No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 146: Manners Lessons for a Tsundere

Chapter 146: Manners Lessons for a Tsundere

After a few minutes, Sasaki walked up to several men who looked like bodyguards.

"Hey boy, ready to meet your girlfriend?" – Sasaki looks like he will die if he stops acting like an idiot for more than two seconds.

I sighed and didn't respond directly acting like it was all so sudden that I don't know how to respond.

We kept waiting for a while, and when 5 minutes passed the agreed time, Sasaki stopped smiling.

"Those bastards planning to make us wait?!" – Sasaki began to scream furiously while the other yakuza also became furious.

These temperamental idiots are so easily provoked that it's worrying. If the Beehive Gang knows of these idiots' temperament then this can only mean one thing, they want to cause a fight.

After 10 minutes passed after the agreed time, three cars approached.

"Let's beat up those assholes who obviously don't respect us!" - Sasaki yelled furiously.

I quickly put my hand on his shoulder and smiled friendly. – "There is no reason to get upset, we must show that we have better manners than them"

Sasaki froze and then started laughing. – "Guahahaha you are right, let's show those bastards that we are civilized people!"

I did my best not to roll my eyes.

Cars stopped at the entrance and a group of men dressed in white suits got out of the cars in an organized manner.

The coordinated movements were similar to that of an Apachai-level fighter which once again showed how absurd the power scale of this world was.

Although the group of men was strong, I feel that there are too few bodyguards to visit the yakuza leader's residence even if they are allies now.

Something is not right in this...

After the bodyguards had made a safe path to the entrance of the residence, a pretty blond girl got out of the lead car along with a blond man who shared some physical traits with the girl.

Due to my history with the Beehive Gang, I know the face of this man as there was a time when I planned to kill him, Adelt Kirisaki Wogner, Chitoge's father, and my future father-in-law.

As father and daughter approached, I bowed respectfully. – "It is an honor to meet you Kirisaki-sama and Miss Kirisaki, let me introduce myself, I am Ichijo Seiji"

"Seiji?" – Adelt looked at me with surprise since I have the last name of the leader, but he must not have had any information about an illegitimate son.

"Let me guide you, father is waiting for you" - I smiled kindly while I tried not to vomit when saying the word 'father'.

Adelt seemed to be shocked by what I said, but he asked no questions and followed me into the residence.

When Mr. Ichijo and Adelt saw each other, they both started laughing as they greeted each other. In a matter of seconds, both went from being the leaders of enemy criminal organizations to become old friends who had not seen each other in years.

Because of the way I live, I may never experience this kind of friendship, which I really don't care about.

"Friend..." - Ortro murmured in my mind.

"Yes, we are the best of friends" - I replied kindly.

"Yay!" – Ortro shouted with joy and went back to her job of looking for gaps in my memory that may involve supernatural events from before waking up my system.

While the adults acted like children, we teenagers stared blankly at the situation.

"He's like a child…" - Chitoge sighed.

"At least they seem happy" - I smiled wryly.

"True..." - Chitoge smiled warmly showing that she values ​​her father, then she seemed to remember something and looked at me with a slightly forced smile. – "Ahem, although you seem to know me, I will introduce myself, I am Kirisaki Chitoge, you can call me Chitoge"

She held out her hand to greet me, but then seemed to remember Japanese customs where physical contact is very limited so she was about to brush her hand away.

"Nice to meet you Miss Chitoge, you can call me Seiji" - I smiled and accepted the handshake.

It's nice to talk to someone who doesn't care about Japanese honorifics, those things make me tired.

Chitoge smiled looking happy that I accepted her greeting without the social restrictions of Japan. – "Calling me Miss is nice, but I prefer if you just call me Chitoge"

I smiled happily without showing the typical Japanese embarrassment. – "Of course, it is a pleasure to meet you Chitoge"

It seems that this girl has few or no close friends whom she can talk to without worrying about her status so it will be easy for her to fall in love if I treat her as an equal and not as a high-class lady.

That is the danger of raising a daughter as a caged bird, as soon as they know freedom, the bird will not want to return to the cage and risks being eaten by a predator since it does not know how to defend itself.

We both let go of each other's hands showing that friendly physical contact was not a problem for us and we began to chat amicably about our hobbies.

Chitoge seemed very curious about my life since she probably wouldn't have experienced a friendly chat with a stranger so I focused on talking about things that might be new and interesting to her increasing her curiosity.

Curiosity, the poison that drags people into the abyss. I think I'm starting to think as a demon would...

As I focused on making Chitoge amuse myself with my talk, I felt Mr. Ichijo and Adelt stop chatting and now lend themselves to my interaction with Chitoge.

With my enhanced sense of hearing, I listened to what they were saying.

"So an adopted son..." - Adelt muttered with a bit of reluctance.

"The boy is good, you will like him if you get to know him better" - Mr. Ichijo sounded sure of his words.

