No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 134: Making Daughters Is More Troubled Than I Imagined

Chapter 134: Making Daughters Is More Troubled Than I Imagined

Why do villains have the stupid need to do everything dramatically?

Does the operation of the 'Plot' influence the aesthetic sense of the villains?

Well, whatever, it doesn't make sense to think about something unimportant.

"Are you sure this is science?" - Oriha watched the scene in front of us while she ate popcorn. - "This looks like a satanic ritual in a horror movie"

"Who knows" - I shrugged and stole some of the popcorn from her. - "We have seen zombies, mutants, werewolves, and vampires, if a demon appears it would not be surprising"

"It's true" - Oriha nodded as she slapped my hand to stop me from stealing food from her. - "You look like some kind of space monster, if you had tentacles you would be the terror of schoolgirls"


I hate myself for understanding what she is talking about.

Since Tsubaki met the internet, she has seen all kinds of animated series, she especially enjoys Japanese animation and since she is almost always within my Core of Existence, now I have the useless knowledge that Japanese fetishes not only focus on infidelity, but also cover nasty topics about tentacles, pedophilia, incest, anthropomorphic animals, and other very weird shit.

I didn't want to keep thinking about nasty stupid things and kept staring at the scene in front of me.

I am in an underground crypt, the gloomy place is only illuminated by the weak light of some candles scattered around the place, in the center of this place there is a stone altar surrounded by human skulls, in front of the altar is a woman dressed in a black ceremonial robe while on the altar are the cut parts of a baby.

I got tired of dealing with bullshit so I unleashed the full potential of black blood when I attacked the steel factory.

This world possesses some psychic abilities like Kaede and Shiro's powers or even Aki's abilities, but they are abilities focused on affecting physical bodies so in this world there are no spiritual powers that can really harm my black blood.

The trick of releasing all the black blood in my body is a devastating attack that can destroy an army as the black blood not only devours the bodies of the enemies, anyone who sees the eyes of Madness will be influenced by my [Reader's Madness] what will drive the source of humanity's innate madness, curiosity.

The greater the curiosity of a person, the greater the desire to keep looking into the eyes of Madness which in turn will cause a mental attack where Madness can eat the sanity of the people who see him in the eye.

It is basically a constant cycle of self-destruction where the victims will become the lunch of Madness and only through strong willpower can this attack be avoided, but people with a high level of curiosity, greed, ambition, and desires are very vulnerable to this attack.

For example, a man without self-esteem who has no hopes or desires will be able to see Madness's eyes and will only feel overwhelming fear that will lead to suicide.

On the other hand, a scientist who seeks to know the secrets of life will be dragged into the abyss in the eyes of Madness.

I honestly don't like using this ability as it affects anyone who sees Madness in the eye in his real form, it might seem fun to make thousands of people freak out as they become mentally ill capable of sticking their eyes out while screaming, but the problem is that there may be cases of collateral damage ...

"So you can change your molecular structure to mimic other materials like steel or glass?" - A beautiful woman asked with an expression of extreme curiosity as she made notes in a notebook.

"Yes, woof" - A small black dog was in front of the woman answering her questions. - "I can also change color, woof"

A woman in a lab coat is questioning a talking dog, life is absurd.

This woman is Mia Winters, Ethan Winters' wife, or well, a widow. Ethan is now being digested by Madness.

She asked if she could keep her last name as a form of homage to her dead husband of hers to which I accepted since I have no problem with my wives or daughters having another last name, rather, I prefer that it be so.

Although I have no problems with my name, I hate my last name as it reminds me of my stupid parents, if possible I want to change my last name, but even if I change my name, my system has me registered as Luis Santos.

I have already spoken with my wives and I told them that they can use their own last names and that it would even be better if each one puts their own last name on the daughters they have, more than anything else since this way I will be able to differentiate who I had each daughter with.

I know, I suck as a father, even Navi says so.

Coming back to the topic, when I unleashed the full power of Madness, I accidentally affected Mia's mind and now she is similar to a mad scientist from a concentration camp during WWII, her curiosity outweighed her humanity.

