Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 130: The Chunin Exams - 56

Chapter 130: The Chunin Exams - 56

Instead of heading to the infirmary, where the medic ninja on staff would be around, Daiki instead headed for his provided bedroom.

The furniture had been returned to their previous location in the room now that he wasn't going to be stuck in there any longer, so he lay Tenten down the middle bed.

"Now let's see." Daiki mused, looking the girl over. Her body was filled with lacerations, and a lot of her clothing had been shredded, blood oozing out of the tears.

First of all, it was best to get a proper look.

So Daiki made a single hand seal, a green aura forming over his hands as he used the Mystical Palm Jutsu and began examining the girls body internally.

"Hmm." he hummed.

The Mystical Palm Jutsu was perhaps his most used jutsu beyond the Shadow Clone Jutsu, he was very much experienced with it.

So it didn't take long at all for him to examine the older girls internal body and feel out her injuries.

It wasn't too bad.

Beyond the lacerations on her skin, she had some internal bleeding to go along with it in her stomach and her ribs were broken, her left femur was heavily bruised and her left shoulder was cracked.

Pretty bad, for a normal ninja at least, but nothing he couldn't heal up with his medical jutsu within a few hours.

This was a good chance to experiment with something though.

He focused on the seal upon his neck, drawing on the powerful combined chakra within that grew ever so slightly as time passed on.

As he did, he focused the chakra into his eyes, his scarlet red eyes shining with a red glow that lit up the room, the energy shifted into pure life force and he directed it into the green healing aura of chakra around his hands.

Almost immediately, it shifted into a bright and warm glowing silvery white energy and he spread the energy over the older girls body, expanding it until it looked like she was wrapped within a protective cocoon of energy.

Almost immediately, the gashes and lacerations along her body began to close up before his eyes and with the Mystical Palm Jutsu, he could feel in real time as her internal injuries and injured bones began to mend as well.

In just thirty seconds, he was done. And all of Tenten's injuries were healed as if they were never there to begin with.

…Well, the dried blood and shredded clothing spoke for themselves though.

"Not bad." Daiki grinned, dispelling his jutsu and wiping the sweat that had formed on his forehead from concentration.

Experiment success, though he figured it would go that way anyway. Converting the energy of gelel, star chakra and natural energy into a healing jutsu with his eyes, amplified the healing abilities of the Mystical Palm Jutsu massively. And it only took a small spark of that energy within his seal.

He could probably restore lost limbs with this kind of jutsu, 'Hmm, it's not really the Mystical Palm Jutsu either at this point.' he mused.

Well it was, only amplified. Kind of like the Sage Arts.

Shinkugan Style: Mystical Palm Jutsu.


Or maybe just Mythical Palm Jutsu?

If he was Minato Namikaze, he'd probably name it something like 'The Mystical Mythical Resurrection Life Revitalizing Palm Of The Immortal Starry Scarlet Turtle Heavens Jutsu.'

…Now he was half tempted to go with that absurd name just to see peoples reactions when he called the name of it out.

A groan coming from the bun haired girl on the bed beside him drew him from his thoughts and he looked down to see her eyelids fluttering open as she woke.

"Ugh…" she groaned, before blinking and looking at him, "..Daiki?"

"Have a nice rest, sleeping beauty?" he teased, "Feeling alright?"

For a second she just stared at him, before frowning and giving a disappointed sigh, "…So I lost then?" she asked, shoulders slumping in defeat.

"More or less," Daiki shrugged, "It was pretty close though."

Her frown deepened, "It sure doesn't feel like it, she coulda blown me away with that stupidly huge wind jutsu at the end there at any time," Tenten clenched her fists and pushed herself up into a sitting position, "It was all I could do to press her there at the end a bit."

"And you almost won because of it," Daiki pointed out, "I was impressed with the chakra strings by the way, when did you learn to do that?"

She shrugged, "I've been working on chakra strings for a good year now, though I'm not all that good with them, even tried my hand at using puppets once but I can only control one even with all my fingers," Tenten replied, "After my training with you, my chakra control got way better and I figured using them like this I could make up for a lack of quality with quantity…but well you see where that got me." she sighed.

"There's no shame in losing to Temari you know," he assured her, "She's a year older than you and is the oldest kid of the Kazekage, on top of that she could only use her wind jutsu like she did because her weapon is a pretty high grade wind chakra metal. Plus, wind jutsu is one of the worst match ups for you." hell, she did far better than her other self had at least.

Tenten snorted, "A loss is a loss Daiki, the excuses pretty it up, but I still got my ass kicked," she shrugged, "Though, you seem to know a lot about her, something you'd like to tell me?" she arched a brow at him and gave him a dry gaze.

"She confronted me over making fun of her brothers and village." he admitted.

"Uh-hu," Tenten's arched eyebrow seemed to pierce into him, "And you flirted with her." she accused.

…Smartly on her part.

"Maybe," he shrugged, "Though in my defence, she confronted me before you got to the tower."

The bun haired girl sighed, "I'm really gonna need to muzzle you, maybe get you spayed while I'm at it," Tenten shook her head, "So, how long have I been out? Did I miss the end of the prelims?"

"Nah, it's only been about ten minutes at most," Daiki replied, "I just brought you back here to my room instead of the infirmary to heal you up quick and personally make sure you didn't suffer much."

"Oh," she blinked blankly for a moment, before a small smile formed on her lips, "Thanks I guess, though shouldn't you be keeping an eye on everyone to know what you'll be up against in the third exam."

"Nah," he waved her off, "I already know what everyone taking part in the exam is capable of and there's nobody here that can beat me."

She snorted, "I hope that arrogance bites you in the ass someday."

"It'll break its teeth trying." he smirked.

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