New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 200 - Bait Taken

Things went by smoothly after that.

Kyle was amazed at the speed in which the whole documentation and process were completed. In less than two days, Kyle was a 'free' man. So, now he could sign the contract for himself, without needing his parents to come over and do so.

After obtaining the official documents, Kyle nonchalantly told his parents during breakfast that he was going to act for fun. This was on the day he was going back to Sakura Academy.

"You? Acting?" Delilah said with a laugh, "Since when have you ever been interested in doing so?"

"Well, yeah," Kyle agreed, "It has never been in my mind at all. It's just that something came up and I thought, why not? Once I graduate, I'll be fully committed to the Smith Industries. So might as well just go all out before then."

"Makes sense," Patrick said, "While you're still free, as a student. Travel where you want. Do what you want. Get it out of your system."

"Is that why you wanted this so soon?" Delilah asked.

"Partly," Kyle admitted, "I've always been thinking about it but this opportunity was the one that made me realise - it's best to do so now."

Kyle looked at his mother seriously, "It's not because I think you don't raise me well. I just want to be able to make my own decisions and pave my path freely."

Kyle knew that his mother still had some reservations. As a mother himself (strange as that statement was), he could understand her fears. Thus, he was extra sensitive to Delilah. Despite the fact that she was not a 'mother' in the true sense in his heart, she was still someone that carried him for nine months and tried her best.

One just couldn't quite get over the mindset, but he was still respectful and grateful to her. No matter what, she was his mother and he would take care of her and protect her as best as he could. Oh, yeah. His father, too.

Delilah gave Kyle a rather wistful smile as she said, "I know, Kyle. I know. I guess this was something I knew you'd want since long ago but I was hoping to still have you as my little baby boy."

"Though honestly, you were never really a baby. It was as if I gave birth to a man or something," she mumbled a bit.

Patrick nodded, agreeing with Delilah, "A mini man you were."

"SO!" Patrick exclaimed, "What movie is this that you're taking part in for the first time? You're an extra, right? Something like, either a dead body or those faceless people amongst the crowd."

Delilah hit him on the shoulder, saying, "Even in a crowd, our son will stand ut. What faceless person!"

"Well, you can't deny that he has never acted before,"Patrick said, "So I doubt he would know of casting dates and all that."

Patrick was logical and would be correct. For normal people, that is. Auditioning for parts would not normally be a public and open casting for the main parts, unless they were looking for 'fresh' faces. Disney tended to do that due to the hype of making live-action movies of their famous cartoons, but that was an exception and not the norm.

Kyle hid a smile as he took a bite of his sausage, "It's a John Wick movie. It's the second lead role."

Patrick's hand froze in mid-air, the fork with the scrambled eggs hovering. Delilah stared at her son who was eating like the news he gave wasn't one of the biggest bombshells ever. They looked at each other and then back at him.

Kyle grinned, turned to face them and wriggled his eyebrows.

Delilah delicately wiped the edges of her lips and put down the napkin slowly.

"Dear," she said sweetly to her husband, "I'm going to be taking leave for a few months. I miss the kids."

Patrick put down his fork and smiled equally sweetly to his wife, "Kids? Or Keanu?"

Delilah put a hand on her chest and blinked innocently, "Kids, of course."

Kyle continued eating his breakfast, laughing silently. Kyle knew his mother wouldn't really come over for the entire filming. She just loved teasing Patrick for it. While Patrick loved the John Wick movies, Delilah was a fan of Keanu himself.

"Sorry, Mum. Closed set," Kyle said, "But I'll try and get you in during the final shots."

Delilah grinned and looked smugly at Patrick, who rolled his eyes.

?? Sage Class ??

Xing Han was like a dead fish, flopping at his desk.

"Kaaaayyyyyy..." he wailed, "When is Kyle coming baaaaccckkk??"

"For the millionth time, Xing Han, "Kay answered patiently, "He'll be back once he settles everything. The process takes time."

