Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 39: The Land Of Loot - 2

Chapter 39: The Land Of Loot - 2

The next morning, Daiki made his way to the Hokage Tower, a confident gait in his steps.

It was time after all.

He'd cut his training off entirely after shopping with Sasuke and getting something to eat together, though the weirdo had bought a whole platter of tomatoes to eat at a restaurant - who did that?

He'd splurged a lot yesterday, spending a full one hundred thousand ryo on stocking up his Dimension Force Seal with kunai and shuriken. Two hundred of each to be precise.

Thankfully, he wasn't lacking in money right now, even after spending that much, he still had over one point five million ryo to his name. Not only because of the bounties he got, but because every day since he got back, he'd been sending a clone off to do a D-rank mission, upping his mission record nicely.

Shadow Clones were so useful.

"Ah Daiki-kun!" The Sandaime greeted him as he entered the mission assignment room, "Good to see you, not sending a clone this time?" he smiled knowingly.

As expected of the Hokage.

"No, not this time Hokage-sama," Daiki chuckled, "I'm hoping to go on a C-rank mission today, preferably one to somewhere I've not been before, I want to see more of outside the village."

"Hmm, is that so?" the Hokage mused, "There are many beautiful places out there, but I'm afraid it will still have to be a mission around the general area, not too far from our territory, you're not quite ready to head out into fully hostile areas yourself."

"That's fine, I know my limits," Daiki shrugged, "Have you got any missions into the Land of Rivers, or somewhere around there? They're not far, and there's apparently lots of beautiful lakes and stuff there."

"They do indeed Daiki-kun, a splendid place to go fishing as well, you can find some lovely bass there," the Sandaime stroked his chin, "I do we believe we have one mission there now that I think about it, to the Land of Artisans actually, it's a general mission that comes in every few months, they want us to deliver a small shipment of specific ore that can only be found here in Fire Country, you should be able to handle that without much trouble."

Daiki had to fight to stop the massive smile from spreading across his face, "I'll take it," he agreed instantly, "I've wanted to visit that place for a while actually, to see about maybe getting my hands on a good chakra weapon."

"You and many others," the older man laughed lightly, "I dare say you've saved up enough over the past month though to get your hands on a decent one, so I wish you luck on your hunt."

"Thank you." Daiki replied simply, accepting the words humbly.

After all, he would take all the luck he could get to help him with what he was planning on doing.


You know, Daiki actually had to hand it to Isobu.

If the giant turtle Bijuu was actually where he thought it was.

If he was, the three tailed Bijuu was literally chilling out in a lake, dead centre between two of the main five hidden villages, the Leaf and the Sand.

And not a single person had found out about it being there.

'Again, that's only if he's here.' Daiki mused. Currently, he found himself atop a large cliffside pier that stretched out a bit over the humongous lake.

It hadn't taken him any longer than a dozen or so hours to reach here. He was a bit tired, but he could easily keep going.

It was hard to even make the lake out below him, the second he entered the general vicinity of the lake, he found that there was a massive fog barrier everywhere, stretching out as far as the eye could see.

Which granted wasn't very far because of said fog, but Daiki was sure it covered the entire lake for the most part.

With his suspicions of who was in this lake, that sent alarm bells ringing in the back of his head.

'Isobu can create an illusionary mist after all, and has water techniques, who's to say he can't use the Hidden Mist Jutsu as well, he's been with the Mist Village for decades.' he thought to himself, arms crossed.

And who else but a Bijuu would be able to sustain such a massive fog for any long period of time?

Well, if his suspicions were right and this fog was created by a jutsu that was.

"..Alright, I can do this." he hyped himself up.

There was a tremor in his legs that he was doing his very best to ignore. Because plan or not, this was a motherfucking Bijuu he was going to attempt to reason with.

It was for that reason specifically that he had a clone waiting in the tree line, waiting to use the Replacement technique with him if the negotiations at all went awry.

If Isobu attacked him, he was booking it back to Konoha and informing the Hokage that he found the three tails while touring one of the lakes on his way to the Village of Artisans.

Either way he was going to fuck the Akatsuki over, and he would offer himself up as a Jinchuuriki for Isobu if the Sandaime decided to seal the Sanbi.

He'd just have to put Raiga and Ranmaru off until later in that case.

…Still…it was a bijuu…

Daiki slapped his cheeks, "Don't pussy out!" he told himself before hesitation could settle in fully.

The strength he'd earned through the grind would see him through, one way or another!

Daiki made a single hand seal and focused his chakra, before extending both hands outwards towards the lake.

From his hands, rippling waves of sound began to emanate down towards the lake.

The Wave Transmission Jutsu was an interesting thing. One had to know the specific chakra frequency of someone if they were trying to send a message to them alone. But, if not set to any frequency, the technique transferred the message, to every living thing within the vicinity of the sound waves.

Which was what he did, to make sure Isobu got the message. A simple message, five words, repeated over and over.

'Isobu, I've come to bargain.'

He transmitted the message over and over. Thankfully for Daiki, the lake, while massive, wasn't anything compared to the distance between the Leaf and Waterfall Village's, and so, he didn't need to expend anywhere near the amount of chakra for this as he did when trying to send messages to Fu.

He expected he would be here for a while, after all, he was sure Isobu if he was here, would hear the message, and have to process the fact that somebody out there new his name, his name that should only be known to his siblings and the Sage of Six Paths, then take the time to contemplate if this was a trap or-

A massive resounding splash of water shot through the air, nay, calling it a splash of water did it no justice at all, it was like a gargantuan geyser that could pulverise a mountain suddenly just shot up from the depths of the lake and roared up into the heavens, piercing up through the clouds themselves.

Or so he assumed, since he couldn't actually see that far up with the fog and all.

And from within the massive geyser, a huge, titanic shadow seemed to seep up through it and become visible even through the fog.

A split moment later, the fog and geyser both, seemed to dissipate almost instantly and Daiki's mouth hung low as he stared up into a terrifying, gleaming yellow and red eye surrounded by concentrated rings, almost akin to the Rinnegan in aesthetics.

Easily as large as Shiromari, if not larger, the huge head of the Sanbi stared down at him, its single eye pinning him in place with the sheer weight its mere presence exuded.

….Holy shit this was a bad idea.

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