Things got awkward for me. Even though she is beautiful and I am amused by the idea of ​​stealing a 'protagonist's' wife, the idea of ​​obtaining a woman through mind control skills is distasteful to me, not because my non-existent moral sense tells me that it's a bad thing, but because using these methods is too boring.

Getting women through mind control will only give me puppets and not lovers, it is no different than having an inflatable doll.

In the end, I did not reject Mia since she has something that caught my attention, an insatiable and sick curiosity.

Just saying that she was willing to use the corpse of her own daughter to see if the resurrection experiment worked is enough to show that she is the kind of crazy woman that I love.

I was also curious about this experiment and checked Miranda's research, but the result is disappointing.

This experiment, which actually looks like a satanic ritual, is not to resurrect a dead person, but to make a copy with the memories of a dead person, in short, it is cloning with a dramatic process.

The source of the Progenitor Virus is a mutant fungus without intelligence, but with some characteristic instincts of a single-celled life form such as plankton.

The fungus seeks means to survive, but lacking intelligence, it does the only thing a parasitic organism knows how to do, it clings to other organisms. This thing reminds me of some assholes that I have to hit when I get back to my homeworld ...

The Progenitor Virus does not possess the intelligence of its own, but it does have the uncanny ability to store nerve impulses and genetic information.

Genetic information allows you to rebuild bodies that are a perfect copy of the people who have come into contact with the virus.

Nerve impulses are translated into information, this is how the Progenitor Virus can recreate memories, emotions, and personalities.

This is why Ethan was 'immortal', he was already dead but the Progenitor Virus was rebuilding his body and transferring his memories to allow him to perform the miracle of resurrection.

So far everything is perfect to achieve biological immortality, but there is a problem, there is no soul.

In scientific terms, the soul is something abstract and therefore useless so this is not a problem for Miranda, but thanks to Tsubaki I know the importance of a soul.

Living beings are made up of body, mind, and soul, these parts in turn are made up of more parts, but that is a topic for another time.

The point is that a living entity without a soul is an incomplete entity.

The effects of being 'alive' but not having a soul can vary, some entities go mad and develop an insatiable hunger for souls, by consuming many pure souls, the entity will be corrupted and become a demon, or a Kishin as called it Tsubaki.

Another result is that the entity becomes an empty doll that can think, move and speak, but lacks the ability to 'feel'.

It is not a lack of emotions since emotions are regulated through the mind, but the inability to experience what it is to be really alive, in other words, the entity will feel an eternal emptiness that can cause eternal despair as the entity will not think about suicide, but will look for something that does not exist.

The latter is the case with Monika, 2B, and the other android girls with the exception of Chise, they have begun to feel empty since now they are 'living beings' without a soul.

One of my priorities is to research souls as I want to give the android girls a soul before they fall into an existential void.

On a final note, the concept of 'living entity' is not limited to organic organisms, but to any entity that possesses emotions, so the artificial intelligences that developed emotions are incomplete living beings.

All this supernatural shit is hard to understand, but Tsubaki is a good teacher so I'm grateful to my system for letting me know her, although that won't stop me from killing the idiot who programmed the system to control me.

For now, I concentrated on Miranda's experiment to make sure nothing goes wrong since she is part of my harem I will make sure she gets her daughter even if I have to sacrifice millions of people to summon a demon to do so a real resurrection.

The altar began to be covered with black roots, from the roots a black liquid similar to oil began to come out which covered the dismembered parts of the baby that were on the altar.

"Uhg, that looks disgusting" - Oriha grimaced as she continued to eat popcorn.

"I told you to stay on the plane with Shiro and Kaede" - I sighed.

"But I want to see this, not every day I can see a satanic ritual" - Oriha kept eating even though her small face showed disgust.

Despite her pretty appearance, this girl has a strong stomach to the point where she is no longer called brave but crazy.

"Why did you start stroking my head?" - Oriha asked with a smile.

"I thought you were a bit cute despite being a nuisance" - I shrugged.

Because of the brats who follow me, I developed the stupid habit of stroking girls' heads when they show negative emotions or discomfort.

