Nirvana In Fire

Chapter 170: The Beginning

Chapter 170: The Beginning

Mei Changsu stared fixedly at his overtly smiling eyes, and his heart suddenly skipped a bit. In a faltering voice, he said, Did you catch Xia Jiang?

Lin Chens face was unsmiling, and he said very sulkily, Didnt I give you three guesses?

By their side, Fei Liu said delightedly, Once!

Lin Chen reached out to pinch his face. Its your Su gege who guessed it right the first time and not you, so why are you so pleased with yourself?

Stop bullying Fei Liu, said Mei Changsu as he reached out to tug him over. Why dont you tell me how you caught him? Where is he now?

Lin Chen extended his hand, palm up and gestured in a beckoning manner.

Zhen Ping! Mei Changsu shot Lin Chen an exasperated glance and called out loudly, Bring in banknotes worth one thousand taels of silver!

A sound of agreement came from outside. Shortly after, Zhen Ping pushed open the door and entered, carrying what looked like brand new banknotes in his hands. Chief, here are the banknotes. What would you like to do with them?

Give them to him, said Mei Changsu, nudging his chin in Lin Chens direction. Lang Ya Pavillion charges people for answering their questions. I asked two questions just now. He charges five hundred taels per question, so two questions would be one thousand.

Lin Chen gleefully took the bank notes from Zhen Pings hands, unfolding them to verify their authenticity. Then he laughed and said, I actually charge fifty taels per question. Since Chief Su is so rich and insist on giving me a thousand, it would be impolite for me to refuse.

Fei Liu, lets go out, Zhen Ping beckoned to the youth. This guy is unbearable. Hes a bad influence on children.

Fei Liu was in full agreement with the unbearable description, and left with Zhen Ping to play outside.

*sidenote: Fei Lius leaving is described as floated gracefully out but its too strange a phrase in English

Alright, now that Ive received payment, Ill answer you, said Lin Chen as he very satisfactorily stashed the banknotes away into his bosom*. There are only three categories of people who would shelter Xia Jiang: the Hua tribe**, former spies of the Xuanjing Bureau and those people hes got a hold over. Narrowing it down to these few, it wasnt difficult to investigate further. I finally found him in a Buddhist nunnery. Let me tell you, apprehending Xia Jiang was a small matter. Whats key is that there was a very beautiful young nun in the nunnery. Im going to include her in the list next year.

*literal translation Ive kept because it just seemed so apt!

**Ive decided at this point to replace Hua nation with Hua tribe. Theyre an ethnic group, plus nation is no longer relevant since their country had been eliminated

Where did you lock that person up?

The young nun? Still in the nunnery. Why would I lock her up?

Lin Chen.. said Mei Changsu dangerously.

Lin Chen laughed and raised a hand in surrender. Alright, alright. Ive locked Xia Jiang up in one of my storehouses. Dont worry. He may have been able to escape from Sky Prison but he wont be able to escape from my familys storehouse.

Is it yet another Hua tribe woman hiding him? asked Mei Changsu thoughtfully.

Yes. Princess Xuanjis former subordinates are really giving us a headache. Theyre all over the place like scattered sand. I wonder if well ever root them all out.

Mei Changsu fixed his gaze on the ochre frame of the green muslin window screen, remaining silent for a long while before suddenly saying, Why are you standing outside? Come in.

Lin Chen got up and stretched his body, saying tiredly, Last night I had a bean picking competition with Fei Liu so I didnt get enough sleep and have to make up for it. That child lost again. Tomorrow well be making tofu, so you can look forward to eating it. With these words, he sauntered out. At the door, he smiled encouragingly at Gong Yu who was slowly entering the room with her head lowered.

Is there something you want to say to me? Mei Changsu asked her gently as he waited for her to approach him.

Both of Gong Yus hands were twisted tightly around the muslin sash around her waist, so tightly that it wasnt until her fingers were pale and bloodless that she remembered to kneel down. In a trembling voice, she said, Chief, please.forgive me.

For what?

The crime.the crime of deception.

What deception?

I.Im also from the Hua tribe. Gong Yu drew in a deep breath, clenched her jaw and lowered her head. But I have absolutely no ties withPrincess Xuanji. When I was born, the Hua nation had long ceased to exist. Furthermore, Chief saved my this lifetime, Gong Yu will not do anything that will cause Chief any harm. When I suggested the prisoner exchange at Sky Prison, I sincerely wanted to help Chief to lighten your worries. I never expected it to turn out that way.I.I.

