Naruto Time Control

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

In a town somewhere in the Land of Fire.

"Let's rest here for today."

Wearing his forehead protector, Feng walked to the front of the group and stopped to a hot spring hotel in this town.

Daisuke Urobe nodded, Might Dai also had no comments.

It has been nearly a week since they left Konoha, now the group is heading to the border of the Land of Fire. Since this town is closer to the border, the atmosphere here is more tense.


Seeing Feng's forehead protector and the group he's with enter, the person in the front desk greeted them politely.

Konoha ninjas maintain the stability in the Land of Fire, as well as power far superior to ordinary people, that is why they have a rather high status.

After checking in and choosing their rooms, Feng didn't rush in his room but said to Might Dai: "Senior, take care of this place for now. I'll go to the town and gather some intelligence..."

"Okay, leave it to me."

Might Dai nodded solemnly and stood in the corridor as a guard.

Feng took off his forehead protector and hid his Chakra sword as he quietly left the hotel, and started gathering information in the town.

Although with him and Might Dai's strength, even if something unexpected happened they could still handle it, but there's nothing wrong with a little investigation. He might learn something, such as spies from other villages that infiltrated in the Land of Fire

Dealing with this type of situation can also bring them considerable benefits.

Feng walked around town.


Originally, he was carrying out a simple investigation, but he did not expect that he would sense some chakra fluctuations which immediately made Feng vigilant.

Although he only felt the fluctuations in a split second, it gave him a very heavy feeling. That was not a chakra fluctuation from an ordinary ninja!

"It should be at least a Jonin... maybe even reaching Kage levels..."

Feng took a breath.

This is a very dangerous situation. He entered the Triple Speed state without hesitation, and his vigilance reached its peak.


At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded out.

Then a familiar figure appeared nearby that was looking at him in surprise. He hid his kunai and said: "So it was you guys."

It turned out that the one who called for him was his classmate, Shizune!

If she's here then that would mean, that bizarre chakra fluctuation that he felt previously should be...

At the next moment.

Crash! Crack!

Sounds of breaking came from the nearby gambling house, followed by the sound of commotion, and then they saw a woman running out shouting at Shizune:

"Shizune! Let's go! We're leaving!"

"Huh? Master Tsunade..."

Shizune froze for a moment, and then she saw a large group of people getting out of the gambling house holding sticks in their hands, chasing Tsunade furiously while yelling.

After catching up to her, Shizunely looked at the angry crowd behind them, and said, "Master...this..."

"Hahaha, well, I lost everything that I borrowed from the loan sharks. Anyway, let's escape first!"


Shizune was a little dumbfounded. When she came out, she obviously saw that Tsunade still had a lot of chips, but this is not the time to dwell on the details. She could only flee with Tsunade.

Not far away.

After Feng saw this scene, he just shrugged innocently.

It really was her. What a coincidence.

The war is already fast approaching and Tsunade still brought her new disciple Shizune to gamble. It seems that she's completely unconcerned about the village or even the war.

But when the war breaks out, even if she doesn't want to, Sarutobi Hiruzen would still force her to go back to the village and assign her in the medical division.


Looking at the direction in which Tsunade escaped, Feng thought for a bit.

He actually wants to learn medical ninjutsus from Tsunade, especially her 'Mitotic Regeneration: One Hundred Healings' because this technique is almost comparable to having Sage mode in terms of self-healing.

Since Hashirama Senju, no one in the Senju Clan can perform Sage Mode, so there is no specific method on how to achieve Sage Mode.

Now, there are two ways for Feng to attain Sage mode, one is to transplant Hashirama Senju's cells to him, and the other is to find his own way.

He would use the first option as his last resort, the reason being, one, it's too dangerous, the other one is, even if it indeed succeeds, it would be incomplete.

As for finding his own way, that would be impossible if he didn't have a sufficiently strong foundation.

He now has the Cell Activation technique which he obtained from Orochimaru, the next are the three Sage Regions of Mount Myoboku, Ryuchi Cave, and Shikkotsu Forest, and last but not the least, Tsunade's Mitotic Regeneration: One Hundred Healings. Once he obtained all of these, Feng was confident that he could create his own Sage Body!

"But it's still too early."

Feng thought for a while, but finally shook his head.

It's not yet time for him to practice Mitotic Regeneration: One Hundred Healings, even if he approaches Tsunade and obtains this technique from her, he will not be able to practice it for the time being.

Practicing this technique requires a huge amount of chakra, and he still doesn't have that, which means that he would have to spend a long amount of time with this technique, but that in turn would cause his strength to also slow down.

What he needs to focus on right now is to continuously increase his power.

When he possess the strength of a Kage under normal conditions and could move across the ninja world can he consider in training 'Mitotic Regeneration: One Hundred Healings' and Sage Mode.

"Speaking of, I might also obtain it from Shizune... but I might have to sell my body for it..."


What the hell am I thinking?

Feng smacked his forehead, feeling that there seemed to be a problem with his brain.

How about I make a bet with Tsunade and once I win I'll make her Mitotic Regeneration as the stake.

At this age, his body still hasn't developed yet, so that would be his last resort.

"Urgh! No point in thinking about it for now."

Feng returned to the hotel.

After eating dinner and returning to his room, Feng closed his eyes, the familiar dark space appeared in front of him along with a illusory clock.

'I'll obtain a new ability soon.'

Looking at the huge illusory clock, Feng murmured in his heart with deep anticipation.

The golden hour hand is getting closer and closer to the 2 o'clock position, and you can vaguely see that the gray fog on the 2 o'clock seems to be gradually dissipating.

Once the hand lands on the 2 o'clock completely, that should mean he would get a corresponding ability along with it.

Although he doesn't know what ability it is, he was sure that it would be extremely powerful

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