Naruto: The Hidden Protector

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

“ So what do you want? “ Izanami asked Hiruzen after she came to his office. She was a bit irritated that Hiruzen called for her early this morning. No one liked to be disturbed right in the morning after all. That would leave a bad taste in their mouths for the rest of the day.

“ Why did you take the Nine tails Jinchuriki near the police station and even more into the Uchiha clan? “ It was not Hiruzen who answered her. It was everyone’s good old Danzo with his usual gloomy voice.

“ And why should I answer you? “ Izanami asked as she gave Danzo a condescending look. Did this man never understand his place? Does he have a fetish to look for trouble?

“ YOU how dare you talk to me like that. I am the Hokage Advisor and one of the Konoha Village elders. “ Danzo roared like a kid throwing a tantrum. He still lacks the experience to deal with people who don’t even take him as a human being.

“And why should I care? And as far I know advisors don’t really get the authority to speak until he is asked to. And as for your village elder position I could care less about that. And look, even those two know their place. And they are also called village elders. “ Izanami said, pointing to the other two elders who are sitting at the back.

Homura and Koharu both glared at izanami. Even a small child could understand that the only reason they didn’t speak was they trusted Danzo to handle this situation.

Apart from Hiruzen only Danzo has the right to speak in Konoha’s defence. This is how things were for the last few decades so everyone was used to it.

“ You- You “ Danzo was almost about to lose it. No one has ever disrespected him like this. Who is he?. He is Danzo Shimura, the darkness of Konoha and the advisor of the Third Hokage. His name is known even to civilians who know nothing about ninjas. And this girl just said he is a nobody.

‘ I'm gonna kill this brat ‘ Danzo thought as a cold murderous light flashed in eyes. He was just about to signal his root ninjas to capture her here and bring her to his base to torture her thorougly. He didn’t even care if Hiruzen and the rest saw what he was about to do. As long as he produces satisfactory results Hiruzen would be more than glad to look the other way.

‘ Oh is he finally gonna start it ‘ Izanami thought with a lazy expression. She could see that Danzo was almost on the verge of losing his patience. If he makes a move now her job will be way easier.

She has more than one way for the four idiots to lose their prestige in an instant. And for her plan to work Danzo needs to make a move. He is the easiest pawn to destroy the elder council.

And just as Danzo and Izanami were about to have a showdown a voice suddenly interjected, “ Enough Danzo we are still in a meeting “ Hiruzen said as he fully released his aura.

Although he spoke to Danzo, his eyes never left Izanami. He was using his aura to pressure Izanami to behave and know her place.

“ Yeah, you should listen to your Hokage. No one wants to hear a disabled old man bark, “ Izanami said, totally ignoring Hiruzen’s pressure. To her this kind of pressure is like a spring breeze. Even Madara had way greater pressure when he was in his teens.

Hiruzen narrowed his eyes as a cold light flashed through them. He was beginning to lose patience too. Danzo was his teammate and most importantly his brother in arms so even he didn’t like it when someone is disrespecting Danzo this much.

But as a skilled politician he didn’t want to make an obvious move. If he attacks Izanami or does any harm to her his reputation as well as Konoha’s reputation will go down the drain. He would be the public enemy as no one would side with an old man who attacked a little girl who is also the representative of the World Bank.

“ Lady Izanami, you must give us an explanation on why you took Naruto the nine tails Jinchuriki to the Uchiha clan “ Hiruzen asked as he tried to change the subject. He would first need to know why Naruto is taken into the Uchiha clan before deciding Izanami’s fate.

“ didn’t I say that I was going to the Uchiha clan to discuss the debt the village owes. “ Izanami said as she gave Hiruzen a lazy smile.

“ But why would you need to take the nine tails into that clan? This and that has no connection “ Hiruzen asked, not getting the point.

“Isn’t it simple? I as Naruto’s guardian cannot simply let him be trapped in a house. And I simply can’t let him wander around the village when everyone is quite eager to beat him up. So as a respectable guardian I simply took him with me “ Izanami said as she unfolded her fan to hide her smirk.

Her words made Hiruzen speechless. For some reason he felt that Izanami was scolding him.

“That simply doesn’t mean you could take nine tails to the Uchiha clan. What if they tried to control the nine tails again. “ While Hiruzen was contemplating his next words Danzo interjected again.

Unlike Hiruzen who wanted to have his image clean as possible Danzo didn’t have any issues. He was already known as a ruthless and radical person amongst the higher ups after all. The only reason his personality is not widely spread amongst the general population is because he has Hiruzen’s support and the Root.

“ You guys sure have an interesting imagination. If the Uchiha clan could control the tail beast then why would they not dominate the whole shinobi world. Just because one could do it does not mean everyone could do it.

Take your esteemed Hokage for example. He is known for his five nature transformations and made a technique that is not inferior to bloodlines techniques. And he is also from the Sarutobi clan. But does anyone other than him have such skills in the Sarutobi clan? Even his descendants did not have this, much less his disciples.

So how could you expect the whole Uchiha clan to have such power. Even so to attack their own village they founded. That’s just absurd. “ Izanami shaking her head.

What she told was the truth that everyone wanted to forget. Konoha was founded by Uchiha and Senju. So why did the Uchiha as one of its founders wanted to rebel against the same village they founded.

There is only one explanation: they were forced to a corner. And in Konoha the only thing that didn’t change was the Hokage and his advisors.












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