Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 155: Return To Monke - 7

Chapter 155: Return To Monke - 7

'Holy shit!' Daiki gaped. The old man was seriously not pulling his punches! This would be a really good time to put the Fire Sealing Method to test.

…If he actually knew the Fire Sealing Method! but no matter how many clones he had raid the texts the village shinobi library had on sealing, none of them even mentioned it!

And he definitely needed it for the future to deal with Amaterasu just in case.

It was too big and fast to dodge or outright with him injured right now, and countering with the same amount of power would leave him in point black range for the clash.

He could only block.

He ran through a few hand seals as he surged to his feet and his chest expanded just like the old mans as he pumped a metric shit ton of chakra into his jutsu and exhaled, "Water Style: Water Wall!"

He spat a massive rushing wave of water that formed up into a huge shield over thirty feet high and long.

Just in time for the massive fire dragon to smash into the barrier of water. An explosion erupted and shook the training cavern as steams welled outwards from the clash.

He felt his skin drying up from the sheer heat produced and his mouth dry up. But, at the very least, he could use the vapor in the steam for his own benefit as well.

He rapidly ran through hand seals as the dragon finally puttered out, leaving him enveloped in steam and his now limp and falling apart water barrier, spreading his chakra out.

As he did, the steam converged into the barrier and the amount of water once again swelled up, before twisting and forming into into a familiar, if very different serpentine form and clearing his vision to show the old man still in his previous position, "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!"

His own dragon of water roared and shot in the opposite direction of the fire dragon, towards the old man, deadly intent in its gleaming yellow eyes.

But Daiki wasn't done, he rapidly made another few hand seals before thrusting his hands out, "Lightning Style: Electromagnetic Murder!" he roared, unleashing a stream of crackling branching electricity from his hands that shot over and enveloped his water dragon.

"Ho-hoh, a combination jutsu I see?" Hiruzen nodded, pleased, "I'm impressed."

He hadn't seen anything yet!

As the dragon rushed him, so too did Daiki.

Pumping chakra into his eyes all the way.

For the first time, he bore witness to the old man losing his composure, however minutely as tens of dozens of clones formed all around him and Daiki, all rushing him like the dragon.

However experienced he was, there were some things that just weren't possible. And the chakra ghost clones couldn't be told apart from him, they made sound as they moved and even the Byakugan and Sharingan couldn't tell them apart from the real thing.

The old man was forced to actually properly backpedal and dodge for the first time, leaping backwards and dodging his chakra ghost clones as they came at him from all sides with the electricity enhanced water dragon hot on their heels.

The old man ran through blurring hand seals Daiki's eyes couldn't keep up with and as he landed, he finished, at the same time a puff of smoke came from one of his hands and a massive fuma shuriken appeared in his grip.

Wind whistled, forming around the edges of the fuma shuriken and the old man tossed it through the air, the spiralling star looking like a rapid buzzsaw, "Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

One giant fuma shuriken became dozens, then hundreds in the blink of an eye.

And in just seconds, most of his clones and his huge electrified water dragon were torn asunder.

Even he wouldn't have been able to avoid them and gotten caught up in the barrage of wind enhanced fuma shuriken.

If not for him creating a barrier of chakra and funnelling a ton of his chakra into it. It stopped dozens of those cloned shuriken in their tracks and forced them to dispel.

Would have been easier if he used his armour, but the old man wanted to see him fight with his own base abilities.

As it was, as he dispelled the chakra barrier, Daiki even with his own endurance and massive chakra capacity found himself panting deeply. Both from the damage he'd taken and the rather large amount of chakra he'd just expended in short order.

…Meanwhile the old man, looked no worse for wear at all. In fact, his clothing wasn't even ruffled and he still had that genial smile on his face.

He wasn't going to lie, it was kind of annoying.

"I think I've seen enough for now," Hiruzen mused, clapping his hands promptly, "You can relax Daiki-kun."

Despite himself and the way that casual dismissal hurt his pride in his abilities, Daiki couldn't help but feel relief.

God damn that old man was a monster. He didn't even come close to him in his base.

So this was what the 'Professor' and second 'God of Shinobi' was made of huh?

Daiki had to admit, he lived up to the hype.

"I know exactly what we'll be working on for the next week or say Daiki-kun," the old man said as he casually walked over towards him at a leisurely pace, "Though tell me, if I were to give you a choice of jutsu, what would you prefer? An elemental jutsu? A normal ninja art, a taijutsu technique? Or perhaps even a Genjutsu?"

Daiki blinked, "You're going to teach me jutsu?" he asked, all injuries and exhaustion becoming quickly forgotten as excitement jumped in his veins.

"Among other things," Hiruzen replied, "There are a few specific jutsu I must teach you if you are to become Hokage in the future, jutsu only the Hokage themselves learn. But variety is the spice of life and a big help in different situations, so I'll be teaching you a variety of jutsu beyond them as well."

Hokage only jutsu?

That sounded freaking badass!

Beyond them though, what did he need? He had lots of normal jutsu, quite a few genjutsu at this point, and even tons of elemental jutsu.

Though, ironically the one he was most lacking in, was for his main elemental affinity, lightning. Well, technically it was fire jutsu since he only knew the one, but he'd been training lightning by far the longest and only had three pure lightning jutsu.

And that was including his Lightning Armour.

Wow, he really needed some more lightning jutsu.

"I need lightning jutsu more than any else at the moment," Daiki replied, "Followed by fire. I'd prefer Lightning over fire though since I've not done any fire elemental training yet."

"I see," Hiruzen stroked his chin and hummed in thought for a moment, before nodding, "Easily rectified, I will get you a scroll on fire elemental training, and I believe we'll star you off on learning the Lightning Style: Thunder Bomb, I believe it will go very well with your Kiba blades."

"…All right." Daiki nodded, grinning.

It was kind of weird actually having a sensei who would teach him something, he wasn't going to lie. Kakashi, Kurenai and Asuma hadn't taught their teams shit after all.

'What am I, chopped liver?' Isobu huffed.

'You're not a sensei, you're my Isobro.' Daiki refuted. That disqualified him from the inherent failure that was sensei's if those three clowns were anything to go by.

"Once you master that jutsu, I will provide you with another, one a day assuming you can master them in that day, if not, you'll just have more of a backlog I'm sure," the old man chuckled, breaking him from his internal debate, "For now though, I will be returning to my office and leaving you with a clone of mine to oversee your training." as he said that, he made a single hand seal and summoned a shadow clone to his side.

"I hope that recovery ability of yours from becoming a Jinchuuriki is good to keep you going Daiki-kun," the clone gave him that warm, gentle…terrifying smile, "Because we don't have much time and we're getting right down to it right now."

….You know, looking at that smile.

Daiki was so, so glad he got his hands on that fragment of Gelel to boost his recovery and healing ability alongside his Jinchuuriki shit.

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