Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 132: The Chunin Exams - 58

Chapter 132: The Chunin Exams - 58

A few minutes later, Daiki with a whistle on his lips leisurely strolled back through the halls of the tower and back to where the prelims were taking place.

When he entered, it was just in time to hear:

"The next round will be Shino Aburame versus Sasuke Uchiha." Hayate announced.

Huh, neat, he got back in time to see Sasuke fight.

He noticed though as he jumped back up to the balcony above, that the room was a bit less full than it was before.

He couldn't see Kiba, Choji or that stretchy dude from Kabuto's team. He passed by Team Ten on his way over to Team Seven and couldn't even give Ino a wink as he went passed.

…His attention was drawn to Shikamaru.

The shirtless Shikamaru who's bare torso was littered with claw marks, "Have a wild night buddy?" he asked with a grin.

Shikamaru just gave him a bland look, "That would have probably be even more troublesome," he replied, "No, I just fought Kiba, him and his puppy were a massive drag to take down."

Huh, he beat Kiba?

Interesting, Daiki would have pegged Kiba to be the one to win a match up between those two in an area like this.

"Where's Choji?" he asked.

"He fought before Shikamaru," Ino shrugged, drawing his attention to her, "He fought against that Kabuto guys teammate, a total freak by the way who could stretch like he was made of rubber and he choked Choji out. I can't believe Shikamaru is the only one of us to pass this stupid exam."

Well, that answered that.

"You sure took your sweet time coming back kid," he was distracted by Asuma-sensei speaking up before he could respond to Ino, "And after rushing off with Gai's little girl too, something you want to admit?"

There was a grin on the bearded mans face, a teasing one at that. He seemed to be rather amused.

"Yeah actually, fess up!" Ino pointed out at him, "Is there something going on with you and that girl?"

Daiki grinned at her, "That's for me to know," he replied, before leaning forward, "And you to dot dot dot." he flicked her on the nose before turning away, continuing on to Team Seven.

He heard Ino growl behind him and his grin widened.

"Tenten's fine." he assured Lee and Gai as he passed them as well, before they could ask.

"So hip and cool!" he heard Lee say behind him.

"Well look who it is, Mr. knight in shining armour himself," Kakashi looked up from his book as Daiki approached him and his team, "Did your fair maiden give you a reward smooch?"

Yes actually.

A very nice one to be honest.

Chaste as it was.

Not that Daiki was going to mention that when Sakura was standing right there, her head turning away from looking down at Sasuke to him when Kakashi spoke.

"Just because you're a virgin Kakashi, doesn't mean you get to live vicariously through me." Daiki responded idly.

He was really only half paying attention to Kakashi.

The rest of his attention was focused on the arena below. Specifically on the black haired Uchiha that had paused upon his return to the massive room and looked up at him, staring him straight in the eye.

They held eye contact for a few moments, before Sasuke smirked and turned away facing his opponent, Shino.

"Hmm, you can cut the tension with a knife," Kakashi commented with a giggle, "Something you want to share with the class Daiki-kun~?"

"Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura cried out, aghast.

Daiki took his attention off of Sasuke and turned to look at Kakashi, he was going to give him a whopper of a glare.

But he could only muster a deadpan stare when he saw Sakura's face was bright red and wearing a warped smile, green eyes glinting with interest as she looked between him and her teammate down below.

'…..' Daiki sighed internally.

He forgot she was actually a total closet pervert and was into that kind of thing, or so Naruto's reverse harem jutsu from the other timeline had him believe.

"…I don't get it." Naruto added, eyes narrowed into thin slits and face scrunched up in thought, making him look a bit like a fox.

"There's nothing to get." Daiki assured him with a wave of his hand, "Kakashi is just a sad sack who's been dateless for so long that he's seeing things."

"Now that's just hurtful," Kakashi shrugged, eye smiling all the way, "But I'll have you know I see plenty of women."

"Name one." Daiki snorted.

"Your mother." Kakashi's grin was so broad it was visible through his mask.

"Kakashi-sensei, you can't say that!" Sakura gaped at the man, head whipping around to stare at the man in shock.

"I just did, tee-hee." the man giggled, unashamedly.

"My mother's dead you know, has been for over a decade," Daiki shook his head, the implication not even fazing him, "That says a lot about you, that your go to is banging a corpse."

"I'm a man of cultured tastes," Kakashi shrugged his words off again, "Unlike a child like yourself."

"More like a man of small ability," Daiki emphasised the word 'ability' and gave a roll of his eyes, if he wanted to play it like this, he could do it too, "The only way for you to get to a girls heart is with that Chidori of yours."

Kakashi twitched, though it was so quick and so small, Daiki doubted Sakura or Naruto picked up on it, "You're one ruthless kid, you know that?" he shook his head.

"You started it." Daiki rolled his shoulders and smirk.

"I suppose I did," Kakashi nodded, "Fair enough."

And that was that.

"I…don't have any idea what's going on." Naruto was looking even more lost.

