Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 269: Because I’ve Read About The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 269: Because I’ve Read About The Three Kingdoms

Lin Moyu’s sudden appearance drew the attention of not only the Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind but also the human class users. At first glance, Lin Moyu seemed insignificant, just a level 33 small fry. His undead legion, though impressive in number, was composed of skeletons with weak attributes—so frail that a single group attack from a Mage could wipe them out.

However, those familiar with Lin Moyu recognized him immediately, and smiles spread across their faces, especially among Jiang Hanshan’s party. They knew just how formidable he truly was.

Jiang Hanshan offered Lin Moyu a military salute, and Lin Moyu returned the gesture. It was then that others noticed the seemingly unremarkable military badge gleaming with golden light on Lin Moyu’s chest—a colonel badge. This young man, just level 33, was actually a colonel. Among all present, only Jiang Hanshan held a similar rank; the others were mere lieutenants at most. In this regard, Lin Moyu had already outshone them all.

Jiang Hanshan’s respectful salute underscored Lin Moyu’s higher status, shocking those unfamiliar with him even more.

“This young man is no ordinary figure.”

“Being a colonel at his level means he’s slain many Demons and Dragonkind.”

“I wonder if he can change the situation. Time is running out.”

“Let’s hope we can retrieve the Heart of the Earth. Humanity is desperate for a new Earth Knight.”

“The Jialan Guild has notified everyone they could reach, but they might arrive too late.”

Lin Moyu’s arrival made the Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind wary. Though they initially dismissed him and his undead legion as a non-threat, but when they sighted the colonel badge on his chest their disdain turned into alarm.

A Dragonkind class user muttered, eyes filled with murderous intent, “I can sense the aura of our kind on him. He’s killed many of our brethren. I can almost hear their cries of anguish. This aura makes me want to kill him.”

Despite the venom in his words, he stayed still, his reason telling him not to act rashly. If anyone was to act first, it should be the Demons.

The Abyssal Demons, too, focused on Lin Moyu.

An Abyssal Succubus spoke in a bewitching voice, “I can sense the mark of a top-level Succubus on him. He’s been hunted by one before.”

Her words caused a stir among the Abyssal Demons. To survive being hunted by a top-level Succubus—who was this human?

Lin Moyu reached the front of the human side and pointed to Mu Xianxian, “Come with me into the dungeon.”

He spoke with such authority, as if it were a foregone conclusion, completely ignoring that Mu Xianxian was level 59 while he was only level 33. Surprisingly, Mu Xianxian made no objection.

“Just the two of us?” She asked softly.

Lin Moyu nodded. “It’s enough.”

He sent her a party invitation, which she accepted without hesitation, and then led her toward the dungeon entrance.

Some human class users attempted to follow, but Jiang Hanshan stopped them with a wave of his hand, “Don’t.”

His words carried a lot of weight, as he was the only colonel and held the highest military rank, commanding significant respect and authority.

The Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind glared at Lin Moyu with murderous intent, but he ignored them. His skeletons, sensing the hostility, defiantly raised their heads.

“Be careful, they might attack,” Mu Xianxian whispered.

“They won’t.” Lin Moyu replied calmly, casting Bone Armor on both of them.

In the three-way standoff, Lin Moyu could see from their eyes that both sides were hoping the other would make the first move. Since only he and Mu Xianxian were entering the dungeon, and the larger human force remained behind, it wouldn't trigger a full-scale battle.

Lin Moyu had no time to waste on them. However, if they provoked him, he wouldn’t hesitate to retaliate. Although he couldn't defeat the level 67 Archaic Luanniao, handling these opponents would be easy with his Corpse Explosion skill.

Trusting Lin Moyu’s words, Mu Xianxian followed him to the dungeon entrance. As Lin Moyu expected, neither the Abyssal Demons nor the Dragonkind attacked, both sides waiting for the other to act first. Lin Moyu touched the dungeon entrance.

[Dungeon: Eartheart]

[Remaining time: 8 hours, 45 minutes, 41 seconds]

Time was running out, with less than 10 hours remaining. The dungeon had no difficulty rank or entry restrictions, and its contents were unknown. However, based on past experiences, dungeons in the central region of the Immemorial Battlefield typically ranged from level 45 to level 60.

“Get ready. We’re going in.” Lin Moyu said.

“Okay, I’m ready.” Mu Xianxian replied, though she was clearly nervous. Entering a dungeon with just two people was a first for her. In a flash, they entered the dungeon, and the undead legion vanished.

After they disappeared inside, the Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind exchanged hostile glares, each blaming the other for letting Lin Moyu pass.

The alliance between the two sides was fragile, sustained only by their shared enemy—the humans. Externally, they presented a united front, but at their core, they remained hostile to each other.

Lin Moyu had leveraged this distrust, knowing that they believed two humans couldn’t possibly clear the dungeon and would likely perish inside.

Inside the dungeon, Mu Xianxian finally relaxed, “They really didn’t attack.”

“Of course not.” Lin Moyu replied.

“But why?” She asked, still puzzled, curious why Lin Moyu was so certain.

“Because I’ve read about the Three Kingdoms.” Lin Moyu answered.

Huh? Mu Xianxian didn’t understand, but Lin Moyu didn’t elaborate. Instead, he surveyed their surroundings.

The dungeon was a canyon-like domain, about 100 meters high, illuminated not by sunlight but by glowing mushrooms. The ground was dotted with pools of bubbling hot water, emitting steam. The air was filled with the pungent smell of sulfur.

“Is this really the Eartheart World?” Mu Xianxian exclaimed, but quickly covered her mouth when Lin Moyu shot her a look.

Despite their difference in levels, Lin Moyu had naturally assumed the role of leader.

“Let’s go.” He said, setting off with Mu Xianxian close behind.

"Ah!" She exclaimed again, quickly covering her mouth afterward.

Lin Moyu glanced at her with a puzzled expression, wondering if something was wrong with her head. What could be so shocking?

Mu Xianxian pointed at the dungeon entrance and said, “There’s no exit.”

Lin Moyu looked back and confirmed it—indeed, there was no exit.

In every dungeon he had ever encountered, even those of hell rank difficulty, there was always an exit near the entrance, providing a way out if things became too challenging. But here, there was none.

Lin Moyu realized that his storage space was still accessible, but his Advanced Dungeon Escape Talisman was restricted. The only way out was to clear the dungeon or wait for time to run out—there was no option to leave half through. The dungeon provided no second chance for exploration and didn’t allow him to send information outside.

“What now?” Mu Xianxian asked, her voice low.

“Now we’re going to clear it.” Lin Moyu replied, summoning an undead legion. The skeletons scattered, searching for routes and exploring the dungeon map.

Lin Moyu and Mu Xianxian followed behind, advancing through the canyon-like dungeon. The layout was straightforward—a straight path about a thousand meters wide, flanked by canyon walls.

Suddenly, one of the skeletons was attacked—a monster had appeared. Lin Moyu rushed forward.

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