Nirvana In Fire

Chapter 152: Return to the Capital

Translator’s foreword:
Dear fellow LYB fans, I hope you’ll enjoy this chapter! It’ll be the last “fast and furious” one for a while, simply because the next chapter looks very long and tedious, plus I’d like to catch up with a bit of my “freedom life” before returning to work in November. But who knows. I might just decide to skip Chapter 153 and head straight to Chapter 154 since that’s about Lin Chen. Anyways, take care and stay safe!


The Spring Hunt was originally meant to return to the capital on the 15th day of the 4th month, but due to the chaos caused by the Qingli army, it was delayed to late April. Only a few hundred of the three thousand imperial guards who first escorted them remained, and a few more imperial clan members and court officials didn’t make it after that last bloody night. Throughout the Liang Emperor’s life, he had experienced a rebellion of this scale twice. Previously, he was the one to launch the offensive, while this time, he was the target. Both times, the victory was his. The first time, he had won the throne. The second time, he wasn’t sure what he had won.

As for the great upheaval that happened thirteen years ago, the “Prince Qi’s Rebellion” that ended with the blood of tens of thousands of people, thinking about it now, there was actually no real sword that came at him. This sense was especially strong as the old emperor’s trembling gaze took in the remnants of the imperial guard around him.

Outside the walls of the imperial capital waiting to welcome the Emperor back were the ministers and court officials who had remained behind. No, there was no Prince Yu. Meng Zhi immediately led two thousand imperial guards to set up defence around the Liang Emperor. The Jicheng army withdrew from the capital, making camp outside to wait for their reward before returning to their base station. 

So far, the Liang Emperor could only keep calm and prepare to face the storm that had been brewing along the way back.

Unlike Xia Jiang, who had fled the capital, Prince Yu hadn’t planned on escaping, nor did he escape. Because they were not capable of fleeing, to leave the riches and glory of the capital behind, without which they wouldn’t be able to survive.

Two days after the Liang Emperor’s return, Prince Yu’s entire family became the second royal family of the current dynasty to live in the “Han Zihao” cell*. One wonders that as he lay shackled and curled up on the cold floor in his prison uniform, if he thought of his eldest brother who never gave in even though he was suppressed with heavy shackles.
*cell marked with the chinese character for “cold”

Because of Imperial Consort Jing’s earnest request, Empress Yan wasn’t branded as one of the traitors, but as one with authority who remained in the capital, she didn’t make any move to stop Prince Yu and even issued an imperial edict to suppress the imperial guards. The three words “I was forced” were not enough to absolve her of all the charges against her. Punishment was unavoidable. As atonement, Yan Que issued a memorial to the Emperor, requesting him to abolish the honors and titles conferred to the Yan clan for successive generations. For unknown reasons, the Liang Emperor didn’t allow it, and after a while, this matter was left forgotten without an echo. When the court held a hunting ritual at the beginning of the 5th month to confer rewards to the younger generation of the nobility, Yan Yujin still received his portion. Regarding the preservation of the Yan family name, many of his old friends and former students, and all the court officials who secretly supported him were greatly relieved, for Yan Que clearly had no affiliation with Prince Yu’s faction. In the end, a total of 27 names were listed as Prince Yu’s accomplices, only two of them ranked third grade or higher. Although the other ministers who remained behind were fined for not thoroughly looking into the rebellion, the blood that was expected to bathe the streets of the capital was far less than expected.

That old case, covered in dust for 13 years, almost forgotten by people, it was inevitable that many old court officials would recall their deepest memories one by one and compare, secretly lamenting that the passing of time could soften even the most ruthless iron fist.

But for Prince Yu who was at the centre of the storm, he didn’t feel that his father showed him any mercy at all. He was very regretful, regretful that he so easily trusted that Qilin talent, regretful that he allowed Xia Jiang to instigate him to burn his boats. But at the same time, he was also very clear that even if he had to do it over again, he would still make the same choices, because the ambition and obsession for the throne had already seeped deep into his blood and bone marrow, becoming his main motivation and goal in life. He could never be like Prince Xu and Prince Huai, lying at the foot of another brother, waiting for his praise.

Now that he had lost, it could only end in death. But this death is different from that of his eldest brother back then. He knew that he would forever be exiled and cut off from the imperial family. No matter how many 13 years may pass, no one would want to vindicate him.

This is not only because he had suffered no injustice that needed to be redressed, but also because he wasn’t that unmatched Xiao Jingyu who smiled at the world. 

There will never be a second Xiao Jingyu in the world. Even Prince Jing, who virtually held the Eastern Palace in the palm of his hand could only hope to stand in his shadow.

“Have you managed to track down Xia Jiang?”

In the Su Residence, the visiting Meng Zhi shook his head regretfully. “He’s a sly old fox. I still blame myself for not checking on him….”

