No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 119: A Strange Version of Romeo and Juliet

Chapter 119: A Strange Version of Romeo and Juliet

Throughout the history of Japan there have been a great variety of martial arts clans, each one different for its traditions and techniques, but which essentially pursued the same thing, to create strong warriors.

Among these many clans, one of the most prominent was the Kuremisago Clan, an ancient clan of martial artists who were famous for their genetic superiority generated by arranged marriage between the strongest people in the clan.

Although this selective breeding helped lead the clan to the top of martial arts, the clan's obsession with purity of blood caused only two or three prodigies to be born in each generation while the rest of the descendants were mediocre. Thus the clan began to decline.

This bad situation changed thanks to the birth of two prodigies, the name of the male prodigy is not known but the female prodigy was Shizuha, Miu's mother.

They both originally had an arranged marriage, but that changed when Shizuha met a man named Saiga Furinji, a martial arts prodigy and the son of the strongest man in the world.

The love between both prodigies caused a division in the clan, those who were obsessed with the traditions fought against those who wanted to take a step forward to improve.

In the end, both groups destroyed each other and now the Kuremisago Clan is made up of the remnants of what was once a powerful clan.

That reminds me, Sho Kano, Akira's disciple, mentioned something about wanting to revive his clan that had fallen from grace, and to achieve this he needed to find the right woman with the same blood of his clan...

Does that jerk want Miu?

I'm drifting off-topic, then I'll castrate Sho.

The point is that during the internal war in the Kuremisago Clan, Miu's mother was killed shortly after giving birth to Miu.

Although Mikumo does not know the exact details, the murderer seems to be Saiga Furinji, who is not only Hayato's son, he also turns out to be Yami's real boss since even if he only ranks third on the force scale within Yami, his leadership ability allowed he to lead all of Yami's experts, even Mikumo admitted that she would be in danger if she fought him, and even if she wouldn't lose the fight, she wouldn't win either.

"Hey Listen! This is going to be fucking fun! " - Navi was laughing next to me while I struggled to accommodate my ideas.

After destroying the room, Mikumo went to her room after giving me all the information she had about Yami.

She did not care about world domination and only joined Yami in search of power, now that I gave her part of my Rasen Arts and Hamon breathing technique she no longer needs Yami so she does not care if they are destroyed.

Now that Mikumo is on my side, she will pick up her disciple that she was hiding on a nearby island in case of some emergency, I like how meticulous she is.

Mikumo's disciple, Chikage Kushinada, will follow her teacher without hesitation so the number of little girls in my harem will increase, very troublesome.

Mikumo will hide in the vicinity of this island to intervene if the conflict with Yami escalates to a dangerous level.

As for the infinite problems I will have for promising to get a woman I literally just met pregnant, I will not die even if I am beheaded thanks to black blood so it does not matter.

Before leaving the tournament ground, Mikumo explained all her techniques to me so that I could integrate them into my Rasen Arts, although she also gave me one last warning. In case she didn't fulfill her mission, Yami's experts would come to the island to eliminate me.

I'm curious how many people will die in this tournament, Madness will have a feast.

Most importantly, no matter when I think about it, there is something that doesn't make sense with the death of Miu's mother.

Hayato may have many flaws in his personality, but I find it hard to believe that a son raised by that childish man could murder his own wife.

I remember the letter left by Miu's mother in her last moments, and although the lyrics showed complex feelings of sadness, anxiety, and betrayal, there was no spite from a woman who has been betrayed by her husband but from a person who was stabbed by her friend.

Although I am not an expert in graphology, in the yakuza they taught me to recognize certain personality patterns in writing to identify hidden messages or enemy traps so this does not make sense according to my experiences.

The evidence shows no signs of a familicide, but the fact that Saiga Furinji is Yami's leader makes things confusing.

There are three options:

1) Saiga went insane and murdered his wife, then guilt made him found Yami to create a peaceful world through violent means as a form of atonement.

