Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 162

Chapter 162


Simon was taken aback by the sudden offer to fight. Rete put away another plate before letting out a sinister grin.

"What, you scared?"

"No! No Nothing like that."

A battle with the priest who saved his moms life It wouldn't end with just a scolding if he got caught, but Simon liked the sound of it.

The biggest task presented by Kizen this holiday was learning how to fight against priests.

If he had a chance to fight with a first-year Efnel student, wouldn't he get a lot of clues?


"Teacher Anna would be worried if she saw us. So if its alright with you oh-so-generous-host, could we go a little far from this place?"

Responded Rete with her characteristic cynicism as she wiped the dishes.

"But will you be okay? I kind of have a special trait, you see."

"Ah you keep on talking bullshit."

She physically looked down on him as she growled,

"Are you blabbering that crud because you were fine after being hit by a divine attack once before? You're dead meat."

Simon couldn't help but burn with competitive desire when she went so far.

"Maybe you'll become a little more docile if I snap off that spirit of yours."

"Whaat? Docile?! Outside! Right n!"


A heavy weight loomed over them. The two of them slowly turned around, visibly shaking.

"You two."

They saw Anna's smiling face.

"Do you mind sharing your conversation with the rest of us?"

In the end, both were called to bed and were scolded badly.

A new taboo word was born there for the Polentia family: Fight.

* * *

Crackle crackle.

Having eaten a fulfilling dinner and washed the dishes, Simon sat in front of the sofa by the lit fireplace. He then took out the Mechanics of Jet-Black assignment.

After tapping the empty space on the paper with a quill for a few minutes, he reluctantly wrote down an answer.

He couldn't concentrate very well. Having recently eaten, he was bloated and getting tired.

'It'd be better if I re-did it tomorrow.'

Interrupting Simon mid-yawn, Rete barged into the living room in pajamas.

"Huh? Those clothes"

"Yes. As you can see, Teacher Anna lent me these clothes. Do they suit me?"

She spun in place.

Simon was surprised from seeing such a girly side of her, but he managed to say,

"Yeah, they suit y"

"Shut up. I don't want to hear that from you."

What do you want me to do?!

"Other than that, Teacher Anna said she's thirsty. Bring us two glasses of water."

Rete then rushed back into the bedroom.

Resisting the urge to smack her, Simon stood up.


After taking a few steps, Rete stuck her head out of the bedroom again.

"I'm telling you just in case, but you won't only bring water just because you were told to bring some water, right? Even trashy Necromancers should have the common sense to bring fruit on a tray."


Not giving him a chance to reject, she ducked back inside. Through the wall, Simon could hear her enraptured in conversation with Anna.


Rete was here as an honored guest. Simon sighed and went to get some fruit.


Rete was sticking her head out again.

"If you spit in the water, I'll kill you."


She pointed at her eyes then pointed at Simons before going inside once more.

'Dear faculty of Efnel, students are in urgent need of character education.'

Simon did as he was told, pouring two glasses of water and peeling fruits before going over to their bedroom.

There, he saw Anna lying on the bedsmilingand Rete lying on her stomach in pajamas, kicking the air as she chatted. Rete smiled sheepishly with a puppy-like face as Anna stroked her hair.

'Why do I feel like I got my mom stolen.'

When Simon uncomfortably put the tray down, Rete turned her head.

"You're not even knocking on the door when entering a women's room? Such manners. Dark Magic can wait. Kizen seriously needs some character education."

"I mean, the door was open."

"Don't be like that, Rete."

"Yes~ Teacher."

She had a sudden change in attitude before burying her face in Anna's chest.

Simon just left her alone and walked out of the room.

"Good night, Son."

Said Anna, smiling. A small smile crept across Simon's lips.

"Good night, Mom."

* * *

* * *

He was walking through the Kizen campus.

Familiar sights, familiar alleys, familiar people in familiar attire.

As he was absentmindedly walking down the street, someone called his name.

When he looked up, he saw Meilyn waving from a window on the second floor of a building. Beside her were her clubmates.

The moment Simon lifted his hand to wave back


The building exploded. Meilyn couldnt be seen under the mound of shattered concrete.

Then, he heard a lot of laughing and chatting from behind him.

Simon spun around, seeing Rick laughing and giving a speech to Class A. Simon ran toward them and screamed for them to run.


A building collapsed on top of them, leaving Rick and the rest of Class A buried under a pile of rubble.

He couldn't do anything to save them.


Now, from the dark, Camibarez was shambling toward him as though wounded.

'No. Cami!'

