Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 178: On The Skies To Mist Village - 1

Chapter 178: On The Skies To Mist Village - 1

Honestly, after Sakura left to head home, Daiki was just pure on bemused. Her attitude right then, was a far cry what she was like in the other timeline when it came to perverted actions.

Any perverted action around her there, ended up with her fist turning concrete to powderor bones. Poor Naruto, he'd lost count of how many times her fist had smashed his head into the ground with bone breaking force.

Then again, she had tried that with him initially, he just wasn't kind enough to let her do it.

Like, he wasn't really going to complain, but it was still a massive turn around from what her other self was like. Had their talk during the second route really impacted her that much?

He stared after the older pink haired girls form until she disappeared from good old trusty training ground sixty nine, before deciding to put it and her out of mind for the moment and disappearing with a blur of motion using the body flicker.

He headed straight home to his house, reaching his destination in less than a minute. He was half expecting Anko to still be around given his offer to let her chill at his place while he was training with the old man Hokage.

Daiki was somewhat relieved she wasn't there though he found with a quick sweep of his eyes, his all seeing scarlet eye allowing him to easily see through every wall in the building.

Fun and sexy as Anko was-

Daiki had been keeping it suppressed all day, ever since he met with Naruto and helped him get a basic understanding of his abilities as a Jinchuuriki, but inspiration had struck him.

A new possible way to augment his grind had appeared before him, and now that he was home, he could truly ponder on it.

He made his way to his living room and collapsed on his sofa, staring right up at the ceiling, before speaking aloud, "What do you think?" he asked aloud.

'It has merit, I won't lie,' Isobu replied, 'The problem is you'll need to design an all new seal to do it, though admittedly with your other seals you've already laid out the ground work. That, and you need to be careful not to overdo it, if you do, it will make your chakra fluctuate a lot like his, though not to the same extent and make your chakra harder to control.'

His idea was simple. Copy Naruto. Not specifically anything he was actually doing himself, but rather what they'd discovered earlier today while inside his seal.

The pure yang chakra that made up the half of Kurama inside Naruto, making it so the abundance of chakra seeping into him was pure yang, and to his understanding, was obviously not only enhancing the quality of his physical growth, but to an extent, allowing his physical capabilities to grow passively.

It was not some truly massive amount. But say for example, that passive growth added a single pound of lifting strength per day? It was a tiny miniscule amount per day, but over time added up massively. Using that one pound example, Naruto as he was now, at almost fourteen years old, would have been capable of lifting over two tons without ever having to have trained a day in his life.

It wasn't like Daiki was all that specifically unhappy with his physical growth at all right now. In fact, he was over the moon about it, the rate he was progressing was utterly absurd compared to the average shinobi or kunoichi.

But that simply wasn't good enough when he knew of the kind of monsters that were lurking out there, the kind of monsters that had high chances of making a move not only upon him in the future, but the Leaf Village and he supposed the world as well.

Utterly absurd compared to the average, still wasn't enough. People joked all the time on versus threads and shit back home, people pulling out their ass how Naruto characters were super weak and couldn't do anything to the likes of Dragon Ball Z characters and people going on and on about how Kishimoto claimed Madara was only as strong as Nappa.

Putting all that bullshit aside, it was easy to say stuff like that when it wasn't real, when it was just some losers behind a computer screen fanboying over their favourite anime.

But when that reality became real? Daiki wondered what they'd have to say to the fact that Madara could literally create massive meteors, where if a single one came down and hit the planet of his old world, the planet would have become inhabitable and all of humanity would most likely have been wiped out. Or the fact the man could literally pause time with his eyes, or rewind time with his eyes.

And that was only his base mangekyou sharingan abilities.

Daiki wasn't even sure how he was going to counter that in the future. How did one counter the ability to freeze or rewind time?

But that was a problem for future Daiki to solve, he the Daiki of the present, could only do everything he could upon the path of the grind and squeeze every last drop of grind enhanced strength out where he could.

'Putting that horrible thought aside for the moment,' Isobu coughed, 'As far as Naruto's growth goes, you're mostly correct. Though given his strength right now and the subpar training he has gone through, even if not his own fault, I'd wager your analogy is a bit off. Strength wise alone, I'd say if using you as a basis, I'd say roughly three to five times your estimate.'

'Well, it was just an example.' Daiki shrugged, banishing the thoughts of Madara once more to the deepest parts of his psyche where he would do his best not to think on the man again for quite a while, he had to let loose a whistle despite himself.

So with no training at all, Naruto would have been capable of lifting between six and ten tons huh? That wasn't too shabby at all. It didn't compare of course to him right now, since he was literally wearing thirty tons per limb right now and was actually having an easy time moving around with them and would need to upgrade them soon, but still, a passive growth like that would be lovely.

But the true kicker was the enhanced physical growth from the overabundance of yang chakra.

It would increase the rate of his growth by a decent margin. Which would be amazing.

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