New Life As An Ecchi Girl With A “Big Surprise”

404: Reflections

404: Reflections









26 (12%)

They made me cum so many times that I broke through to the next level, Beatrice almost smiled at the ridiculousness of her horny system that allowed her to passively gain “experience” and level up in her sleep.

Having confirmed her suspicions that she was fucked and had her cock milked for food sauce while she was sleeping, Beatrice finished her breakfast without the Michelin star quality cream. A little down, yes, but Beatrice was too hungry to dwell on what was done. After all, she was stone cold out anyway. It wasn’t like Samantha and Ember hurt her. If anything, they did her a favor. Instead, Beatrice looked forward to using her delicious cum to improve improving the quality of life for the citizens of Klapsus—


“Do it again, Ruby!!”

“Fuck them up!”

“Rape her in the ass!”

“What’s with those bitch ass pussy cuts!? Cut an artery or two!”

“Fuck that masked bitch up!”

“Tear her a new one!”


Beatrice slammed her cup against the table with such force that she got a reaction even out of the mellowed-out Ember.

In the span of a second all the laughter, jeers, and cheers for blood and death bombarded Beatrice’s mind all at once as she remembered how callous and vicious the citizens of the city really were.

“Improve the quality of life”? Beatrice grimaced in disgust at her thoughts. For those pieces of shit!?

Finally able to look back at the events that transpired, Beatrice found it increasingly hard to justify bothering to try and save the scum of this city.

It wasn’t just Felicia and her lackeys. Beatrice threw a venomous glance at her four remaining eunuchs, remembering that despite whatever reasons they might have had, they all actively participated in those abhorrent games.

It wasn’t just the royalty. If the drug-addled king and his psycho blood-thirsty daughter were anything to go by, Beatrice could only imagine what the others were like. And all the nobles in the palace who sat around smelling each other’s farts while the city turned to shit.

But the citizens were also active accomplices in creating the festering shit that they all now swam in.

They’ve given up! Beatrice knew this much. She also knew that some of them must be drugged out of their minds. Those in power provide a continuous stream of alcohol. Anything and everything to keep the city in a constant stupor.

But so what? Does that absolve the people here? I’m supposed to just solve their problems and then celebrate together with them as if they were poor oppressed peasants and we just cut off the tyrant king’s head?

But how much of the blame is supposed to go on the people who know that every day could be their last? Beatrice looked back on her own wish to fuck as much as she wanted with reckless abandon and sighed. Maybe I should have specified that there should have been one clear bad guy in this world for all of us to hate, defeat, and celebrate? Would have avoided all the headache-inducing, complicated morals.

Beatrice looked at Olivia. The ninja actively resisted every temptation this city had to offer. Until she fell to Beatrice’s sweet words and ample pleasure. Beatrice couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. Even though she wanted Olivia to liven up a little bit, even though Olivia’s thinking was far from perfect and often selfish in her own way, it wasn’t like Beatrice did what she did for purely altruistic reasons.

Beatrice clenched her empty cup harder. If it was made of glass, it would have shattered long ago. Everything would have been fine if not for that fucking rodent, Felicia!

Beatrice still remembered her nightmare far too clearly. For it was far too close to becoming a dark reality. If Beatrice looked at her situation with harsh criticism, the end result of her “combat training” was that she ran with her tail behind her legs, licking her wounds. Eight levels stronger, yes. With four additional minions of dubious morality. But in a more precarious position than before she entered. And the one person that she wanted to help was fucked and mind broken by a demon.

“Did she wake up while I was out?” Beatrice finally asked Samantha and Ember about Olivia.

Samantha shook her head. “But be aware. She will wake up sooner or later. So, you better figure out what to do with her by then. Because if you just rely on the stuff I used to knock her out, it will eventually put her to sleep forever.”

Beatrice did have one option.

Skill Name: Taint Cleansing

Rank: D

Type: Eros Craft / Active

Cost: 100 Stamina

Cooldown: 24 Hours

Description: The Succubus can buff her cum with Taint cleansing properties. For 1 hour completely subdues the effects of the Taint. Additionally, after 1 hour the level of the Taint’s corruption is decreased by 30%.

Can only be used once on each unique target.

Must cum directly into the womb of the target and remain in contact with the cum with her cock to activate the Skill.

Minimum Requirements:

Character level: 10

Skill Points in Eros Craft: 10

At least once, the Succubus must use her cock to penetrate and cum directly inside the womb of a woman affected by the Taint.


However, Beatrice already saw that at such a low rank this Skill was not even able to fully help Samantha, who was nowhere near as far gone as Olivia is now. Beatrice now had a Skill Point to enhance this Skill to the next rank, but even then, it wouldn’t be nearly enough to—

“Isn’t it obvious?” Ember asked.

It took Samantha a second to guess what the freckled redhead was suggesting, and she rose to object before she even heard Ember say the words: “We take her to the High Priest.”

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