Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 213: With A Skilled Hand, You Can Pull Out The Rug From Under Anyone

Chapter 213: With A Skilled Hand, You Can Pull Out The Rug From Under Anyone

Lin Moyu arrived at the God Bai Courtyard and respectfully saluted Bai Yiyuan, "Greetings, Teacher."

Subsequently, he saluted Meng Anwen and Ning Tairan, "Greetings, Senior Meng, Senior Ning."

Bai Yiyuan looked Lin Moyu up and down, "Not bad. In two days, you went from level 28 to level 30. Your speed isn't worse than mine back in the day."

"Sheesh!" Ning Tairan sneered disdainfully.

Meng Anwen spoke in a most placid tone, "It took you 18 days to go from level 28 to level 30."

Bai Yiyuan's face fell immediately, "Old Meng, that's uncalled-for."

"Talking big in front of your student is even more uncalled-for." Meng Anwen's tone remained placid, showing no intention of giving Bai Yiyuan face.

Bai Yiyuan waved his hand, "Forget it, I won't stoop to your level!"

"You should first meditate and restore your energies to their peak!"

Upon hearing Bai Yiyuan's words, Lin Moyu stepped aside and quickly entered a meditative state.

It had been a while since he exited the dungeon, and his mind had already settled down. In less than a minute, Lin Moyu entered a meditative state, and his energies were rapidly being restored.

Bai Yiyuan gave Meng Anwen a sign with his eyes.

Meng Anwen conjured the Shenxia Tower's phantom in his palm, and a ray of light shot out from the tower and enveloped Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu's brow unfurled, his entire body relaxed, and the rate at which his spirit force was restored increased.

It was even more effective than the Dimensional Battlefield's Military Skill Grinding Site. In less than an hour, Lin Moyu was back to peak condition, his energies fully restored.

In fact, they were not just restored, but even slightly exceeded their usual levels. This was all thanks to the ray of light released by the Shenxia Tower's phantom.

Bai Yiyuan nodded in satisfaction, "Good, your energies are fully restored. Now you can use skill scrolls."

When your energies were at their peak, the likelihood of you awakening a skill increased.

Lin Moyu made a sound of assent and took out the skill scrolls he had prepared.

At this moment, he noticed that Bai Yiyuan also take out a pile of skill scrolls.

Bai Yiyuan asked strangely, "Why did you prepare skill scrolls?"

Lin Moyu scratched his head, "I leveled up and needed to learn skills, so I bought some at the trade office."

Ning Tairan laughed heartily, "You're a lousy teacher. Young Lin, why don't you become my student? I can teach you better than this guy."

Bai Yiyuan retorted grumpily, "Get lost. You think you can pull the rug out from under me, fat chance."

Ning Tairan responded brazenly, "With a skilled hand, you can pull out the rug from under anyone. Young Lin, think about it. I am Yiyi's grandfather. If you become my student…"

"Stop, stop. Using your granddaughter as a bargaining chip, you really have no shame!" Bai Yiyuan jumped up and shouted 'fiercely' at Ning Tairan.

Then he turned to Lin Moyu, "Don't worry. If he dares oppose your relationship with Yiyi, I'll go and bring Yiyi to you as your wife myself."

Ning Tairan shouted angrily, "Just you try it. I'll burn your courtyard down."

Lin Moyu was at a loss for words. To be able to talk so casually with one another, how many years had these two been friends?

Meng Anwen cleared his throat, "Alright, enough, you're not young men anymore, show some dignity."

The two snorted and glared at each other, neither backing down.

Meng Anwen asked, "How many skill scrolls have you prepared?"

Lin Moyu answered honestly, "I prepared 200."

Meng Anwen shook his head, "That's not quite enough."

200 scrolls wasn't enough?

Lin Moyu trusted Meng Anwen's words, "Then I'll go buy some more."

"No need, I've got everything ready." Bai Yiyuan said and waved his hand, and a large number of skill scrolls flew over, forming a small mountain.

"There are 1,000 Elementary Skill Scrolls here. Use these first. If it's not enough, then we'll get some more."

Could this many scrolls possible not be enough? Lin Moyu was puzzled. At level 20, he had only used 16 scrolls. Could there really be so many skills to learn?

Bai Yiyuan explained, "Don't think it's too many. Learning all skills is not an easy matter. To be frank, out of 10,000 class users, 9,999 are unable to learn all their elementary skills before reaching level 40."