"Oh, will Onii-chan do bad things to me at night ~?" - Oriha tried to make a lewd smile but she just looked like a perverted brat.

"Yeah right" - I ignored her antics. - "In three years"

"…" - Oriha pouted angrily, but I kept ignoring her.

I stopped stroking Oriha's head as I saw something that I didn't think was possible.

"Tsubaki ..." - I contacted the woman who saw anime within my Core of Existence and she responded instantly.

"I know what you are going to ask, and the answer is yes" - Tsubaki answered me seriously. - "There is a group of souls within those roots"

… You must be screwing me.

Was Miranda right?

No, she is right that the mushroom can store souls, but there is something wrong with this ...

Oh, son of a bitch.

Tsubaki appeared in my hand in the form of a double scythe and without hesitation, I threw one of the scythes towards the roots of the mushroom.

Miranda was in a trance while she was concentrating on the process of rebuilding the baby's body so she did not notice my actions.

When the scythe touched the mushroom, I did not cut the roots, but the scythe got wrapped around something inside the roots.

A strange feeling came to my mind through the chain of the scythe, they were not words but a wish, it was similar to a hungry newborn baby who, unable to speak, uses crying to ask for food.

"This thing is alive ..." - Tsubaki sent me a telepathic message with a surprised voice.

"Not only is it alive, but that's also trying to get into the baby's body" - I wanted to sigh, I can't even do a satanic ritual in peace.

"What's this? It is similar to a human, but at the same time, it is different… I don't know how to describe it "- Tsubaki began to mutter in confusion.

"If you don't know, I'll know less" - I rolled my eyes. - "I just know that this damn thing is not going to become my adopted daughter"

Despite how strange the situation was, I did not feel anxious as the 'entity' within the mushroom was extremely weak to the point that Madness could accidentally kill it if I let out some black blood.

"Wait, there's something else" - Tsubaki stopped me when I was about to use the black blood to extract consciousness within the mushroom. - "Oh ..."

"Now what?" - I had a bad feeling.

"Ahem, do you remember when you told Miranda that you would help her get her daughter back?" - Tsubaki asked wryly.

… I don't want to hear it.

"Inside this thing, there is a soul with a soul frequency similar to Miranda's, and not only that, there is a soul that seems to be Mia's daughter ..." - The irony in Tsubaki's voice increased. - "Congratulations, you will be the father of twins"

......... Oh God, kill me.

"Look on the bright side" - Tsubaki tried to comfort me even though she seemed to want to laugh. - "You can try the experiment you have been working on ~"

"You are having fun?" - I asked in frustration.

"Yes ~" - Tsubaki let out a small laugh.

… Shit.

Through my link with Tsubaki, I looked for the two souls within the mushroom and without paying attention to the 'pleas' of the mushroom, I extracted the two souls.

When I pulled the scythe, the chain had two small blue spheres attached to it, they were two human souls so pure and free of negative karma that they could only belong to newborn children.

Miranda opened her eyes when the roots began to shake as if they were dying.

"Why?" - Miranda, she looked at me with despair when she felt that her link with the Progenitor Virus was destabilizing.

"Don't look at me like that, I made you a promise and I will keep it" - I sighed and approached the altar.

Miranda didn't stop me and she just looked at me as if all her hopes had died, she must think that I betrayed her and she can never get her daughter back.

I ignored Miranda's look of hatred and turned to Mia to wave her hand. - "Come here"

Mia was looking at me in confusion, but her curiosity brought her closer without hesitation.

"Mia" - I looked at the woman seriously. - "Do you want to get your daughter back?"

Mia widened her eyes in disbelief. Even though she went crazy and decided to join my harem, her maternal yearning for her daughter has not disappeared and she only hid it deep in her heart.

Mia nodded with a sad expression. - "Every mother wants to see her children, love them and take care of them…."

"Tch" - I smacked my lips unconsciously.

I ignored Mia's confused expression and looked at Miranda. - "Miranda, if I tell you that in exchange for your daughter you will have to give up one of your arms, would you accept?"