Sakura nodded right alongside him, "I don't get it either," the pink haired girl admitted and gave them both an odd glance, "Why were you insulting each other like that? And bringing up someone's dead mother is just mean Kakashi-sensei, especially like that."

"Mmm," Naruto nodded, "Daiki's a cocky dick but you don't just say that to somebody Kakashi-sensei!"

"It's nothing personal, kind of," Kakashi chuckled, "I'm just doing my civic duty to deflate the ego of one of our up and coming valued shinobi before it gets him killed."

"I just have fun taking the piss out of this guy," Daiki crossed his arms and nodded his head in agreement with the man, "Besides, we'd be pretty shitty shinobi if insulting a dead loved one was enough to make us lose our cool."

"True, true," Kakashi nodded, "For a hormonal cocky little brat you have a remarkable control of your temper, most in the same situation as you family wise, would have flown off the handle at something like that."

Yes well, he was long since accustomed to 'yo mama' jokes and insults, anyone who spent any time on the internet needed some thick skin unless they only frequented hug box safe spaces.

Naruto grimaced noticeably and opened his mouth to respond, but the whiskered blonde was cut off by Hayate.

"Shino Aburame vs Sasuke Uchiha, begin!" the proctor called out.

As soon as the fight began, both fighters moved in the exact same direction. Sasuke exploded forward, chakra pushing from his feet to give him an accelerated boost and rushed towards Shino in a blur of speed.

Hmm, Sasuke had learned that little trick as well? 'Well, not like he can copy my jutsu, so it's no wonder he doesn't know the body flicker yet.' Daiki mused.

Sasuke could copy his taijutsu techniques, but he couldn't copy his Ninjutsu. The way the Sharingan worked, was that it imitated those in the vision of it perfectly and ingrained that in the users memory with perfect recollection, akin to photographic memory.

The problem in this case was that, thanks to the Shinkugan, he could wholly mask his chakra from even the Sharingan and as such, Sasuke was unable to copy any of the jutsu he used when they sparred.

As Sasuke rushed him, Shino fled in the same direction, backpedalling backwards rapidly to get distance, though noticeably much slower than Sasuke.

The sunglasses wearing Aburame lifted his hands up, jacket sleeves spread wide open and a pair of hazy black clouds erupted from his sleeves, each swelling to larger than an adult man and shooting through the air towards Sasuke.

Though these clouds were not made of vapour or smoke. But rather, tiny buzzing chakra absorbing insects.

Instead of retreating or even pausing to make sense of what was heading his way, Sasuke pushed off up into the air, rocketing up far above Shino and ran through a blurring set of hand seals, before cupping a hand around his mouth and exhaling.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

Sasuke spat out a massive fireball, easily larger than three men put together and Daiki had to withhold a whistle. It was easily the biggest fireball he'd seen Sasuke fire off.

'His chakra capacity has increased noticeably after being exposed to the Cursed Seal, just like yours did initially.' Isobu commented.

Hmm, true, that did make sense.

Not only was the fireball big, but it was fast as well. Shino had no choice but to cut off his backpedalling and rushing to the side, fleeing the attack that slammed into his previous position and exploded against the tiled floor into a wave of flames that washed outwards in all directions.

Shino had to jump a split moment later to dodge that secondary effect. Leaving him in mid-air.

If only for a moment.

A moment Sasuke took advantage of.

The Uchiha had already landed and shot towards him, flicking his wrist and sending a bevvy of shuriken spiralling through the air towards the bug user, the Uchiha didn't even seem winded from his fireball jutsu.

'By my estimates, his chakra capacity is currently around what yours was when we first met.' Isobu added.

…That wasn't bad at all. If he remembered right, when they first met, his chakra capacity was approaching fifty thousand and was in the Jonin tier.

Shino drew a kunai in the blink of an eye and parried the shuriken coming his way, diverting them from slicing into his body.

But it kept his attention busy for a split few milliseconds, which were precious when it came to ninja on ninja combat, even academy brats barely out of their toddler years could outpace a sports car back from the other world after all.

And Sasuke was far faster than one of them. Faster now even than he originally would have been.

And Shino didn't seem to have changed at all.

In parrying the shuriken, Shino lost sight of Sasuke, though Daiki did not. The Uchiha circled around in a blur, getting around the bug user as he turned, right in time for Sasuke to spring forward launching a high kick that caught the bug user under the chin.

'Hoh?' Daiki's eyebrow rose in interest as Shino rocketed up into the fair from the force of the blow, laying prone and airborne up above.

And Sasuke used that chance to push up off of the leg he'd sprung off of to kick Shino and shoot up into the air after him.

"That's-!" he heard Lee shout in shock.

Yep, Shadow Of The Dancing Leaf. Though, imperfect by the looks of it.

It did get him into Shino's blind spot though.

And Sasuke took supreme advantage of that, hooking a leg around Shino's waist from behind and spinning them both around before lashing out with an elbow that caught Shino in the throat as he tried to retaliate with the kunai in his hand.

