New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1816  [Bonus chapter] Mission:  Wrecking Havoc (6)

Chapter 1816  [Bonus chapter] Mission: Wrecking Havoc (6)

'If only I have days like these every day in my life, it would be the true Heavenly Realm for me.'

For a Spirit Beast like Twilight, it was heaven to destroy daily; however, Twilight knew that if he continued to do that, he wouldn't be enjoying it after some time.

Even though Twilight likes destruction, he likes something more than destruction and it is to fight more powerful beings.

With his current strength, Twilight, he could fight the Elders of the Top Sects who awakened their Divine Rules and awakened more than 20 or 30 percent.

Also, it won't be long before Twilight increases the awakening percentage of his Divine Rules to the next level where he could fight the Sect Leader of the top sects in the universe.

At that time, no matter how much he destroys this universe, it won't make Twilight satisfied.

'Even though there is a Dark Region where Brother Ajax had promised to bring me there, at the pace I am growing, I need to ascend to the Heavenly Realm to fill my future hunger for destruction.'

That's the reason why Twilight had set a goal for himself which was to ascend to the Heavenly Realm.

When Uncle Draven was explaining Ajax and Jaed about some things about the Heavenly Realms, Twilight was listening to his words and learned that the Heavenly Realms were more dangerous for the cultivators and one could lose their life if they were careless for a moment.

The more dangerous a place is, the more satisfied Twilight would be and hence, he was excited about it.

[Snow Mane Bullets]

[Yellow Lightning Blades]

As Twilight was destroying everything that was in front of him, Little White and the Lynx were busy taking care of the beasts and humanoid beings that Twilight missed.

Even though Twilight's attack power was huge and could create a lot more damage, he still missed some wild beasts and humanoids.

But, the two teammates in the team took care of those lucky beasts and humanoids, making them unlucky.




As for the most powerful team in Ajax's six teams formed by his summons, Alder and his 10 subordinates were very efficient.

Everywhere they go, only the barren lands and dried trees would be left behind.

Not only did they devour the wild beasts and the humanoids, instead, they even devoured the life energy from the trees.

However, no matter how many emperor realm beasts and humanoids they devoured, there was hardly any change in their cultivation because they had yet to digest the Zeroth Order Demon Apostles that they consumed nearly a month ago.

They were storing everything they devoured for the future where they could seclude themselves completely and focus on their cultivation.

Especially, Alder was especially planning to enter seclusion once he breakthroughs to the peak of Emperor Realm.

With a peak Emperor Realm Cultivation, Alder only needs to focus on his Divine Rule. Moreover, he was planning to awaken another Divine Rule, the Devour.

If he could awaken that, Alder believed that he could directly devour an entire world and thus, he was expecting and hoping to awaken the Divine Rule at any cost.

'As a Devourer Eagle, I would be embarrassed not to have a Divine Devour Rule.'

Alder felt the pressure mainly because if he failed to awaken and if one of his subordinates awakened the Divine Devour Rule, it would be too embarrassing for him.

Even though he could still maintain his leadership as the Leader of the Devourer Eagles, he would develop an inferiority complex with those specific subordinates who awakened the Divine Devour Rule.

Anyway, Alder fully kept his focus on the mission and also kept an eye on the Ruler of the region.

Not only Alder, but all the team leaders except for Twilight kept an eye for the appearance of the strongest being in the Metal Region.

As for Twilight, he believed that even if there was a Ruler, he would not show himself; instead, he would go to the Alder's team because he would be causing huge damage to the region.

Even though Twilight was doing a great deal of destruction, it was just a mad destruction and it could be repaired easier; however, the damage dealt by Alder would take a long time to recover.

So, the Ruler's first preference would be to go and say hello to Alder and his teams.

Just like the four teams of the contracted spirit beasts, the Elemental Spirits were also able to do their share of destruction in the Metal Region.

Time continued to pass and two days passed by; however, there was no trace of any rulers.

Except for the one kilometer around Ajax, the remaining 99 kilometers were completely cleared of all the Wild Beasts and the Humanoids.

One portion of these 100 kilometers became completely barren whereas another portion had broken trees and mountains.

It took an entire two days to completely clear the 100 kilometers of radius that Ajax had set for his teams.

Even though it would have only taken half a day if they used their full attacks, Ajax said that they should not use their full-powered attacks.

Of course, they were allowed to use their full power if they encountered the Ruler and tried their best to hold out against him.

Since everyone was fine, Ajax didn't open his eyes as he would be filling his Divine Spirit Consciousness in another few hours.

So, he didn't bother to give any new orders to his summons as he continued to absorb the Divine Essence of Nature.

"Little Fox, We will be going behind the 100-kilometer mark."

After waiting for a few moments, Twilight and Alder could not hold back their enthusiasm towards the destruction and Devour.

Hence, they informed the Fox Clones that were accompanying them before extending their range of exploration with their teams.

"Who are you people? How dare you wreak havoc in our Metal Region?"

Before Twilight and Alder could even make their moves, a group of 10 old men with metallic robes appeared in front of the six teams that were in different directions.

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