Naruto Time Control

Chapter 41

Chapter 41


When Kakashi heard Feng's invitation to form a team with Might Dai, his eyes suddenly widened in disbelief.

What's the point in teaming up with Dai?!

Even if you want to help the person, it's still not a good reason to team up with him. The guy was kicked out from his team because obviously, he was incompetent.

Going to a mission alone then giving a part of your earnings is much better than teaming up with him.


Kurenai and Rin were also taken aback by Feng's actions.

They did not expect that Feng would be willing to be teammates with Might Dai. He obviously wanted to help him, was it because he's the father of one of our classmates?

This type of kindness..

Feng may be able to become a Hokage.

This idea popped in Kurenai and Rin's minds, this kind of thing may not be possible in the future.

When Might Dai heard Feng's words he was shocked at first but then he hesitated and said,

"This... this probably isn't a good thing, I might cause you some trouble."

If it were someone else's offer, then he would immediately accept it and be endlessly grateful. However this was Feng.

He was in the same class as his son. If he teamed up with Feng, he was worried that they would fail the mission because of him and tarnish Feng's name along with him.

"Don't worry senior, I believe in you."

Feng said seriously.

If he doesn't believe in Dai's strength even after opening the Eight Gate, then no one in Konoha would. The current Might Dai after opening the Eight Gate would be capable of beating both the Third Hokage and Danzo at the same time!

Seeing Feng's sincerity and trust towards him. Might Dai's nose couldn't help but turn sour, as his eyes filled with tears for a while. He stepped forward and gave Feng a hug saying; "Thank you Feng, Thank you so much... because of you the power of my youth will continue to burn."

This scene made the bystanders couldn't help but show weird looks.

Kurenai and RIn also showed stiff expressions, the only thing they could do was smile awkwardly

Kakashi just ignored them.


The corners of Feng's mouth twitched.

In fact, he wanted to avoid Dai's gesture, but he hesitated and just went on with it.

He's already used to the mocking and disdainful gazes thrown at him in the past, because of the fact that he was Kakshi's older brother. But Might Dai's unusual actions, also received unusual gazes directed to them by the crowd.

Feng stepped back quickly and left Might Dai's arms, showing an awkward smile, and said: "Senior let's go and take that mission."

He wouldn't need to worry about his safety doing missions with Might Dai going out with him. On the contrary, it would be a great experience for him.

Although he knows the extent of his strength, actual combat and just his theories are two entirely different things, if he messed up, it could lead to him losing his life.

"Sorry... I lost control of myself ..."

Might Dai seemed to notice he made it awkward for Feng, so he apologized quickly and wiped the tears in his face.

Feng sighed and calmed his emotions as said to Kurenai and the others and said: "Kurenai, Rin I'm sorry but I'll accompany senior to look for some missions... Kakashi, take all of this back."

Finished talking.

Feng gave his two large bags to Kakashi


Kakashi's expression couldn't help but be depressed.

Feng glanced at Kakashi and smiled, it's really good to have a little brother. He gestured to Dai and walked towards Konoha's mission entrusting office.


For ninjas, doing missions are their main form of living, so the importance of handling out missions are taken seriously.

Konoha's Mission entrusting office is located on the first floor of the Hokage building.

Ninja's who want to perform B-rank missions are needed to report and be approved by the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen himself, while missions below B-rank are managed by the office. The results would then be recorded on the ninja's personal file and then be handed to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"There are no longer D-rank missions left."

As soon as Might Dai walked in he immediately looked at the outermost bulletin board. It was where D-rank missions are posted, however it was empty now.

D-rank missions are generally just finding lost cats, digging, gardening. Such tasks are very common during periods of peace. However, because of the tension of war, even normal livelihoods are affected, so naturally, it would be rare for someone to issue those kind of missions anymore

Seeing the D-rank board was empty, Might Dai walked towards the C-rank missions.

"Huh? You're here again?!"

The supervisor in charge Saw Might Dai and came over to him and said impatiently to him: "VIllage rule states that C-rank missions are not to be taken alone, your team didn't take you back?"

His words made Might Dai embarrassed, he was about to say something when Feng beside him spoke and said to the supervisor.

"Excuse me...but he's in my team."


The supervisor was slightly surprised.

Feng said 'my team'. Genins can only join teams. Chunin on the other hand can form their own team and serve as the team's leader.. That is to say, the young man in front of him is a Chunin? But he doesn't have any knowledge and memory of the man in front of him.

Hold on.

Silver hair...

He suddenly remembered that the Chunin exams were held a few months ago, and it was said that the only one who passed was a kid with silver hair.

"You're Hatake Feng?"

The supervisor asked doubtfully.

He doesn't know Feng's appearance, but read Feng's personal information and remembered that Feng should be about ten years old, however, the boy in front of him seemed to be twelve to thirteen years old.


Feng nodded and said his ninja number.

"Wait a moment," the supervisor quickly searched for the corresponding number, and quickly confirmed Feng's identity.

He looked at Feng with a little surprise, and wondered: "It says here that you're only ten years old?"

"I grow a bit faster than the others."

Feng smiled casually and said, "Now, can we perform missions?"

The supervisor looked at Might Dai then back at Feng with weird eyes, and said: "You can...but are you sure that you wanted to team up with him? His failures in C-rank missions are the highest, he also makes tons of mistakes based on his personal data."

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