The bug user choked and Sasuke took his chance to launch into a barrage of revolving kicks all over Shino's body on the way down, before finishing with a hand stand atop the other boys head and driving a double mule kick straight into his torso, smashing him into the ground.

Shino didn't stand a chance.

Sasuke sprung off of their former classmate's head and landed lightly on his feet, dusting off his hands and looking away from the prone boy.

Instead of paying attention to Shino whom he'd just defeated, the boy looked at up Daiki and smirked at him.

He could practically feel the smug confidence radiating off the boy and he understood exactly what he was saying even without words.

'You're next.'

Nobody said a thing for a few moments, until a good five or so seconds passed without any motion from Shino.

After all, the chance was there that the boy had switched out with a bug clone. Though of course he hadn't. That was why Sasuke wasn't paying attention to the boy, he would have noticed thanks to his Sharingan if he had.

They weren't shadow clones after all.

"Winner, Sasuke Uchiha!" Hayate declared then.

"Yeah, way to go Sasuke-kun!" Sakura whooped, cheering him on.

"Damn, that bastard looked way cooler out there than me, keh!" Naruto crossed his arms and complained.

Though there was a smile on his face even as he complained.

With his win announced, Sasuke smugly walked his way over to the stairs and up to the railing above instead of just jumping up at a leisurely pace while the medics came in to take Shino away.

As that happened, Hayate looked to the huge electronic screen at the end of the room just as it lit up again and landed on two familiar names.

Kankuro vs Hinata Hyuga.


Well that was an interesting change as well.

"Looks like the quiet girl is up, Hibaba right?" Sasuke noted as he approached, smirk still plastered over his face.

"Hinata." Daiki absently corrected him, his eyes were on the midnight blue haired girl, so very different from the one who would originally fight in this place against her cousin.

Kankuro had a huge smirk of his own on his face as he swaggered down, supremely confident.

Hinata though, walked at a measured pace, face blank and head held high. If it was the her from before, she'd be shrinking away from all the eyes on her.

"That's what I said," Sasuke shrugged and stood beside him, leaning on the railing, "Looks like she's up against that loser from the sand as well, he wasn't that impressive when we ran into him, let's see if this girl has actually become worth anything, I'll be disappointed if she loses pathetically after training with you."

"You will?" Daiki raised an eyebrow, he didn't think Sasuke had all that of an interest in her.

"In you," Sasuke's smirk grew, "If she can't even beat this clown, your teaching abilities are obviously subpar and you'll never make it as a jonin sensei in the future."

"Who said anything about me wanting to be a sensei?" Daiki raised an eyebrow, actually confused.

"Weren't you bragging about your little apprentice to me before, Hitati or something?" Sasuke raised an eyebrow right back at him.

"Hanabi." Daiki corrected him on reflex.

"Same difference." Sasuke shrugged.

Daiki gave him a deadpan stare, before making a single hand seal while Sasuke leaned against the metal railing, arms spread out confidently, he must have thought he looked cool like that.

And would no doubt have been the epitome of casual uncaring badassery, if not for the doodles that popped up on his face, moustache, glasses, inky dick, jizz and all.

Naruto erupted into laughter.

"The heck are you laughing about?" Sasuke looked to Naruto, his second eyebrow joining the second.

Naruto only laughed harder.

Kakashi tittered.

"Um..Sasuke-kun, what happened to your face?" Sakura tentatively brought up.

Sasuke blinked, "…My face?" he asked, lost.

In response, the pink haired girl swallowed, before reaching into her equipment pouch and bringing out a small hand mirror.

And held it up for Sasuke to see his face in.

Sasuke stared blankly at his doodled reflection.

And stared.

He kept that up for a good five seconds before his onyx black eyes swirled, burning into a crimson red with two rapidly rotating tomoe in each eye.

His head mechanically turned Daiki and he gave him a bloody red glare.

"…You!" he accused.

"That's a good look for you," Daiki smirked at him, "Dickhead."

Sasuke's eyebrows twitched and a vein throbbed on his forehead, "I'll kill you for this." he vowed.

"Then you woke up with your face in your cereal bowl." Daiki taunted.

"I swear I'm going to avenge myself on you for this." Sasuke promised, fists clenching together over the railing, tight enough he could hear the metal groaning.

"I'm not into dudes, sorry buddy." Daiki shot back.

Forget his cute little apprentices name would he?

"You will suffer the wrath of an Uchiha for this!"

"I hear they make a cream for that now."


That day, everyone gathered got to the see rare sight of Sasuke Uchiha completely losing his cool.

"To be fair Susuki, it's not nice to forget peoples names like that." Kakashi happily piped in.

And then promptly had to duck as Sasuke launched a punch at his face, tittering all the way.

All the while Naruto just laughed and laughed. The whiskered blonde laughed until tears came to his eyes, and he collapsed on his backside holding his stomach from the sheer hilarity he felt.

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