Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 167: Foxy - 5

Chapter 167: Foxy - 5

"…Naruto…." a deep voice echoed ominously throughout the mindscape as they entered the main area of the seal, "Your patheticness knows no bounds. The jinchuuriki of me, the mighty Nine Tails being manhandled by a mere Three Tails jinchuuriki, shameful."

A massive gigantic gate loomed at the other side of the huge, dreary room. And within it, a tantic orange furred fox with blazing, malice filled eyes glared out in contempt.

Yet made no move to stand up as they approached. The Kyuubi lay there, head atop its paws and saw no need to rise up to greet them.

Kurama's position alone, indicated how far below…him he believed they were.

'Yes, that would be right. While we have no genders physically, our personalities reflect them in a way. I would say only Matatabi leans towards being female out of us nine.' Isobu agreed.

Kurama's words at least seemed to snap Naruto out of his funk, "Ah, shut up you stupid fox!" the blonde shouted, "I was using your power, which I didn't ask for by the way and I still lost! It wasn't just me, we both got our butts kicked!"

"Keh, that's just because of how pathetic you are at using not only your own strength but mine," Kurama scoffed, "If it were me, I would have crushed them."

"Big talk for a dumb fox stuck in a cage!" Naruto snapped back.

"Your pathetic retorts show just how little you know, disgraceful," Kurama sniffed in disdain, then those blazing crimson red eyes settled on Daiki, "Now why did you come boy? Do you think I'll happily serve this little fool like that pathetic weakling Sanbi does you? Just because you have a slight understanding of where I stand?"

"Hardly, if you heard what I said to Naruto, you already know that I know you won't, not that I blame you, I wouldn't be too happy in your place either," Daiki snorted himself, "No, I just came because I wanted to see the one that killed my parents and see just how powerful you really are."

Kurama did not react to his words much, beyond a slight tightening of the fur around his eyes. But after a moment of his words hanging in the air, the titanic nine tailed fox slowly stood up, rising to his full height within the seal, each of his tails a match for Manda in size and length fanning out behind him, "Is that so? Well then, let me give you just a taste of it boy."

The air seemed to still at Kurama's words…

And then.

A searing red wave of pressure erupted from the seal, illuminating everything within the area with a deep dark crimson glow.

And Daiki's eyes widened as he felt it, Naruto falling to his backside with a gasp as it rushed over them.

It was like the world itself was pressing down upon his shoulders and a hate fuelled bloodlust that made Orochimaru's own feel like that of a new born babes in comparison to the Snake Sannin's own swept into his very bones.

Lesser shinobi would lock up and die in fright from the sheer killing intent alone within the chakra pressing down upon him. And the sheer force behind it, could probably kill the average newly graduated genin.

It was a truly absurd power that even just a mere flare of, dwarfed that of Isobu's own even with Daiki's added on top.

It was not even a contest.

This was the Kyuubi. The being that could flatten mountains with a swing of a single tail and cause a tsunami with another.

Pure primordial power given life and physical form. The greater part of a god, even in his weakened state.

Daiki couldn't stop the cold sweat that erupted from his pores. The power behind Kurama, truly was insane.

And just as suddenly as it started, the wave of chakra stopped and Daiki released a breath he didn't know he was holding.

It really was just a taste as Kurama said, but the sheer power behind it was mindboggling. So vast, that even with the ability to sense chakra he'd gained from Isobu, he couldn't see an end to it.

"The hell was that for you stupid fox!" Naruto surged to his feet, shaking his head and baring his fist angrily at Kurama, "Just cuz' you're in a shitty situation doesn't mean you do crap like that!"

If nothing else, the blonde's mental fortitude was something else. Naive and ignorant he might have been and childish as hell, but there was do denying his courage and backbone.

"Naruto…do not think just because this boy has told you a small fraction of what let us to this moment, that we are in anyway friends," Kurama scoffed, "You are nothing, less than nothing. You are weak and pathetic and can do nothing without me. The only thing that saves you from me, is this seal between us. Make no mistake though, I will one day escape this prison and crush you and everything you love, well what little of it you do, because don't ever forget, I know the true you and not that pathetic veneer you show off for those foolish humans to get their attention and acknowledgement."

Naruto growled, "….Bastard fox, and here I was beginning to sympathize with you a bit," he bit out, "I'm not gonna let that happen, I'm gonna be the Hokage that surpasses all the other Hokage and since you couldn't beat the Yondaime, no way you'll beat me!"

"Try beating the one beside you first, he's the next Hokage after all I sensed no lies in his words," Kurama mocked the blonde, "It's a good thing he is not my Jinchuuriki or I'd have a very hard time getting out, thankfully I got you, a weakling."

Naruto visibly grimaced and grit his teeth, but for once didn't shout back. Probably because he didn't know what to say though more than anything else.

Not that he blamed him, he just had his dream mocked and rubbed in his face, by the very being that caused him all the pain he'd suffered in his life. At least as far as he knew.

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