At this point, Gong Yu was trying so eagerly to explain that she stumbled and couldnt carry on. Mei Changsu looked gently at her and smiled. Alright. I understand your intentions. Theres no need to worry.


Ive long known that youre from the Hua tribe, but I didnt mind it. The Hua nation had been integrated into Da Liang for several decades, and theres no longer any distinction between the majority of the Hua tribe and the common folk of Da Liang. Those from Princess Xuanjis camp are actually small in number, said Mei Changsu lightly. She also had her own convictions and beliefs. She just couldnt grasp the reason for her nations downfall or the power shifts at play in the world. Naturally, there would be retribution for her deeds, but if we take our anger out on all of the Hua tribe for this reason, this would be too narrow-minded, so you shouldnt concern yourself too much with it. Please get up. Lin Chen says that women are very precious, so why are you kneeling like this?

Gong Yu had been worrying frantically about this for a while, and had trouble sleeping at night. Now that she had plucked up the courage to face Mei Changsu and tell him, she didnt expect it to be so easy. When she stood up as he had requested, her eyes were rimmed in red.

Mei Changsu waited for a while in silence, and when he saw her still standing there before him, he asked, Is there anything else? look a little tired. Gong Yu has composed a new song that can help you sleep peacefully. Can I.can I.

Oh, Mei Changsu remained expressionless, but nodded his head and said, Thank you for your trouble. The fact that he didnt turn her down made Gong Yu very happy, and a pair of dimples appeared on rosy cheeks. She hurried out to fetch her guqin. After a few minutes of tuning it, she slowly sat down, stretched out her wrists over it and began to strum its strings.

The new composition was soothing, like water that was clear and tranquil, its melody gentle and exceptionally peaceful. Under her skilled fingers, the melody expressed sincere feelings of care and affection, and it evoked in those who listened to it a peace of mind that was free from worry. Mei Changsu leaned back on his pillow and listened to it with his eyes closed. His expression remained unchanged, but after a while, he turned over slightly, turning his face away, inwards.

Lin Chen, who was at that moment helping Fei Liu to soak the beans in the courtyard next door, was listening leisurely to the melody, when he suddenly sighed and lifted his wet hand, flicking a few droplets on Fei Lius face. Xiao Fei Liu, tell me. Is your Su gege just too insensitive or just too awkward?

Fei Liu didnt understand and was preoccupied only with angrily wiping the water from his face, his face turned away, ignoring him. The wind picked up at this time, and dark colored clouds quickly bore down from the east, pressing down thickly. Aunt Ji ran out to the courtyard, busy collecting the laundry. Lin Chen looked up at the sky and narrowed his eyes. Under its gloomy darkness, it would appear that fine-weathered Jinling was going to experience its first torrential autumn rain.

Heavy rains after the mid-autumn festival was the best way to wash away the summer heat. After a few days of rain, the hot summer receded into the distance, and the days and nights were cool. Mei Changsu wore thicker clothing and spent his days at home playing the guqin and reading. He truly showed no interest in the outside world, and focused wholeheartedly on his recuperation.

Under the Crown Princes governing of the country, all levels of society were calm and carried on as normal. Only the Ministry of Rites was a little busier than usual preparing for the Emperors birthday ceremony. Other than the few court officials and imperial family members whom Xiao Jingyan trusted, no one else was aware of the brewing storm that was coming.

In the early morning of the 30th day of the 8th month, the Crown Princess woke up early in the inner courtyard of the Eastern Palace and dressed in her best clothing. Then, she ordered the servants to bring along the Crown Princes ceremonial robes, which had been prepared the night before, and hurried to Changxin Hall, where Xiao Jingyan was currently residing.

According to the mourning system, after the wedding, the Princess had to wait 100 days before living with the Crown Prince. As a result, the newlyweds were as yet unfamiliar with each other, and the young granddaughter of the Zhongshu Ling couldnt help feeling somewhat shy and fearful in the Crown Princes presence.

Xiao Jingyan always got up early, and on this day, he was especially early. When he had finished his morning exercise and had his bath, the sky was just beginning to turn bright. After the Crown Princess personally helped him with his belt and crown, he calmed down his slightly fast beating heart and said, Thank you for your trouble.

This is your consorts duty, said the Crown Princess softly. Would Your Highness like to have breakfast in the Eastern Palace or have breakfast with His Majesty and Mother Consort?

Lets go pay our respects in the palace.