"But I still don't know his skills, is he talented?" – Adelt looked worried.

I slightly moved my gaze towards them showing that I can hear them to which Adelt smiled wryly. – "Well, at least he has a good ear"

"Heh, I told you, he's a good boy" – Mr. Ichijo smirked.

"Okay okay, you win, but I want to test him" – Adelt sighed.

Mr. Ichijo seemed to enjoy teasing his friend who should technically be his enemy. – "Sure, my boy will deal with any stupidity you can think of"

Don't encourage him!


After almost 10 minutes, the pair of adults finally interrupted my chat with Chitoge making her look a bit disappointed, this girl is in dire need of friends.

I wouldn't be surprised if she could fall in love with the first idiot to treat her like a friend...


Oh god, Raku is a protagonist and this girl is his co-protagonist?

This will be troublesome...

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' and the energy 'Reader's Madness' have detected that Raku Ichijo is a 'Protagonist' and Chitoge Kirisaki is connected to his destiny as a 'Main Heroine']

[System Notification: The title 'False Antagonist' has prevented Raku Ichijo's 'Plot Armor' from negatively affecting the user]

…Well, maybe this isn't that much of a problem.

I know that foolish boy well and I know that he is in love with a girl named Kosaki Onodera so the 'Story' involving Raku and Chitoge must be worthy of a cheap soap opera where they both fall in love over time.

On the other hand, I met Kosaki a long time ago in my Luis identity and she hates me since she thinks it was my fault her parents got divorced, but well, it's not my problem since I'm only 40% responsible for that divorce.

I'll leave these matters for now, then I'll visit the woman who runs a candy store since she's one of my targets when I return to this world.

"I see that you two became friends easily" – Adelt smiled as if he found this amusing.

"N-None of that! We're just chatting…" – Chitoge blushed as she lowers her head showing that she is the most troublesome type of creature, a tsundere.

She still doesn't fall in love with me, rather she is embarrassed by her father's teasing since it must be an important matter for her to have gotten her first 'friend'. In fact, she's giving me a subtle look as if she's waiting for my answer.

If I say that we are not friends she will feel hurt, but if I say that we are indeed friends then the possibility of a romantic relationship between us will become complicated as she might be afraid of damaging our friendship if she develops feelings for me.

Fortunately, these concerns do not matter since in a political marriage the opinion of those who are going to marry does not matter.

I smiled friendly. – "It is nice to chat with Chitoge, so I think we can be considered friends, what do you think?"

Chitoge's gaze lit up like a child making her first friend. - "Sure we can be friends!"

It's funny how she's trying to hide her happiness.

Adelt smiled in a complex way, he must think that as long as his daughter is happy things should be fine, but I'm sure he must know my current face and he knows my reputation as a womanizer so he must be worried that I might hurt Chitoge's heart.

On the other hand, even if in my identity as Seiji I am 20 years old and Chitoge is 16 years old, she is of legal age to marry with her father's consent so as long as no big problems arise everything will go according to Mr. Ichijo's plans.

"Seiji, why don't you show the young lady around?" – Mr. Ichijo smiled like a father who sees his son having his first date with his girlfriend.

Most likely, he is going to talk to Adelt about the fact that I am a returnee from another world, as well as having to explain the plan where I am to form a harem.

Yeah, I definitely don't want to listen to that stupid conversation.

I nodded and smiled at Chitoge. – "Is it okay if we keep talking while we walk?"

She nodded happily and we began to explore the Ichijo residence.

As we walked she asked several questions and was surprised to hear that I am an average person who was adopted by the Ichijo family.

"Don't you know your parents?" – She looked in surprise, but then noticed how insensitive her words were so she showed a worried expression. - "Me…"

I smiled as if I didn't care, but left a subtle look of sadness to make her feel guilty. – "Don't worry, it's okay to be curious, and actually, I know my parents, it's just that my relationship with them is a bit… Well, not to go into details, they don't deserve the title of parents"

Chitoge showed an expression of regret at her own callousness in speaking.

This girl is the kind of indiscreet, aggressive, and lacking empathy person who doesn't mince her words, but then feels extremely guilty when her actions and words hurt others.

The biggest problem is that her pride makes her unable to apologize so she is definitely a troublesome girl.

If I am going to have a relationship with this girl I will have a lot of headaches since she is surely a jealous woman, so it is best to make her feel indebted to me which will not only make her accept my harem, but will also decrease her annoying attitude.

We continue walking in silence. The fact that I didn't continue chatting showed that I was hurt by the topic, and since she is too proud of herself, she is unwilling to apologize making the atmosphere awkward for her.

Surely she must be anxious that this might damage our relationship as now I may be her first friend in Japan so losing my friendship would be a heavy blow to her heart.

When we passed near the kitchen, I smiled as if I felt calmer. – "What do you think if we eat something? I haven't had lunch and I'll be a bad host if I don't invite you something to eat"

Chitoge was happy when I spoke to her again so she nodded without hesitation. – "Sure, that sounds good!"

