New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 168 - The Art Of Seduction

For the twin competition, each of them (Kay and Kyle) would 'do their thing' with one of the twins at the same time. Thus, for the first round, Kay would be flirting with Rylen at one booth while Kyle would be flirting with Rxel at another booth. When they were done, they would switch partners.

?? Round 1 ??

~ Kay & Rylen ~

Rylen sat alone at the cafe booth nervously. He was wondering just what Kay would be up to but he steeled his heart. He could do this. There was no way ... no way at all that Kay would be able to seduce him. He will persevere!

All that thought went out the window when he saw Kay approach.

She was wearing a white dress, with her beautiful hair flowing beside her. She was walking towards him, her walk slow and steady but to his eyes, it appeared as if she was gliding. She smiled, a soft and shy smile when she saw him looking at her.

Rylen gulped.

Kay looked like a fairy. A real-life fairy that had her eyes locked upon his own. A slight blush appeared on her face as she bit her bottom lip nervously while tearing her eyes away from his. Her steps slowed down but then, he saw her take a deep breath and come forward again.

His heart beat faster, rejoicing that she didn't turn away. He was mesmerized by the ethereal creature that looked at him with a shy smile, as if afraid that he would not want her there. He could see how her eyes appeared enamored with him as she walked closer to the table.

She stopped, looking nervously and worried as she asked, "Can I ..."

"Yes! Yes you can! Anything!" Rylen shouted, standing up.

Kay leaned forward, tapped the stopwatch and said with a smile, "I win."

Rylen blinked, groaned and sat back down, hitting his head on the table

~ Kyle & Rxel ~

Rxel grinned at Kyle, confident that there was nothing Kyle could do to make him succumb. Between him and Rylen, he was the stronger one who always came up with the plans while Rylen would simply follow. Rxel had no doubt that Rylen would fall quickly.

Him? Not a chance.

Rxel started the timer.

Initially, Kyle was just sitting across him with his head down. The moment Rxel started the timer, however, Kyle raised his head. Rxel found his throat became dry suddenly.

In front of him, sat Kyle, looking as handsome as ever but there was this aura around him that oozed sexiness for some reason. Kyle's eyes had been downcast at first but then, he slowly raised his eyes to look at Rxel.

The intense blue eyes were dark with suppressed desire. A desire for him.

Rxel gulped but didn't say a word. Neither did Kyle.

A slow smile appeared on Kyle's lips as he began slowly unbuttoning the first three buttons of his shirt, sliding a finger inbetween and spreading the shirt slightly apart, tantalizingly revealing a part of his collarbone.

His intense gaze never left Rxel's eyes, captivating him completely.

Rxel could see Kyle's lips move, asking him something but he hardly heard anything. All he could see was how much Kyle wanted him, inviting him to make the first move. Kyle was the proud, dominant one but for him, he was willing to let Rxel take the first step.

To take him, who was willingly leaving himself open and vulnerable. Only for him, Rxel.

So take the step he did as he started to lean forward, reaching out for Kyle when Kyle's crisp, sexy voice said, "I win."

Rxel blinked, groaned and hit his head on the table.

~* End of Round 1 *~

Rxel and Rylen glared at each other.

"How could you lose so fast?!" Rylen demanded from Rxel when he saw the time it took for Kyle to get him.

Rxel snorted, "Look who's talking. You didn't fare any better either!"

Rylen pointed at the timer smugly, "I took two minutes longer!"

Rxel rolled his eyes and snorted, "You won't even last half a minute with Kyle!"

Rylen crossed his arms across his chest, "We'll see about that. I can last longer than you."

Rxel and Rylen both harumphed and went back to their respective booths for the second round.

?? Round 2 ??

~ Kyle & Rylen ~

Kyle sized up Rylen, who was nervously sitting in front of him. With Rxel, his tactic had been simple. Give off an air of sexual dominance then leave a window of vulnerability to invite him in. As an Alpha male, Rxel would not appreciate being controlled but the temptation to control another Alpha would have been too much for him to resist.

That's why Kyle could 'topple' Rxel easily.

Rylen was the exact opposite of his twin. Kyle supposed it was due to Rxel's dominant personality that Rylen was of the more submissive type. If Kyle turned all Alpha on him, he was likely to wither or shy away. This one needed a gentle touch. At first.

To be more accurate, Rylen needed to be reeled in gently but the moment he was hooked, to be captured quickly with no way out.

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked, making his voice low and full of concern.

Rylen blinked, hearing that tantalizingly seductive voice asking him a question. Since when did Kyle's voice sound so good? So ...

"Rylen?" Kyle asked gently, looking at him, his blue eyes full of worry as he waved his hand in front of Rylen.

Rylen's head exploded. To hear his name being uttered by that person, in that voice ... he gulped. No. This was a trick. A trick. He must not fall so easily. He had to endure. This was just a trick.

His mind kept screaming it but his heart wasn't listening.

