Naruto Time Control

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

The Jonin leader looked at Feng and the others coldly.

They're executing a B-rank mission this time. Along with him are 3 elite Chunins and 6 Genins. The information they received was that there were only two ninja escorts, one Chunin and another Genin.

They're completely confident in their numbers based on the intelligence they received, so there was no need for them to fully prepare for an ambush, they just waited for the caravan to arrive here.


The leader took out his kunai and walked towards Daisuke Urobe .

With the exception of Feng and Dai, the other people from the caravan are just ordinary people, he didn't care about them at all, but their mission is to capture a single person alive, so in order to avoid accidents, he should do it himself.


When he was preparing to rush towards Daisuke Urobe and the others, his eyes suddenly widened in disbelief.

When he turned his head to the right.


The three ninjas who attacked Feng for some reason, suddenly stood still while holding their kunais in their hands as if they're petrified!

The spectators didn't know when, but a white sword had already appeared in Feng's hand emitting white radiance.

"You don't seem to hear me."

Feng faintly opened his mouth, and looked at Daisuke Urobe: "Like I said, it seems that you've concealed important information from us, this kind of situation is beyond the mission that you've posted. You need to increase the reward that you previously promised, otherwise this mission will be considered invalid.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

As Feng's voice fell, the three Rock ninjas in front of him fell on the ground one after another.

If you look closely, you can see that there is an extremely clear line between their foreheads!


The leader's pupils shrank seriously.


All three of them died in an instant!

How could this be?!

Among the three people who attacked Feng, the two were genins and the other one was a Chunin. If it was him, he wouldn't be able to kill the three of them in an instant!

Just as the Jonin leader was thinking, a popping sound came from another side.

When he looked at it, he saw Might Dai wearing his green tights and was covered in green light as he was enveloped by chakra that fluctuated violently and intensely.

The three people who attacked Might Dai all flew out with blood spurting from their mouths, you can even hear their bones being broken at the moment.


Daisuke Urobe was stunned.

The three who attacked Feng were instantly killed, and the other three who attacked Might Dai were also crushed on the spot. This was completely not within his expectations as his mind went blank.

It wasn't until he felt Feng's gaze that he suddenly woke up. After being astonished, he finally reacted with ecstasy in his eyes.


Very strong!!

These two Konoha ninjas who looked unremarkable were unexpectedly strong!

He immediately responded to Feng in a more nervous tone: "No problem! We'll increase the rewards to 500,000! Please ensure our safety!!"


Feng pointed his Chakra Sword towards the Jonin leader and said indifferently: "We accept your request to change the mission status."

The leader looked at Feng, and said coldly: "Genjutsu? Impressive. I didn't expect a kid like you would have this kind of strength... But now that I've seen it, you won't be able to do the same trick again."

To instantly kill three people without any resistance was mostly because they were placed under Genjutsu.

He originally thought that the two Konoha ninjas are just nobodies, so he didn't place them in his eyes and make a proper ambush. If they were discovered, then they could just rush and kill them head-on.

However because of this, the situation turned dire for them.

Three dead and three seriously injured. This mishap would be pointed to him, the leader, once they return to the village, he'll receive punishment. If he wants to make up for this, they must successfully finish the mission!

The next moment.

He immediately formed hand seals.

"Earth Release! Earth Flow Spears!!!"


In an instant, the earth trembled as more than a dozen spikes sprung up charging towards Feng and Dai.

"Senior, protect them."

By the time his voice fell, Feng was already rushing towards the Jonin leader while holding his Chakra Sword as he avoided the incoming spikes.

Might Dai was enveloped in green chakra light, with his hair standing up and protruded veins and said in a domineering tone: "Leave them to me!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! !

In the next moment, Might Dai flickered and came to Daisuke Urobe's side and threw them to the opposite bank of the river, avoiding the spikes.

Seeing Feng charging from the front, a hint of cold light flashed in the eyes of the Jonin leader.

In his opinion, the first thing he needs to take care of is Feng. After all, Might Dai is obviously strong in taijutsu. He doesn't want to fight Might Dai while at the same time pestered by Feng's genjutsu, but now that Feng charged alone, he has no problems with it.

Without any hesitation, he formed hand seals once again.

"Earth Release! Mud Wave!"

He opened his mouth and vomited, and a quagmire-like river rushed towards Feng.

At this time, Feng jumped in order to avoid the Earth Spears. Even when he was about to fall into the mud his expression didn't change as he knotted a seal with one hand.

Shadow Clone!


A clone appeared below him, supporting Feng's feet with both hands as Feng leaped to avoid falling into the mud, but as the clone fell, it also disappeared into a smoke..

Using the momentum from his jump, Feng landed in front of the Jonin leader and instantly slashed his Chakra Sword.


The leader's body was split into two but no blood came, instead, he turned into mud and broke apart.

It's a mud clone!

"I'm a Rock ninja... kid!"

The sound came from behind Feng, his figure came out from the ground with two thorns protruding from his sleeves as he stabbed towards Feng's back!

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