New Life As An Ecchi Girl With A “Big Surprise”

398: Sleeping Beauty (18+)

398: Sleeping Beauty (18+)

“overandoverandoveroverover—GHMPF!!” Olivia got her mouth filled mid-rant by Samantha who walked in from behind with something in her hand, shoved it in Olivia’s mouth and held the palm of her hand over the deranged ninja girl’s mouth.

Olivia put up a feeble attempt of resistance but ended up swallowing whatever was in her mouth soon enough. Beatrice watched this with nearly as much surprise as Olivia had, but let Samantha do her thing because the blonde did not look as interested in fisting Olivia’s ass as Jeremy did.

Within ten seconds of swallowing whatever it was that Samantha put into Olivia’s mouth, Olivia’s movements turned even more sluggish, she slumped lower, struggling to keep her eyes open—a feeling to which Beatrice could relate. Soon enough the last drops of strength escaped Olivia and she sunk backward into Samantha’s embrace.

“That drug was strong enough to knock out a horse,” Samantha said as she laid Olivia down. “She’ll be out of it for a while. More importantly, either you lot snuck a tainted outsider into the city, or you managed to find demons within the city.”

“Or someone within the S.E.C.R.E.T. Guild has the power to summon demons,” Beatrice said and fell onto the same couch laid Olivia down on before. With Olivia unconscious and another crisis delayed, Beatrice felt the full weight of exhaustion crush her spirit and body to the point that it became increasingly difficult to even keep her heavy eyelids up despite the need for an explanation that her host deserved.

“Nonsense!” Samantha rejected such a notion. However, before clarifying she looked at Carl and Chris and asked, “What the fuck are you two waiting for!? A written invitation signed by the King and Queen?”

Chris and Carl felt like they missed something. One moment they fucked this hot chick, the next moment she nearly broke their cocks when she pushed them aside like they were paper weights, grabbed some ingredients and rushed to the deranged, wailing girl in order to shut her up. And now she asked why they were not back to plowing her ass and pussy?

“Scary,” Chris muttered.

“But hot,” Carl added.

“I swear I will throw you all out if those cocks are not inside me within the next three seconds!” Samantha threatened.

Finally, Chris and Carl ran to the pussy like their life depended on it. Chris was first to slide himself inside Samantha, leaving Carl struggling to find a way to get his cock past the wide wall of flesh that Chris formed behind Samantha. Carl then decided to make do with Samantha’s mouth, but the blonde brushed his cock aside, “Not now, you dolt!”

Even more confused than before, Carl tried to come to an arrangement with Chris behind Samantha, while Samantha finally addressed Beatrice’s comment, “The demons answer the call only of demons more powerful than themselves. And only the highest tiers of demons can conjure gates through which demons can emerge. It is unfathomable to imagine such a being hiding in that debauched organization. Hey! HEY! Cockgirl!!”

Beatrice jolted in place, opening her eyes and realized that she had already nodded off while Samantha delt with her cock problems.

“D-demons… Right… That Felicia is most certainly is a monster of a special kind,” Beatrice struggled to form a coherent sentence, but even in this state her opinion of Felicia was unwavering. Recalling Felicia’s words and actions it was almost amazing what an extraordinary level of cruelty and callousness that little monster must have possessed to revel in supervising those Games the way that she did.

“Who-hn?” Samantha asked on all fours while Chris continued to thrust into her and Carl got under her, preparing his cock for entry.

“Felicia Thundersomething,” Beatrice said. “A pintsized furry beastkin with less concern for human life than even the demons showed.”

“Felicia? She’s barely a-why would you say that? What did the demons do?”

“At first it looked like those demonlings just were out to kill everyone, but when the bigger demon with tentacles appeared, the demonlings acted with more coordination than Felicia’s guards. And they started to avoid killing anyone that fell to the effects of the mist that the tentacle demon spread.”

“The Taint,” Samantha gasped. “What the hell… Ah! You guys! Finally!”

It took them long enough, but Chris and Carl finally managed to arrange themselves in a way that allowed them to fuck Samantha’s ass and pussy.

“B-Beatrice!” Liam called out to the succubus, waking her up again. “Can we… Can you give us cocks too, please? You need to rest, so we don’t want to trouble you later.”

“Fine, yes, whatever,” Beatrice agreed, annoyed that she couldn’t get some shut-eye. She did not even remember that she was speaking with Samantha just moments before.

“You too, get here! hurry” Beatrice gestured for Jeremy to move his pervert ass closer.

As soon as both eunuchs were in range, Beatrice used [Refresh Cooldown (+1)] on her [Dick Growing (+2)] and blessed both eunuchs with fresh cocks.

“You have half an hour with those, make it count,” Beatrice said with her eyes closed as she curled up on the sofa to finally get some sleep.

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