2) Shizuha died in the war at the hands of someone else and Saiga feels guilty for what he wants to make a peaceful world through violent means as a form of atonement.

3) Saiga was subjected to quite a powerful brainwashing and there is another hidden boss in Yami.

There is also option 4 where Saiga is not Saiga and is actually an identity thief, but that option has a lot of holes like the fact that the real Saiga did not seek out Hayato to help him bring justice for his wife's death.

Just in case and even if it is an absurd option, I cannot rule it out as life itself is absurd.

"Whatever" - I sighed heavily.

"Will you tell Miu about this?" - Tsubaki stood behind me and massaged my shoulders.

After the disaster I made with Mikumo I had to call Diego to get me another room.

Diego thought I fought Mikumo and destroyed the room, but when I told him that I actually increased the number of my wives, he started laughing so hard that I thought it would give him a heart attack.

"What am I supposed to tell her?" - I sighed. - "Something like, 'Hey, your father killed your mother and he's Yami's leader, let's kill him', yeah, that sounds great."

"Are you worried about Miu's mood?" - Tsubaki tried to hide the happiness in her voice.

"Well, she's my wife, it's normal to worry about her well-being" - I smiled wryly, I'm getting soft.

"Will you also be affectionate with your children?" - Tsubaki asked with a little tenderness.

"I will be, the family is the most important thing" - I lied with complete naturalness.

It's strange, the idea of ​​having children is at the same level of importance to me as wondering what tie I will wear tomorrow even though I don't wear a tie, which is irrelevant.

"I'm sure you will be, even if you don't mind right now" - Tsubaki kissed me on the cheek.

Since our soul bond is almost complete, Tsubaki is starting to know when I'm lying.

Hmm, that's troublesome, I need a method to achieve lying even on a spiritual level. I'll put it on my experiment list.

"Hey Listen! Leave the stupid romantic scene there is something more important! " - Navi interrupted my thoughts.

"Now what?" - I sighed, I need a vacation.

"Hey Listen! Shigure and the girls went out for a walk, but they are being followed by the idiot you left one-eyed! " - Navi yelled with joy.

Tsubaki didn't say a word and transformed into a short sword.

I sped out of the room and headed for Shigure's location.

In the most remote region of the island was a wooded area, I had Navi move to Shigure's side and allow me to see what was happening.

Shigure seemed to be alone, but in the shadows were Sayo, Kaede, Shiro, and the 2 battle droids hidden.

Saeko, Miu, Renka, and the others were hidden at a safe distance, but they were ready to fight at any moment.

"Navi, explain what's going on" - I sighed in relief when I noticed that my wives were preparing an ambush instead of falling into one.

"Hey Listen! Shigure wants to talk to her childhood friend of hers, but she knows that the situation can turn dangerous so while you were fornicating with an old woman, your wives prepared an ambush plan in case of emergency! " - Navi explained happily.

My lip trembled and I used the ninja sword to stab at Navi. - "Do not call my new wife old"

"Ahem, sorry" - Navi sincerely apologized as he is aware that there are lines that he should not cross. - "The point is that they have everything prepared, I only warned you because I thought it would be fun if you get angry and kill your wife's friend in front of your harem muahahaha!"

I understand what is happening, my wives do not want to depend on me and they seek to show autonomy so as not to be mere decorations.

I like the situation and it bothers me at the same time. It is good that they want to improve since I like people with ambitions, but I am worried that some of them could hurt themselves.

I need to create some villain organizations for them to destroy them so they don't feel like I'm overprotecting them.

Well, whatever, I'll see how things unfold and if something troublesome happens I'll step in.

To feel calmer I will start setting traps in the area, I would rather be paranoid than have an accident for being too trusting.

Now I just have to wait and prepare to console Shigure if I have to behead her childhood friend.



Author's Note: I'm almost done with this world so I can go to more interesting things and get more waifus ~

A special shout out to Living for their support at Pa-Tre-On <3

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