Miranda nodded as she continued to glare at me. - "My arms, legs, heart, or my soul, I will give up anything in order to see my daughter again"

God, what a drama.

"Extend it" - I pointed to Miranda's left arm.

She seems suspicious of me, but she still listened to me and she put her arm on the altar.

Needles of black blood came out of my fingers and dug into Miranda's arm, I pressed her acupuncture points so that she would not feel pain and prevent her from bleeding.

Even if she looks at me with hatred she is still my wife so I am not going to cause her pain.

Black blood spread from my arm and formed a blade that easily sliced through Miranda's arm. She didn't seem to mind losing a limb, she just wanted to see what I'll do.

When the arm was on the altar, black blood covered the arm, the baby's corpse, and the roots of the fungus.

Using the genetic information of Miranda's daughter stored in the Progenitor Virus I had the black blood rebuild a new body with the flesh and blood from Miranda's left arm. In passing, I also finished rebuilding the body of Mia's daughter.

During the reconstruction, I made the fungus with the Progenitor Virus mix with the skin and bones of the two lifeless bodies.

To make sure my little experiment went right, I filled both bodies with my black blood and used Hammon pulses to stimulate both bodies' organs and nervous systems so they were now technically 'alive'.

[System Notification: The title 'Doll Maker (100%)' has been obtained]

[Doll Maker: With the blood of the father I will make a son, with the skin of the mother I will make a daughter ...

Making a doll out of human flesh will grant the doll spiritual properties. The doll will increase abilities related to curses, dark magic, voodoo, heretical rituals, spiritual medicine, and exorcisms]

I ignored the shady shit in my system and focused on the most important part of this experiment, the souls.

Building a human body is not that difficult, it is even possible to grow human organs in a laboratory to make transplants, in the end, humans are just raw meat.

A body can be made, a mind can be built, but a soul, as far as I know from the talks with Tsubaki, souls cannot be artificial.

In my experiments, I have tried to unite a soul with a body again. I tried various experiments, making a soul enter a body that does not belong to it, returning a soul to a living body, put a human soul in an animal ... All my experiments failed.

A soul cannot rejoin its body after death, only if the soul is extracted from someone alive without breaking the body-soul link is that a person can 'come back to life', although it is not a real resurrection.

So far all my experiments have failed, but this time there is something different, the Progenitor Virus.

The reason I was shocked to the point of disbelief is that even though this mushroom does not possess spiritual properties, it can store souls and keep them 'alive'.

When Madness eats a soul, the soul ends up in her stomach and becomes a simple form of spiritual energy with no connection to a body or mind.

The mushroom is different, it maintains that connection. It was as if the mushroom itself was the body and the nerve impulse information was the mind, so theoretically it was a living being with many souls.

When I thought that this world no longer had anything to offer me, now it turns out that I found a treasure, life is a box of surprises.

I took the two souls and pressed them into the chests of the two lifeless bodies. To make sure this went well I used my energy that technically allows me to make the impossible possible, the Rasen.

Unlike my previous experiments, this time the souls showed no resistance, both souls easily entered the bodies as if they had always been connected.

When the souls entered the two bodies, the eyelids of both babies began to tremble as both bodies moved as if they were about to wake up.

"Oh my god ..." - Mia's eyes began to water as she hugged her daughter with shaking hands.

Miranda could not speak, her eyes were totally red from crying and despite the fact that she was missing an arm, she hugged her daughter with care and love.

Now, these two little girls are technically my daughters as they are made with my blood, I just hope my stupid abilities have no effect on them as I am repulsed by incest.

[System Notification: The ability 'Human Transmutation (100%)' has been obtained]

[Human Transmutation: Why look for friends if I can make them?

By violating the laws of nature and the reincarnation cycle, the user can bring the dead back to life.

If the requirements are met, it is possible to create new humanoid species or modify existing organic entities.

Warning: Depending on the nature of the World, resurrection, creation of intelligent life, and modification of living beings can be seen as acts that threaten the nature of the World, so using this ability can generate hostility from the Will of the World.

