the other timeline, until now.

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