Naruto: The Hidden Protector

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Hearing Tsunade’s cold words everyone reflexively took a step back. Thankfully there were no outsiders here or they would run out in fear. Tsunade was really scary right now.

“Hmm the Senju clan huh, well honestly they could be considered the ones with the best foundation amongst the other ancient clans. '' Izanami said, thinking for a bit. Whether it was jutsus or exceptional physical strength none of the other clans could rival them. Even the Uzumaki don’t have such physical strength even when they are from an ancient branch of the Senju clan.

“ Is that all? “ Tsunade asked with a bit of disappointment. Compared to the grand introduction Izanami gave to the Uchiha and Uzumaki, the one she gave to the Senju clan is rather blank.

Izanami gave her a look of exasperation. Did this girl not know what the benefits one could have with a great foundation. While normal ninjas work hard day and night at early age to build their foundation, But in the Senju clan they would have an even better foundation after just being born.

And even in the warring states the Senju had fewest casualties with ealy ninjas. In gamer terms a normal ninja would start at level 1 but a Senju clan ninja would start at level 9 or 10.










While Izanami and the rest were having some Ramen the entire Konoha was going crazy. Enemy spies were frantically trying to contact their villages to share the latest information.

‘Konoha Hokage advisor Danzo Shimura tried to attack the representative of the World Bank. And the World Bank is beginning to retaliate. ‘

Konoha, although it is called the strongest hidden village, has lost most of its vitality in the past years. So many nations who were eying the resources in the Land of Fire didn’t think much before they poured oil into the fire.

If Konoha is weakened their chances of taking territories from the Land of Fire will be way higher. So many ninja villages publicly issued statements condemning Konoha for their actions.

And if that isn’t bad enough, many ninjas and civilians in Konoha also go to the Hokage tower to ask for answers. The huge screen in the sky showed the evidence they needed to judge the situation.

So many righteous individuals went to the Hokage tower and started a riot. Furthermore most of the people who participated in the riot are merchants. On their way they went to the World Bank branch in Konoha and found out that their loans would be cancelled and they have two weeks to pay up their debts.

So many merchants joined the riot to stop this madness. They didn’t want to lose their businesses because of a criminal. And worse get caught up in a war.











From the Hokage office Hriuzen watched all that’s happening outside the tower and felt his heart bleed. Today’s incident will be recorded as something that will shame Konoha for years. And what’s more the reputation he built for all these years is at the brink of being ruined.

While he was regretting his actions an anbu ninja came and knelt before him. Without turning back he asked, “did you find out how that screen appeared in the sky “

“Yes Hokage sama that screen appeared because of a projection artefact the World Bank has stepped up. It is an advanced model of what we currently use. “ The Anbu ninja said. He was tasked to find out about the huge screen that appeared in the sky. That screen is the reason everything started.

Hiruzen inhaled his cigarette and exhaled a mouthful of smoke. His fists were clenched as he gritted his teeth. It is just as he expected that screen was something Izanami set up. That girl is a snake in human skin.

“ Is everyone present in the meeting room? “ He asked the Anbu ninja. After the whole incident he called everyone to hold a meeting on how to deal with this mess.

“ Yes Hokage sama, everyone has already arrived at the meeting place. But.. “ The Anbu ninja answered but he hesitated a bit as he stoped.

Hiruzen looked at him and asked in worry . , “ But what “ He got a bad feeling when he heard that tone .

“But the Hokage advisor Danzo sama is not present. The people who went to look for him didn’t find him at the Root base or at the Shimura clan at all “ The Anbu ninja said.

“ what!! Quickly send a few personnel to find him. He must be present at the meeting. Find him and bring him. If he resists you can apprehend him, arrest anyone who hinders the search “ Hiruzen said in a fit of anger. He had enough of his friend’s reckless actions.

“ yes Hokage sama “the Anbu ninja bowed and quickly left.

After the Anbu left Hiruzen inhaled his pipe in rapid succession. When the entire room was almost covered in smoke did Hiruzen stop his smoking.

“ Sigh Danzo if you decide to act like this and then don’t blame me for being ruthless “ He said as a cold light flashed through his eyes.

Earlier he was thinking of a way to solve this whole mess while leaving a way for Danzo to escape. But with Danzo’s recent action his thoughts began to change. He didn’t doubt that Danzo had already fled from Konoha.

After all that is the most logical move at this moment. So despite sending a team to locate him he didn’t expect to have any positive results. Who knew how many secret passages Danzo made for his Root ninjas to move in secret.

If Danzo had decided to stick with him and fight to the bitter end Hiruzen would do his best to find a way to save him. But no Danzo decided to throw all the responsibilities and run away. He didn’t even inform him.

‘Since you want to run away that badly then face the consequences for your actions with you’ Hiruzen thought as he got up from his seat. He needs to go to that meeting and make sure the situation doesn’t accelerate any more.

While Hriuzen was going to the meeting room a few miles away from Konoha a group of ninjas were running at an accelerating speed. Most of them wore Anbu-like masks. They all had their vigilance as they covered each other’s back.

After a while they arrived near a waterfall. When they reached the waterfall the group split into three . One group went into hiding , one went to cover any tracks while the final group dashed straight into the waterfall.

As they passed through the waterfall they arrived at an entrance to a cave that was covered perfectly by the waterfall. They waited there for a few seconds before another group of ninjas similar to them arrived in front of them.

The third group handed a scroll to the forth group and left the save swiftly. The forth group then swiftly entered the cave while another group in the shadows followed them to make sure they were not enemies.

As they arrived near a door to an office they all stopped. One of them knocked on the door in a peculiar manner. After that they all waited for an answer.

“Enter “ a cold voice came from the other side promoting the one with the scroll to enter while the others simply stood there guarding the door.

The Root ninja came near Danzo who was sitting on a throne and knelt in front of him.Danzo then gestured to another root ninja to take the scroll and handed it to him.

After he read the contents in the scroll his whole body began to radiate killing intent. “ Hiruzen, how dare you do this, “ he said in a cold tone.







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