“Xia Jiang will be captured sooner or later. I’m not anxious,” Mei Changsu sighed and said, “What I’m anxious about is Xia Dong jie jie. His Highness had already requested for her pardon. When will she be released?”

Meng Zhi already knew about Nie Feng by now, so of course he understood Mei Changsu’s urgency, but he needed to be aware of the current situation in the palace. Trying to placate him, Meng Zhi said, “Calm yourself down first. She has only been granted pardon for committing a capital offence. A lighter sentence doesn’t mean no sentence. Since Xia Jiang defected and escaped, His Majesty has been very angry with the whole of Xuanjing Bureau, so how could it be so easy to get her released? If Prince Jing exerts too much force, it may once again arouse His Majesty’s suspicions. Isn’t it because of this that you haven’t told Prince Jing that Nie Feng is waiting? What’s more, Nie Feng has already heard you explaining the cause and effect from beginning to end, so he isn’t worried, as long as Xia Dong remains unharmed. Waiting a month or two is akin to facing some setbacks on our road to success.”

Mei Changsu already knew in his heart the truth of these arguments. He sighed softly and did not reply. Turning to look at the graceful figure in the room, he said, “Gong Yu, you can stop what you’re doing already. Go and get some rest.”

Gong Yu, who was behind a muslin screen fumigating the room with an elaborate incense burner, lowered her head when she heard this, her cheeks blushing red clouds as she whispered, “I want to fumigate all around the room so that Chief can sleep better at night.”

“It’s already very good,” said Mei Changsu warmly. “I’ve said before, you’re not my maid, so there’s no need to serve me like this.”

Seeing how flushed Gong Yu was, Meng Zhi hurriedly smiled and said, “Has Gong gu niang* moved into Su Residence? The house feels different from usual.”
*polite term for a young lady

“Commander Meng must be teasing me. Li dage and the rest are still in charge of the place. I wouldn’t dare to meddle.” Gong Yu began walking daintily out of the room, but about five steps away from Mei Changsu, she stopped. Hesitating awhile, she took two steps towards him, lowered her head and said, “Gong Yu overhead that Chief is facing some difficulty and thought of a plan. I’m not sure if it’ll help….”

“Are you referring to the matter concerning Xia Dong?”


“Why don’t you tell us your plan?”

“Gong Yu’s has some rough knowledge of a disguise technique. Although it’s impossible to conceal it from someone for a long time or completely stand in for another person, the prison is poorly lit. Everyday, there’s at most only one old jailer who makes the rounds. Suppose it’s possible to remain concealed for a few days, then they may never find out….”

With Mei Changsu’s kind of intelligence, he immediately understood after hearing it. “What you mean is for us to bring you to the Sky Prison and exchange you with Xia Dong for a while?”

“Yes. General Nie and Nie furen* have such a deep affection for each other, I can imagine how they would like to meet each other as soon as possible….But when Nie furen can be released is still uncertain, so it would be better for me to take her place for a few days so they can meet at least once and speak to each other….”
*Mrs Nie (Nie’s wife)

Mei Changsu looked down and pondered for a while. Then he asked slowly, “Are you sure?”

“Gong Yu is confident that she won’t be exposed.”

“But your height is different from Xia Dong’s.”

“I’m just a little shorter than her. But I have special shoes that can make me a little taller, so it’ll be about the same.”

“Your plan is feasible….as long as Xia Dong isn’t summoned for interrogation during that brief period of time, we should be able to pull it off….”  Mei Changsu fixed his gaze on her. “But if you enter and take her place in Sky Prison, you’ll have to suffer some hardship.”

With him looking at her in that manner, Gong Yu felt her heart beat a lot faster. In a soft voice, she said, “As long as Gong Yu can share in Chief’s difficulties, it will not be suffering…..”

“That’s great,” Meng Zhi clasped his hands together and smiled, “You keep worrying about this matter. It worries me. Gong guniang’s strategy is pretty good. Even if it’s Sky Prison, it’s possible to find an excuse to enter and inspect the place, so let’s just do it. I’ll make the arrangements. You don’t have to bother about anything.”

A faint smile flitted across Mei Changsu’s face. He said warmly to Gong Yu, “I’m sorry to have to cause you such great inconvenience. Go and prepare early, then listen to the Commander General’s arrangements.”

“Yes.” Gong Yu pursed her cherry lips, an expression of great joy flashed through her eyes. After bending forward to wish him well, she slowly walked out.

Meng Zhi craned his neck to look at her retreating back, then turned to look at Mei Changsu. Raising his eyebrows, he said, “Xiao Shu, I’m considered a very thick person, but even I can tell…..”

“It’s better that you continue to remain thick,” said Mei Changsu coldly. “Does the Commander General have a lot of idle time now? Prince Jing doesn’t have time to manage the Capital Patrol now and has asked you to find a suitable partner for Ouyang. Have you done it?”