All he could see was this vision of loveliness in front of him. This boy ... no, man ... looked so upset and worried for him as he reached out his hand towards him but then, stopped. Rylen watched as Kyle curled his fingers into his palm, sighed and started to back away.

"Rylen, if my presence here bothers you, I'll go," Kyle said, disappointment and intense sadness entering his soulful eyes. Kyle quickly looked down to hide them, but as he turned, Rylen could see Kyle's eyelashes were a bit wet.

"NO!" Rylen shouted before he could stop himself, grabbing Kyle's hand, "Don't go!"

Kyle turned back to face him, smiling as he turned off the timer, "I win. Sorry."

Rxel closed his eyes, placed his hands over his head and sighed.

~ Kay & Rxel ~

Rxel was ready this time. After experiencing the lethal pheromones of Kyle, he felt Kay wouldn't be as hard. He felt he was right when Kay sat across of him, smiling.

She didn't have that 'come take me, please' look or aura and Rxel breathed a sigh of relief. The timer had already begun ticking, but Kay hadn't been doing anything untowards. Yet. His guard was up.

Kay smiled at Rxel, noting the defences that he had put up. Inwardly, she cursed at Kyle for she could see how badly Kyle must have affected him. She felt it was a bit unfair as she was now starting at a disadvantage.

Taking into account Rxel's state of mind and raised defences, Kay had to change her original plan and tactics. Unfortunately, it meant that it would take longer.

Rxel was the dominant type, the one that liked to be in control. He would resist any attempts at anyone being forward with him, so she had to take the soft approach. He was a gentleman, the one who would want to always take care of the person in front of him.

Changing her mindset and tactics, Kay took the menu.

"Do you want anything?" Kay asked Rxel, looking at him with a smile.

Rxel blinked and narrowed his eyes. What was she up to? She wasn't really doing anything other than appearing normal.

"Not really," he said.

Kay pouted a bit but quickly changed her expression. She was looking down at the menu and her hair covered her face partially. She tilted her head to one side and brought her hand behind her head. She brought her hair over to the other side so that her face and neck would be revealed.

"What is the best thing on the menu?" Kay asked Rxel, as she looked up at him.

Rxel looked through the menu and gave his recommendations. Kay smiled, praising him subtly at his choice.

When the food came, Kay shyly pushed a cup of hot chocolate towards him, saying, "I hope you don't mind me ordering this for you. It's a thank you for your recommendation."

Rxel was surprised, "How did you know I like hot chocolate?"

Kay replied, "You always ordered it when we ate out together."

Rxel nodded, touched. He watched Kay who picked up her fork and knife and proceeded to eat. She struggled to cut the food in front of her as it kept slipping and sliding away. Rxel watched her for a while before finally giving up and said, "Here, let me."

He expertly cut the food into bite-size pieces, all the while being completely aware of how Kay was looking at him in admiration. When he looked up, however, she quickly looked away, her ears slightly red.

Rxel found her to be adorable.

The entire meal went by in a flash, as they laughed and giggled over things that Kay said. Rxel found her to be absolutely fascinating so when Kay suggested, "We should go out again, without Kyle or Rylen. Just the two of us."

"Of course! I'd love to!" Rxel said happily and Kay smiled, stopping the timer.

Rxel blinked and Kay really looked apologetic as she apologized, "I'm sorry."

Rxel closed his eyes, placed his hands over his head and sighed.

?? Finale ??

There was no need to figure out who won. Rxel and Kay hadn't even finished yet when Kyle was done. When Kay switched off the timer, they looked at Kyle and Rylen's booth, only to see them looking back at them.

Kay put up her hands in surrender, pouting. Kyle and Rylen walked over to their booth and sat down.

"That was fun," Kyle said with a grin, "Let's eat. My treat."

Rxel and Rylen sighed loudly, shook their heads to get their mind back on track and grinned.

"You guys are good," they said together.

"No hard feelings?" Kay asked worriedly.

"What for? We lost, fair and square," Rxel sighed, patting his chest.

"Yup, so we shall now drown our sorrows in food!" Rylen declared, picking up the menu.

The rest of the time was spent in fun, all of them eating and bantering with each other. As Kay had already eaten, she just ordered dessert: apple pie with a crumble crust, and vanilla ice-cream by its side. Occasionally, she would feed Kyle in-between his meal of steak.

Rxel and Rylen watched enviously, then asked each other at the same time, "Why couldn't you have been born a girl?!"

Kyle grinned at them, comically raising his eyebrows while Kay rolled her eyes. After the meal, Kyle paid and the Smith Twins went off first. Just as they walked through the door, Bon Jovi's song 'You Give Love A Bad Name' blasted over the radio in the cafe.

Shot through the heart

And you're to blame

You give love a bad name (bad name)

I play my part and you play your game

You give love a bad name (bad name)

You give love, oh

The twins Rxel and Rylen felt that the song was quite appropriate at that moment. They were utterly defeated, holding their chests as they watched the Smith Twins walk out.

They looked at each other, groaned and said together, "They were lethal."

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