He had to save her this time. Simon clenched his teeth and rushed to her, hugging her tight.


She bit Simon's arm. She had turned into a zombie. Her whole body shimmered with pale light.

Simon's eyes shook.


A black cross pierced both Simon and Camibarez.

Simon coughed up blood as he looked back.

Tap. Tap.

The sound of heels approached. A red-haired woman in a black suit was looking down at them.

[Curiosity kills the cat.]

White Flame rushed like a huge tidal wave centered on her, devouring all of Kizen.

[You should've left Kizen while you could.]

The world was drenched in White Flame, incinerating everyone Simon ever cared about one by one.

Simon screamed.


He shot upright from in his bed.

Looking around, it was his own room.

Sweat dripped from every inch of skin.

'It was a dream Why did I have such a nightmare? It's over now.'

Simon got up from his bed, an extreme thirst coming over him, and he headed to the living room.

He was coming down the creaking stairs when he felt the heat on his face.

'Why is it so hot?'

When he got to the bottom and came out into the living room


White Flame was spreading across the living room.

It was so unrealistic that it felt like an extension of his dream. Parts of the ceiling collapsed, the walls of his house splintered, and the night sky was shining in through the destruction.


There was no mistake.

This was Flema's White Flame.

He saw Rete sitting on the living room floor, dazed. Simon ran over to her and shook her shoulders.

"What's the matter? Rete! What's going on?"

She shakily pointed to the bedroom.

"Teacher Anna is"



Anna was covered with White Flame. She screamed in agony, White Flame leaving a trail of destruction with every step she took.


Simon barely managed to push away the building shock, and his mind began to race.

Was Flema actually alive and struck in retaliation? No. Nefthis couldn't have made such a mistake. Also, that wasn't Flema's attack. It was unmistakable. Anna herself was creating White Flame.

Then, was Rete the one pulling the strings? That didnt seem to be it, either. Simon couldn't feel any pretence in her distress. She was mumbling, "Teacher," over and over again.

"You two, step back."


A jet-black magic circle spread across the house.

{Demon-Sealing Coffin}

A large coffin appeared above the magic circle, and jet-black cloths fluttered from it.


Richard swung his arms. The black cloths whipped toward Anna.

"Wait! Are you insane?"

Rete ran up to Richard and shook him by the collar.

"Teacher Anna is a priest! What are you planning to do with jet-black?"

"White Flame is a saintess' skill. It's the power to burn down jet-black."

Calmly responded Richard.

"In times like this, we have no choice but to reduce the White Flame by injecting the reverse attribute, jet-black."


Rete had already tried all kinds of divine smites, blessings, and recovery spells, but it was all useless.

Eventually, she let go of his collar and backed off.


At Richard's command, black cloth wrapped around Anna's body. White Flame soon burned the cloth, but more flowed out of the coffin and continued to wrap around Anna.

After repeating this process over and over, this fight was eventually Richard's victory. Annas flames gradually weakened, and everything but her face was left wrapped in bandages like a mummy.

She looked exhausted. Simon bit his lip, and Rete turned away as if unable to bear looking at her.

"I'm sorry, Anna. I'll seal it."


Countless glyphs engraved themselves into the cloths wrapped around Anna. The White Flames strength waned. Richard took a deep breath and approached, carefully bringing her to the floor.

"Teacher Anna!!"

Rete came running with teary eyes.

Anna was restrained with countless bandages, but she still struggled out a smile.

"I'm fine, Rete."

"I-Is it because of me? Was there some kind of problem with the cure I!"

"No, it's not your fault."

She then looked behind Rete.

"My son"

Simon staggered forward before falling to his knees as his legs gave way.


"I'm sorry I keep showing you my weak side when youre back home after so long."

Simon did his best to give her a smile.

"Its fine. Please rest well, Mom."

Soon Anna closed her eyes. Richard, who was clearly fatigued, looked around the burned house and said,

"Let's go somewhere and talk."

* * *

Leaving the burned wooden house, Richard headed to Charles' house.

It was close to Simon's house, and Charles also had an annex he wasnt using. They decided to stay there for the time being.

"It must've been sudden, but thank you for taking us in, Charles."

"What are you saying, my Lord! You can stay here as long as you want. We also cleaned up last week, so it should be perfect!"

After talking with Charles, Richard entered the building.

Anna, wrapped in black cloth, was lying on the bed and asleep. Simon and Rete sat by her side, both worried.

"Tell me, Father."

Stiffly said Simon.

"What happened to Mom?"


Richard closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. Then, he declared,

"Anna has become the Saintess of Purification."

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