New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 206 - Plan C

Two weeks passed by in a flash.

During these two weeks, Team Yume was busy collecting the data from the bugs that Kyle had placed around Mansion BMX. This data was then used by Yume with the information Kyle had given him about the security details of the house (which had been helpfully supplied by Samantha herself).

They were not going to rely on whatever Samantha said 100%, but it certainly was useful in pinpointing certain weak spots that their own data had been lacking. Kyle needed this data in order to be able to plan how to execute the mission.

It would be via poison, as it was the only method that would ensure the least amount of trouble for Kyle and the movie crew. Though it was normally seen as a 'woman's' way of doing things, in truth, the ninjas would utilise this method quite liberally.

The stigma of it being the 'weak' type or the 'coward' way was, in Kyle's opinion, highly overrated. Though he could understand the stigma behind it. Yet, the ninja way was simply to use whatever method that is available, so long as the job gets done. If it was the most efficient method, then why not?

Who was stupid enough to use another method simply because one didn't want to appear weak when using poison?

[Have you managed to get Richard's itinerary, Kay?]

[No] Kay replied [He doesn't keep it in any electronic form. He's paranoid that way. Only his PA has the schedule, and like Sam, he keeps it to his breast. Literally hangs it around his neck]

Kyle sighed, and lay down on the bed.

Kay was silent for a while, watching Kyle from her laptop. She saw the expression on his face, guessing why he had that frustrated look for this would only mean one thing. The next move that he had to do.

Kay was able to view Kyle like this as Kyle had placed the bugs in his own room in Mansion BMX as well. However, it wasn't the sonic ones or the fly ones - it was the normal buys that would convey both audio and visual. The reason for this was simply as a tool to allow Kay to see him.

He knew how much Kay was worried about this, and this would be the first time that they'd be apart for several months. Communicating via their mind link was not the same as actually 'seeing' the person.

Unknown to Kay, Kyle was really relieved that he hadn't placed the bugs yet before Samantha's move on him. That would have been an extremely difficult thing to cover up.

[I'm sorry, brother]

[No, it's not your fault] Kyle assured her [This is part of the reason why Richard is such a problem. Being old-school certainly makes it difficult for us but not impossible]

[Yeah, but now it means you're going to have to do that]

[And it was going so well, too] Kyle groaned [She's actually being quite nice right now]

[On the bright side, you're already being investigated by Richard] Kay told him [I've only allowed him to view what we had previously agreed on. So, to him, you're just an ordinary kid who has the bright future of being the CEO of Smith Industries]

[How's his reaction to it so far? Positive or negative?] Kyle asked.

[Seems positive so far, but we can't tell as yet] Kay responded [All he's done is just the basic background check. I guess you passed the first filter since you're still there]

[That, and because Samantha hasn't managed to get into my pants yet] Kyle said then grimaced. Well, technically, she did but that didn't count.

[Yeah, most probably] Kay replied [Samantha doesn't realise that all of the guys on her list are on her Dad's watchlist and have already been cleared - either with money or with threats.]

[Yup] Kyle said [Those that didn't, were killed off. Many thought of using Samantha to get to him, not realising that Richard always has his eye on her]

[Your stunt with Midnight really set the wheels in motion with Richard. He started investigating you immediately]

[Well, I'm clean as Kyle Smith. With you backing me up, I'm the perfect little angel]

[By the way, we've also identified three others who are reporting regularly to Richard. Each of them are unaware of the other's existence] Kay reported.

[Richard sure is careful] Kyle mused.

[That's how he stayed afloat for so long] Kay noted [Otherwise, Big Bro Nick wouldn't have sent you]

[Well, I have most of the details by now. It's just a matter of executing the plan, I suppose. Has the lab found out the reason for the failure the last time?]

[The desire suppressor is fine for normal people. They can't make it any stronger at the moment as there's too many variables to take into account. They were quite amused by the fact that the desire suppressor didn't work on Samantha]

[Ha ha] Kyle retorted [I'm glad to have been the source of amusement and inspiration to the lot of you]

Kay giggled at that.

[So when are you going to proceed with Plan C?] she asked tentatively.

Kyle took a pillow and put it over his face as he answered [I'll give it another week. Where's Richard right now?]

[He's still in Country S] Kay replied [But from our agents tailing him, it's most likely that he'll be heading home soon. The deal appears to have been finalised already]

[So the timing is just about right then] Kyle lamented.