“I’ve recommended a few. Prince Jing thinks Zhu Shouchun is not bad. He was my deputy commander, an honest and reliable man.” Meng Zhi moved his head closer and lowered his voice. “There’s more news. The inner court has already issued a decree to the Astrological Bureau to divine a few auspicious days. This news will probably spread across the city in two days.”

“Are you referring to auspicious days for the investiture of the Crown Prince?” Mei Changsu smiled faintly. “This wasn’t unexpected.”

“Although it’s not unexpected, it’s still a happy occasion. You should be happy, that step by step, you’re approaching what you have wished for these many years.” Meng Zhi patted him on the shoulder. “His Majesty has been ill recently so he hasn’t been to court. Once the Crown Prince is invested, it would justify Prince Jing running the country. All yours years of hardship and suffering, wasn’t it for this? Why are you in such low spirits?”

Mei Changsu remained silent, turning his head to look out the window. Seeing Li Gang walking quickly towards them from across the courtyard, obviously bringing some news, he narrowed his eyes.

“Chief, a pigeon from Qianzhou brought news….”

“Come in and speak.”

“Yes.” Li Gang entered, cupped his fist and said, “Reporting to Chief, Xie Yu is dead.”

Shocked by this news, Meng Zhi blurted, “How did he die?”

“The authorities concluded that it was an accident. He was serving out his sentence in a quarry when falling rocks from a slope crushed him to death.”

“Such a coincidence?” Meng Zhi rubbed his forehead in a daze. “But when I think of all the sins he had committed, this kind of death is too good for him.”

“It might be too good for him, but he’s more useful dead than alive.” Mei Changsu’s eyes flashed ruthlessly. “Xia Jiang committed treason, the old emperor is dying and the new Crown Prince is high in prestige. Now is the best time to seek a retrial of the old Chiyan case, but we just lacked the right opportunity.”

Meng Zhi’s heart leapt in his chest and he asked, “You mean….”

“Xie Yu is someone who greatly valued his life. Having been released from capital punishment, he would never willingly revive the old case, which is why it was useless for him to be alive. The opportunity I need is in the hands of Grand Princess Liyang. It’s only after his death that his handwritten confession can be revealed.”

“I understand what you mean. But isn’t it a bit too soon?” Meng Zhi asked this anxiously. “Prince Jing hasn’t even been invested. I think it’s better to let the dust settle first.”

Mei Changsu glanced at him and couldn’t help but laugh. “Meng dage, have you forgotten that we got this news from a homing pigeon? Xie Yu was a convict, so news of his death would be transmitted slowly via post horse with no urgency. By the time Grand Princess Liyang receives this news from Qianzhou, it will be another one to two months, and the time would be just about right.”

“Aiya!” Meng Zhi hit his head. “That’s right. I’m not very detailed in my thinking. Nobody can match your ingenious mind.”

“Things must remain calm and stable these coming few months. Prince Jing’s status is different now. He has to work harder attending to court affairs. Fortunately, after these two years of revision, there are many capable officials in court so the situation is quite good.” The corners of Mei Changsu’s lips lifted slightly, and his face held a look of relief. “His implementation of plans to transform famine-struck regions into fertile land was done so beautifully, who would dare to say that His Highness Prince Jing is not good at handling civil affairs*?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Meng Zhi said, “This might sound strange, but he’s like you now. He obviously has so much to be happy about, but he still looks like he’s in low spirits. You’re down because of the poison in Nie Feng. What reason does he have to be down?”

“You should put yourself in his shoes. The responsibilities he is carrying are now getting heavier and heavier, and this would inevitably wear him down.” Mei Changsu sighed regretfully. “I have you all to confide in. Who does he have? Court officials, military generals, advisors….Although Consort Jing niang niang could help him to alleviate some of his worries, they are still separated by palace rules and prohibitions.”

After hearing him say this, Meng Zhi was stunned for quite a while. He was dispirited, and wanted to say something, but after glancing at the melancholy on Mei Changsu’s face, he was unable to say it.

“Chief,” Zhen Ping’s voice suddenly sounded from the doorway. “General Nie is awake.”

Mei Changsu suddenly smiled from ear to ear. Grabbing Meng Zhi’s arm, he said, “Come, let’s go keep Nie dage company. Wei Zheng has been staying with him. Let’s all go over. He’ll definitely be very happy to see us!”

This rarely seen cheerfulness suddenly disconcerted Meng Zhi, as if he was seeing once again the silver-robed young general whose bright smiling face called out, “Come! Let’s look for Nie dage for an archery match!” But it was only for a split second. The scene before him became clear again, and there was only that pale face with the vague smile without any trace of the past.

“Xiao Shu,” The Commander General of the imperial guard grabbed hold of his shoulder and blurted without thinking, “I think….let Prince Jing know?”

*I confess I sort of winged this. The translation was difficult and I couldn’t remember the specific case, so if you do, please refresh my memory! In any case, though the details of the case may not be accurate, the intention is the same.

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