Warning: This ability alters the balance of Karma so Positive Karma will drastically decrease when using this ability]

[System Notification: The 'Anti-Rasen' energy has prevented the decrease of the user's Positive Karma]

[System Notification: The title 'Doll Maker' has been changed to 'Alchemist of Life (100%)']

[Alchemist of Life: Necrophilia sucks, first let me relive her~

The user's luck will improve when carrying out actions related to the 'Life' concept (reproductive acts, wound treatment, plant cultivation, animal husbandry, etc.).

The entities related to the 'Life' concept will feel a greater affinity towards the user.

Warning: Entities related to the concept 'Death' will feel instinctive hostility towards the user]

[System notification: The Unawakened Bloodline has decreased the negative effects of the title 'Alchemist of Life'. Now the entities related to the concept 'Death' will feel a slight dislike towards the user]

I couldn't contain my smile.

I finally succeeded, now even if I make some mistake and can't protect one of my lovers, I can still revive her ... But it's not enough, I need to make sure I never have to use this ability with one of my women, I need more power, I need more control in the environment around me ...

As my mind sank into paranoia, my system made me wince.

[System Notification: The skill 'Lucky Pervert', the title 'Protagonist Harem' and the title 'Harem King' influenced the title 'Alchemist of Life'

Now the female entities related to the 'Life' concept will feel an increase in reproductive interest with the user]

… Whatever, this isn't that bad so it won't ruin my happiness for having managed to spit on the laws of nature.

I wanted to celebrate, but my system sucks.

[System Notification: The user has had his first blood descendant]

[System Notification: Requirements have been met]

[System Notification: The user will inherit the Name from her previous life]

[System Notification: The System will start Protocol B-5 preset by ╠╦╩╣ ■]

[System Notification: Unknown Interference Detected]

[System Notification: System is unable to start Protocol B-5]


I couldn't curse this shit as I fell to the ground while my body convulsed.


"My Lord!"


I didn't have time to pretend that I'm fine, something inside me just broke and I'm feeling the most heartbreaking pain I've ever experienced in my whole fucking life...

[System Notification: The 'Will' statistic has been changed to 'Obsession']

[Will: Unbreakable (100%)> Obsession: Unstoppable (100%)]

Surprisingly that lessened the pain a bit, or rather, made me more pain tolerant.

I took a deep breath and tried to stand up, but my body wasn't moving, Madness just passed out so I have to control the black blood myself or my body could turn into a pool of blood.

"Take me to rest, this was more exhausting than I expected" - I replied wearily to the three women who looked at me anxiously.

My skill [Mythomania] allowed me to maintain consciousness by lying to myself that this didn't hurt, but my body couldn't move.

Although the three women seemed concerned about my condition, they nodded without question.

Roots came out of the ground and carefully carried me to a place where I can rest. Even if Miranda's connection to the Progenitor Virus is weakened, she can still command the roots of the fungus.

When my body was placed on a bed to rest, I closed my eyes and entered my Core of Existence.

What I found was that the place was a mess. The sea of ​​black blood in the sky representing my mind seemed to be melting, which was strange since it is a liquid.

My soul looked relatively normal, but the disgusting roots representing the curse had grown and were throbbing at the same time that the red sphere representing the system was shining like the light of an emergency alarm.

Now that I entered this place I was able to understand why there was an error when the system tried to make modifications to me.

"Hey Listen! You fucking idiot I don't know what the fuck you did but hurry up and do something! " - Navi was flying in front of the system as if he were a hacker using a computer. - "This shit is trying to put you under some stupid mind control and soul contract!"

Off to the side, Tsubaki seemed to be meditating as she concentrated on using our soul resonance to lessen the damage my body and soul were taking.

Navi's actions were what was causing me almost excruciating pain, but if this idiot hadn't intervened then the system would get me into some troublesome shit ...

Freedom in exchange for suffering, well, it's worth it.

In one corner of the place, I saw the skeleton of a dog, that 'corpse' had spots of a black liquid that bubbled like boiling oil.

The corpse dog only had one eye which was looking at me as if trying to say something, but his dying state prevented him from speaking.

Well, shit, this got nasty.

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