[You know, that's supposed to be a good thing] Kay pointed out.

[I know, I know] Kyle stated [Richard always comes back to check out Samantha's latest conquest. Everything should be in place by then.]

[Be careful, brother. I feel he'll be more paranoid with you]

[What do you mean?]

[The previous guys are merely her source of entertainment, so to speak. You, however, would not fall into that category. He's already so overprotective and careful with Samantha's sex buddies. With you?]

[I get your point] Kyle acknowledged [Will take that into account, don't worry. And you, young lady, will not be watching when I start on Plan C, okay?]

[Urgh, please dear brother] Kay snorted [I have better things to do than watch you. I am too innocent for such X-rated scenes]

[Oh please] Kyle retorted back [You know as well as I do that nothing is going to happen]

[So says the guy who was wailing that the desire suppressor wasn't working]

[She just caught me unawares, that's all] Kyle defended himself.

Kay didn't answer to that. She just laughed.

?? One Week Later ??

Samantha noted that Kyle appeared to be a little bit distracted at breakfast, so naturally, she asked him what was going on.

"Oh, sorry," Kyle mumbled slightly incoherently, his eyes still a bit glazed over, "It's nothing."

Samantha narrowed her eyes at him and tapped the fork on her plate, "Kyle Smith, are you ignoring me??"

Kyle blinked rapidly for a while, thinking that calling out full names when one is annoyed must be a girl thing - completely ignoring the fact that he used to do that as Kylie as well whenever he was reprimanding his kids.

"No, no," Kyle said, his eyes clear now as he looked at Samantha, "I was just thinking about one scene I've got to do."

"You don't have any scenes yet, right? It's mostly Keanu's parts," Samantha said.

Although she didn't read the script, she had been observing the shoots. It's always Keanu out there, or some other extras but not Kyle. He would either be studying his script or leaning the fighting move sequence for his part.

She liked watching those as Kyle would normally be doing it in a singlet, which just showed off his muscles even more. The way it just snugly fitted his lean physique would often make Samantha regret trying to be a 'good' girl.

The term 'ovaries exploded' was so apt in this case.

Samantha could see that she wasn't the only one that admired Kyle whenever he was doing his routine but she was smug at the fact that she was the only one that would go close to him. That he actually allowed to get close to him.

She felt that she was making some headway, for he wasn't as guarded as before. He didn't avoid her seemingly innocent touches anymore either so Samantha was feeling rather confident about winning the game.

Kyle didn't like her coming on strong, so she had changed her tactics. Now, however, seeing how he seemed to be ignoring her made her feel like she had taken a step back. Wasn't he getting closer to her? Why was he now seeming to be stepping back?

"Yes, you are right. I don't have any scenes yet," Kyle acknowledged, "But that's with regards to the fighting scenes that are supposed to happen outside. I was thinking of this one scene that's done indoors."

He sighed, "Truth be told, I'm getting a bit bored."

Kyle looked at Samantha saying, "Don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with you. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably be ready to scale the walls. It's just that ... well, seeing everyone so busy and Keanu so 'out there' while here I am .. still just practicing the sequence that I can do with my eyes closed now."

"I get it," Samantha said, "You're used to using every minute of the day for something productive. Now you're not getting anywhere, right?"

Kyle nodded, "You got it. It's aggravating, you know?"

"What sort of indoor scene were you thinking about anyway? Is there anything I can do to help?" Samantha asked.

She noted how Kyle's eyes brightened then dimmed immediately, "No ... but thanks for offering."

She glared at him, putting her hand on his as she said, "Don't lie to me. I can see that there is something. Come on, spill it."

Kyle hesitated then taking a deep breath, he said, "Well ... it's a flashback scene. Basically, his training exercises."

"I see," Samantha said, "And..?"

"It depicts him doing things like weightlifting, punching and kicking a punching bag ..."

Samantha smiled widely and said, "Kinda like what Dad has in his training room, huh?"

Kyle smiled back, the side of his lips raising up as he looked at Samantha, not saying a word.

"Easy enough," Samantha replied, "You can use it. Tell Chad about it and have his men meet my men to do the changes necessary."

Kyle nodded happily and held her hand.

"Thank you," he said sincerely, giving her a smile that made her heart beat even faster. She looked at him holding her hand and she felt all warm inside. This was the first time Kyle initiated any form of contact with her and it ... it felt nice.

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