When we entered the kitchen, the cooking staff looked at us in surprise, but when they saw me they smiled and nodded.

Besides being a womanizer, I'm also known to have a hobby of cooking when I'm Seiji.

I usually use the kitchen at this place as I can prepare a lot of food that I then take with me to feed my family and thus save myself the expense of having to buy food with my own money.

I went to wash my hands and took an apron to start cooking, the kitchen staff even already have an apron ready in case I want to cook.

When Chitoge saw this she was surprised as it must be strange for her that a person in a high position in the yakuza like me would be willing to cook, but she calmed down when she remembered that I am from humble origins so it must not be so strange if I know make my foodEven though I don't like impulsive people as they are loud, they are also the easiest people to read so this is convenient.

"Is there something you would like to eat?" – I kindly asked before starting to cook.

"Mmm, I can't think of anything" – Chitoge didn't have high expectations of my cooking skills which are understandable since my mobster appearance is not appropriate for a chef.

Since I'm not in the mood to brag too much, I made beef ramen with regular beef, no Kobe beef, or anything stupidly fancy.

As the aroma of ramen filled the kitchen, the cooks stopped their work and looked at the food I made with surprise and hunger.

With the support of the system and the fact that I am now a Higher Existence, my innate talents evolved to the point that if it wasn't for the fact that I used Anti-Rasen to restrict my cooking talent, this food would cause people to go crazy with how well it smells.

I put a bowl of ramen in front of Chitoge and she just stared at the food without moving as she swallowed hard, I'll give her extra points for managing to maintain self-control.

Chitoge grabbed her chopsticks, gave thanks for the food, and tasted the ramen. – "Ah~"

When the noodles entered her mouth, she let out a gasp of happiness as she forgot her manners and began devouring the food.

I smiled wryly, this girl doesn't really look like a young lady from a rich family, rather she is a temperamental girl who longs for friends and maybe has a certain complex that makes her want recognition.

Father's acknowledgment?

It does not seem.

Recognition of the mother?

I'll have to investigate.

"Luis…" – Tsubaki sent me a message. – "I also want ramen…"

"When the System Goddess finishes making her report she will look for us and then I will ask her for spiritual ingredients to make you something to eat" - I answered with genuine affection.

I can't bring non-system objects into my Core of Existence and that's why I couldn't give Tsubaki snacks while she was in my Core of Existence before.

This issue was resolved by System Goddess as she mentioned that spiritual items can be stored in my Core of Existence.

System Goddess's teacher was a skilled alchemist so she inherited a space ring filled with spiritual ingredients. Some were rare plants with magical effects and other ingredients were spirit animal meat good for nourishing the soul.

I did a couple of experiments and it seems that my innate talent for cooking allows me to cook farming ingredients. Although my food is not up to the level of spiritual pills made by an alchemist expert, it is still nutritious food that helps strengthen the soul so it is good food for my harem, plus the food I make from those ingredients can be stored in my Core of Existence.

If it wasn't because the amount of ingredients is limited, I would have cooked a feast for all my women and made them stronger, so in the end, I'll have to look for cultivation worlds to acquire spiritual resources, although for now, I'll see if I can get ingredients spiritual in this world.

So we continued to enjoy a quiet meal and since the kitchen staff kept looking at me as if they were hungry dogs I also made food for them.

Now I am the heir to this place, but I still have to make food for my subordinates…

The life of a labor slave sucks.

One of the head chefs approached me with an expression of extreme seriousness. – "Seiji-kun, have you ever thought about dedicating yourself to the culinary world?"

Mr. Ichijo still hasn't released the news that I'm the heir to the Ichijo clan so these people still treat me with familiarity which is best for me, being treated like a young master makes me sick.

I shrugged. – "I am a bit busy with my job, you know I have a lot of work and cooking is just a hobby"

The chef smiled. – "I will speak with Ichijo-sama, with my recommendation he will agree that you attend the Totsuki Culinary Academy"

I don't want to be a chef, I don't even want to be a mob leader, what's more, I just want a fucking vacation.

I smiled with slight discomfort. – "I am not sure, I do not see myself being a chef all my life"

"It's a pity" - The chef sighed. – "Your talent is incredible and if you polish it I am sure you would be a world-renowned chef"

I tried not to roll my eyes, that sounds troublesome.

What if authoritarian idiots all over the world want to force me to feed them?

No thanks.

"Another plate please!" – Chitoge interrupted the chef before he could continue speaking.

Well done Chitoge! You start to like me.

I smiled wryly showing that I can't talk anymore since I'm busy and made more ramen for Chitoge.

A tip, whether they are men or women, a great way to conquer the heart is through the stomach.



Author's Note:

Due to the recent increase in comment activity, my inspiration and motivation increased which has allowed me to write more chapters.

Thanks for the support, a hug <3

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