Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 183: On The Skies To Mist Village - 6

Chapter 183: On The Skies To Mist Village - 6

And Daiki mirrored him, his arms loosening from where they were crossed over his chest, coming down to his side and his facial muscles tightened as his eyes narrowed seriously, "I do," he nodded, "In fact I have a few. I'll use them all to force negotiations into our favour. Though, one of those plans will require us to make a quick pit stop at the Land of Waves."

"The Land of Waves, huh?" the Sandaime Hokage mused, before nodding a moment later in understanding, "I see, I understand. That is not a bad idea at all. I suppose you found out about it from Kakashi or a member of his team."

"More or less," Daiki nodded and replied in return, "It's a good option to play, but it's only one of four or five I've prepared."

Beyond knowing where the rest were, knowing who was controlling Yagura, knowing of Ao's Byakugan that was stolen from them and a few more things on top of Kubikiribocho, he was quite confident in how this was going to go.

Especially because they were the ones negotiating from the point of strength. The Village Hidden in The Mist, was by far the weakest of the five great shinobi nations right now.

"The Land of Waves?" Anko chimed in, "What's over there that's good enough to give us an edge in negotiations with the Mist?"

"It's where Team Seven fought and killed Zabuza Momochi of the seven swordsmen of the Mist," Daiki turned his head to her and explained, "For whatever reason, Kakashi thought it was a good idea to leave the Kubikiribocho at the grave they built for him and his apprentice."

"Huh, that would be a pretty card to play," Anko whistled, before promptly groaning, "Though what the hell Kakashi?"

"He used it as a lesson for his team, so I can't truly be to out of sorts with him over it," Hiruzen mused, "It was important for them."

"Meaning he babied them." Anko rolled her eyes.

"Pretty much, Kakashi as always has a problem sealing the deal, he could have easily sent a shadow clone to grab it while Team Seven were distracted," Daikia greed, god he didn't understand that guy. It was nice and respectful of him to do such a thing for Zabuza and Haku, but the world didn't run on respect and being nice, "This is why he's going to die a virgin."

That got a chuckle out of both Anko and the old man, neither coming to Kakashi's defence.

Which was amusing in of itself.

It only lasted a moment though before the seriousness was back, "Then I suppose it's time you make your way," Hiruzen stated, "Good luck on your mission, keep your guard up and don't show any weakness. Give me a moment and I'll have the gates opened for you to head out."

"No need," Daiki said, holding a hand up to stop him, "There's not exactly a long time until the chunin exams, so I want to make this quick."

"Yeah, well unless you're gonna pull the Yondaime's Hiraishin outta your ass kid and teleport us over there, we're gonna need to go there on foot," Anko pointed out, before blinking and giving him a weird look, "You didn't actually learn that did you?"

Heh, a bit of pride warmed in his chest at the thought that was an option she couldn't put out of mind when it came to him.

Sadly, that wasn't it.

Besides, even if he did he'd need to have a marker in the Hidden Mist Village to flash on over there.

"No, but I've got the next best thing," Daiki replied with a smirk and stepped back away from them both to get some room, "A power I stole while in the Forest of Death from some genin from the Hidden Star Village."

"My you do get around don't you?" Hiruzen seemed to clock on immediately and gave an exasperated, yet amused shake of his head.

Daiki brought his hands together in the modified hand seal specifically created to manipulate the star chakra. The fingers beside his pinky fingers and his middle fingers curled to his palm and touched the knuckles together, while his pinkies, index fingers and thumbs touched together to form an arch.

"Weird hand seal." Anko pointed out, watching him with interest.

"Ninja Style: Kujaku!" Daiki declared as he used the technique.

Green chakra exploded into existence around him, forming an armour of shimmering green chakra of two different greens, one light the other dark rippling up and down like a serious of waves

Daiki narrowed his eyes and concentrated, spreading his chakra out and a moment later, the armour of chakra around his body spread out at the back, forming four wide jagged wings, two towards his feet, the other extending beyond his shoulders and so large they covered the entirety of his body in their shadow of powerful green chakra.

"Impressive, I have to admit." Hiruzen nodded, smiling lightly.

"Whoa, the heck is this?" Anko marvelled, walking over to him and extending a hand to touch one of the wings, "Whoa, it feels solid, like steel. But wings huh, you telling me you can fly brat?"

"Something like that." he grinned.

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