Xing Han stomped his feet under his desk while laying his head was on it, saying, "But it's been nearly a week now! One whole week. Seven days. Well, almost seven days. That's 168 hours. Which is 10,080 minutes. Which is..."

"Oh, stop being so melodramatic, Xing Han," came a very familiar voice and something was placed on his head.

Xing Han sniffed, grabbed the bag that was on his head and got up, hugging Kyle excitedly, "My saviour! My man!"

"Your delivery boy, you mean," Kyle said with a smirk.

"Pfffft, that's secondary!" Xing Han said, yet he still sat down and eagerly opened up the bag. It was his favourite. Pork chops from Restaurant X.

Xing Han wiped the drool from his mouth, hugged the bag and looked at Kyle dreamily.

"Oh, Xing Han," Ali said, "Stop looking at Kyle like he's your pork chops."

"Somehow ... that came out wrong, Ali," Sam pointed out.

"Kyle is my pork chops," Xing Han commented.

"Okay, now that sounded way worse," Sam said, rolling his eyes, "Mind your language around Betty."

"Pah," Xing Han snorted, "Your Betty isn't that innocent anymore. You're forever finding ways to keep on ..."

Sam rushed over, putting his hand on Xing Han's mouth, his face beet red. Beatrice wasn't around, which was why Xing Han could be so open about it. Still, it didn't mean that he liked hearing Xing Han say it.

Xing Han took Sam's hand off his mouth then started singing, "Sam and Betty, sitting in a tree, K- ..."

Sam quickly and decisively took Xing Han's bag of pork chops, then ran off. Xing Han watched Sam disappear in shock before he got his wits back and started wailing, rushing after him.

Kyle looked at Kay and the disappearing duo, "Has it been like this the past week?"

Kay rolled her eyes and merely answered, "You have NO idea."

Kyle placed another bag on Kay's desk, kissing the top of her head as he did so, "From Mum." It was Kay's favourite cheesecake, plus some pastries from Kyle that could only be gotten from home.

He then walked to the front of the class, placing the last bag on the counter and told the others, "Some snacks from home. Help yourselves."

"Looks like you're not going to be around for the next few months?" Kay asked as Kyle walked back to his desk.

"Yup," he confirmed.

[Will need some tech and intel as well. The shooting at Mansion BMX is only for a couple of months, so I need to make my move within that time frame]

[Will Sam be with you the entire time?] Kay asked.

[He has to be]

[Think he's ready?] Kay asked worriedly.

Kyle tapped the table with his pen, thinking hard [It's nothing serious as he's just the support. It's not even close to what you did with Kazuya]

Kay shuddered a bit at that memory. She is SO glad to just be the tech support now.

?? Mansion BMX ??

Samantha was amazed as she looked at the information her people got for her.

That young stud was Kyle Smith?

A freaking FOURTEEN-year-old boy?!

A kid who ... who ... who could do that to her wasn't a normal kid.

Samantha ran her fingers on the A3 size picture of Kyle. It was the same black-and-white sexy picture of Kyle that Chad had seen. Her fingers paused on his slightly exposed abs and she smiled, remembering the real deal that she had shamelessly touched.

Her face became flushed when she remembered his hands and lips ... and she felt her core tingling all over again. She banged her fist on his picture, right on the face and growled. Ever since that day, none of the guys she called up could satisfy her the way he had.

Even when she told them what to do, they just couldn't do it.

It frustrated her to no end.

She recalled the words he had said to her that day. That she deserved to be made love to by one who truly loves her for who and what she is.

It sounded nice and all but what guy would actually look at her in that way? To see her for who she is, and not just at her body? Or her money?

No one.

Other than ...

Samantha looked again at Kyle's picture.

Well, he had admitted to her being a highly desirable woman, right? With one of the most beautiful bodies that he had ever seen.

Samantha leaned on the table, putting her head on Kyle's picture as she traced his body with her finger. She began thinking of several things and started smiling.

There was a lot of work to do.

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