"Others can use skill books, or learn skills from teachers, or gather materials and master skills on their own. As for you, yours is a new class. There are no skill books or materials available, so you can only rely on skill scrolls."

"Moreover, skill scrolls have limitations. The more you use them, the lesser the likelihood of awakening skills."

"How many skills did you awaken with skill scrolls at level 10 and level 20?"

Lin Moyu answered, "I awakened five skills."

Bai Yiyuan sighed in relief, "A bit on the low end, but still acceptable."

After all, unlike others, Lin Moyu had to use skill scrolls to awaken all skills. The property of skill scrolls is that the more you used them, the lower the chances of awakening skills. In addition, the more skills you had mastered, the higher the chances of awakening already mastered skills.

As for others, they will first use skill books, materials, or the guidance of teachers to master most class skills, then use hundreds of Elementary Skill Scrolls. By then, even if they can't master all skills, they can master at least 80% of the skills.

Furthermore, the skills of most classes had already been mapped out, so people of these classes knew what skills they hadn't learned yet.

As for Lin Moyu, he was in a fog. He didn't know how many skills he could master at level 30.

Therefore, Bai Yiyuan couldn't guarantee that 1,200 Elementary Skill Scrolls would be enough.

Fortunately, there were plenty of Elementary Flash Skill Scrolls as backup.

"Use them ten at a time. Don't hold back. If it's not enough, your teacher can get more." Bai Yiyuan reassured, patting his chest.

Lin Moyu responded with a mhm sound and began using skill scrolls.

He released his spirit force and activated 10 Elementary Skill Scrolls at the same time, and the scrolls emitted bright light that enveloped him.

Moments later, the light faded, but nothing happened. This was normal and expected.

Lin Moyu continued to activate scrolls batch after batch. After five consecutive batches of scrolls, there was still no sign of any new skills.

Lin Moyu paused and looked at Bai Yiyuan, who was calmly drinking tea, seemingly unconcerned.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Moyu continued to activate skill scrolls, which dissolved into specks of light.

Finally, after the 10th batch, a change occurred. A myriad of silver lights appeared before Lin Moyu's eyes. He saw various weapons: blades, swords, rods, clubs, fist weapons, bows...

Each weapon was shining brilliantly. The lights lasted for two minutes before fading.

[Acquired Skill: Physical Resistance]

[Physical Resistance (level 1): passive skill. Increases resistance to physical attacks for host and summons by 10%.]

It was another passive skill, just like Elemental Resistance.

After being buffed by Comprehensive Amplification, resistance to physical attacks would reach 400%, significantly reducing damage. It was a very useful survival skill.

Lin Moyu felt a hint of happiness in his heart. He found Bai Yiyuan watching him.

"What skill did you learn?" Bai Yiyuan asked calmly.

Lin Moyu replied, "It's called Physical Resistance, a passive skill. It can reduce physical damage to me and my summons."

Bai Yiyuan made an uh-huh sound, "A defensive passive skill, very good."

"Continue. Now use 20 scrolls at a time."

Lin Moyu nodded and began activating Elementary Skill Scrolls twenty at a time.

Now that he mastered a new skill, the difficulty of awakening skills would increase once again, and the exact increase would depend on luck.

In any case, the probability would certainly drop significantly. This was a conclusion drawn from many years of experience.

Lin Moyu realized he was lucky to have awakened five skills with so few scrolls at level 10 and level 20.

Lin Moyu used Elementary Skill Scrolls batch after batch—200... 300...

When it got to 400 scrolls, Bai Yiyuan said calmly, "Use 50 at a time now."

Lin Moyu nodded, his spirit force surged, and he began using 50 scrolls at a time.

The activation of skill scrolls required spirit force. Lin Moyu's spirit force was steadily decreasing.

At this time, Meng Anwen sent out another ray of light, slowly restoring Lin Moyu's spirit force.

Using 50 scrolls at a time proved effective. After two batches, when the total count of used scrolls reached 600, skill light appeared again.

Lin Moyu saw a sky filled with red light, similar to when he awakened the Slowing Curse skill.

"A curse skill." Lin Moyu was delighted. Curse skills were highly useful.

At this moment, Bai Yiyuan, Meng Anwen, and Ning Tairan saw a different scene. In their eyes, Lin Moyu was enveloped in a red light. The aura coming from the red light made even them feel a sense of danger.

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