The Crown Princess immediately arranged for a carriage, and personally went to inspect the birthday gift that would be presented that day. Once she had confirmed that everything was satisfactorily in place, she returned to inform Xiao Jingyan, then both husband and wife got into the same royal carriage, and escorted by the Eastern Palaces ceremonial weaponry, they made their way to the Forbidden Courtyard. Once they arrived at the danxi*, they alighted the carriage and changed to a palanquin to enter the Emperors hall.

*the long steps / aisle leading up to the palace hall

At this time, the Liang Emperor had finished his morning rituals with Concubine Jings assistance. Hearing that the royal couple was here to pay their respects, his face broke out into a smile, and he ordered the servants to hurry and bring them in.

Your son comes with his wife to pay respects to Father Emperor and to congratulate Father Emperor on your birthday! Xiao Jingyan and the Crown Princess knelt and bowed three times before the Emperor to pay their respects, then turned towards Consort Jing and kowtowed, saying Mother Consort, please accept our respect.

Stand up, stand up, The Liang Emperor laughed and beckoned them to rise. Its so early. Im sure you havent had breakfast. Youre just in time. Well be having lunch with the court attendees and it will be very noisy, so lets have a quiet breakfast now as a family.

Your son thanks Father Emperor for the meal. After making his salutation, he sat to the Emperors left and Consort Jings right. The servant maids immediately went back and forth arranging the meal items. The Crown Princess sat to the side and served the dishes, respectfully fulfilling her duty as the daughter in law.

The meal was a pleasant one, and the atmosphere was peaceful. As time passed, Xiao Jingyan continued to try to keep in check the restlessness that he had very firmly suppressed earlier, and upon seeing his mothers calm and steadiness, he was even more determined to hold it in.

After the meal, the Liang Emperor asked a few questions about court matters. Xiao Jingyan had anticipated those questions and was thus able to reply smoothly and comprehensively, which pleased the Liang Emperor. After expressing a few words of praise, he then ordered the servants to bring out the chess board for a round of chess.

Halfway through the game, it was still unclear who was winning. Xiao Jingyan suddenly stopped and said, Father Emperor, its already past sishi*. Most off the officials must have already arrived. Father Emperor should start making your way to Wuying Hall.

*the period time between 9-11am

The Liang Emperor started at the chessboard for a while, then shook out his sleeves and said, It appears to be a stalemate. Looks like we wont be able to conclude this game so soon. Lets continue after the ceremony.

Observing the situation, Gao Zhan immediately turned around to summon the palanquin. With Consort Jings assistance, the Liang Emperor got up to change his clothes and then left the hall. Just as he was about to board the palanquin, a shrill voice was heard shouting loudly from the side porch.

I want to see His Majesty.I have an important dog, let me go.Your Majesty! Your Majesty! You cant go.they are conspiring to.. It sounded like someone had covered that persons mouth, and the sound of struggling could be heard.

Whats going on? Whos that? The Liang Emperor frowned and asked sternly.

Its Concubine Yue, said Imperial Consort Jing calmly, her expression unchanged. She has been delirious for a long time, and has had difficulty recovering. Please forgive your servant for not properly taking care of this and causing Your Majesty to be startled on your way out.

Oh, Concubine Yue, said the Liang Emperor thoughtfully. Yes, youve told me before that her symptoms arent very good. This Concubine Yue is just too proud and arrogant. She cannot stand losing so her mental illness must have stemmed from this. She has been in the palace for so many years. I dont have the heart to see her in such a miserable state. Please take better care of her.

Consort Jing smiled and said gently, Your servant has been ordered to manage the imperial harem, and this is my responsibility. With regards to Concubine Yue, your servant has also been finding it difficult to bear with her, and have tried as much as possible to go easy on her, but I never expected her to go so far as to charge in here and alarm you. It looks like she still hasnt grasped the limits of her behaviour yet.

The Liang Emperor patted her on the back of her hand to comfort her. By this time, the porch had resumed its quiet. At the sound of Gao Zhan voice calling a long drawn out qijia*, the two palanquins bearing the four highest ranking people in Da Liang were raised, their jade green canopies swaying as they made their way to Wuying Hall.

*I decided to leave this untranslated, because it would otherwise not read well. Basically, The Emperor is setting out! or something to that effect.


Despite how some of us might feel about Lin Chen, I really enjoyed reading his exchange with MCS in this chapter. What a contrast it was against XJY and MCS/LSs awkwardness in the preceding chapter. But it makes me sad, that those two old friends will never really have the time to recover what they once had, which presumably is what LC has with MCS now.

I also liked that very subtle bit about how XJYs heart beat a little faster when the Crown Princess was helping him with his attire. Ah, this novel is no romance, for sure, but it was still fun to read and try to extrapolate anyway!!!

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