No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 158: The Dangers of Alcohol

Chapter 158: The Dangers of Alcohol

(Drunk Luis perspective)

Damn shit!

First the shitty bastard that is my dad gets away, then my stupid mom turns out to be an incestuous jerk who masturbates while thinking about me, and if that wasn't enough, now I don't even have control of my own love life.


Whatever is. Whether it's deep shit or huge shit, I'm used to my life being so this doesn't matter, nothing matters...

Well, maybe some things matter.

The women I really grew fond of matter to me, but everything else can go to fucking hell...

"Sir, I think you've had enough to drink…" – A waiter approached me with an uncomfortable expression.

I'm Luis?

Oh no, right now I'm Seiji's asshole so I can act like the asshole I really am.

"Shut! Bring me more vodka and tequila!" - I shouted furiously when I saw that my bottle was empty.

"S-Sir, that was the last bottle" – The waiter looked at me with fear.

That's right asshole, I'm a fucking yakuza so you should be afraid of me… Wait… Is the alcohol finished?

Being alive sucks.

I stood up, and took out my credit card to pay for what I drank.

"N-You doesn't need to pay sir..." - The waiter seemed anxious.

"Shut up you idiot! Do you think I'm a fucking jerk who preys on incompetent jerks like you?! I will pay for what I consumed since I am not a fucking animal that takes advantage of people who work honestly!" – I yelled while massaging my forehead.

I'm surrounded by idiots…

The waiter was quick to receive my payment.

This idiot is not that incompetent... I'll give him a good tip, it's not my money anyway.

Ah, he waits, in Japan it's frowned upon to tip… Whatever, I don't give a shit about manners so I'll tip him.

I walked to the door to find another bar.

Even though I'm fucking drunk and reek of alcohol, my senses work perfectly so I noticed when a human woman with no special abilities was following me.

I stopped and looked at the sky, it's already night...

Well, before I got drunk I told Umaru that I won't come home today so it does not matter, I just hope that brat eats the dinner I left her, or she'll get sick if she keeps eating junk food...

"Wait…" – The woman who was following me came over to talk to me.

I looked at the woman, she's attractive, but I've seen better women and I've given up on one-night stands.

"What's happening? Am I so stupidly handsome that you fell in love with me?" - I smiled like an arrogant jerk.

The woman looked at me gently. – "You seem to have problems… Do you need to talk?"

Why the fuck does everyone think I'm a kind and a pitiful person who needs to be saved?

I am literally a genocide, womanizer, manipulator, hypocrite, schizophrenic, and alcoholic. Receiving such courtesy makes me feel disgusted towards human stupidity.

I massaged my forehead. – "Look, if you want to talk to me this will end with you moaning in my bed and when I get over the drunkenness I will realize that everything went to shit so I will have to make you one of my wives, so you better leave me alone "

God, this fucking migraine is going to kill me...

Even though my attitude was absolutely unpleasant, the woman didn't move away and she smiled at me. – "We can talk so you can vent"

Shit, another idealistic person with a brain full of flowers and stupidity.

I'm tired of this world, I want to return to a place where everything is resolved with senseless violence...

I ignored the woman and headed to another bar.

When I arrived at the place, the manager recognized me since Seiji's asshole is famous in this region since this place became stable after I killed every troublesome asshole in this place… Or well, Kuro did, I'm just the idiot who smiles and sleeps with women.

Do I have an identity crisis?

Great, another mental disorder for the list…

"This way sir" – A waiter led me to a private table.

"Did you really follow me?" - I looked at the woman who had followed me without the slightest caution. – "Aren't you afraid that I'm a degenerate or something like that?"

The bartender is literally looking at me with fear and respect so it's obvious I'm a yakuza.

The woman smiled at me. – "You don't seem like a bad person"

I get it, she's an idiot.

I looked at the waiter. – "Bring me all the vodka you have… As for her… I don't know, bring her what she wants, but if I discover that you adulterated the drinks you will have to learn to live without your arms…"

"I want a margarita..." - The woman spoke with some compassion towards the waiter.

The waiter nodded many times and hurriedly left.

"Are you a yakuza?" – The woman asked me with curiosity.

"Me? The guy in gangster clothes who is feared by the people who run a bar in yakuza territory?" – I asked in an exaggerated way. – "Hey, I don't know, maybe I'm a baker"

"I understand, you didn't need to be so sarcastic" - The woman looked down sadly.

"And you, what are you? Professor?" – The waiter brought a couple of bottles so I opened one of them and drank it in one go.

"You really can drink too much…" The woman looked in surprise and then smiled. – "Yes, I am a teacher"

"Oh, I see, you sure are popular with your students" – I shrugged.

I met two attractive teachers in one day, this will make me awaken a new fetish...

"I don't think so" - The woman smiled bitterly. – "I am a bit clumsy and I lack experience…"

"Mistakes make us grow, that's why living makes us better, living is a mistake" - I shrugged and drank another bottle.

"That sounds depressing" – The woman smiled bitterly as she drank her margarita.

"Not so much, it's depressing if you give up, but if you're willing to move on, then nothing is depressing" – Moving on… It feels nostalgic.

The woman watched in silence for a long time as I continued to drink.

I kept drinking until the bar's vodka ran out.

Again I paid the bill and got on my feet to find another bar.

"Are you fine? Shouldn't you stop?" – The woman grabbed my arm as if she was afraid that I might pass out.

I rolled my eyes. – "I have money, time and I am frustrated, I can get drunk all damn night"

The woman seemed to want to say something, but a man approached us.

"Hina! What are you doing holding that idiot's arm?!" – The idiot called me an idiot, incredible…

"Kengo..." - The woman frowned.

Shit, I just got involved in a soap opera.

My brain refused to process the stupid things I heard so I didn't understand why the man let out killing intent as he pulled out a knife.

"I'll kill you like the bitch you are!" – The man rushed to stab the woman.

Suddenly the man was on the ground with his nose destroyed and his front teeth totally broken.

I looked at my fist, this thing moved on instinct… Good fist.

The idiot is still breathing so I looked towards an alley where one of my subordinates was. With a subtle gesture, I indicated to him to take care of this idiot and then I walked away to find another bar.

"Why are you still following me?" – I stopped and looked at the woman who followed me like a stray dog following a stranger who offered her a chicken bone.

"I-I…" – The woman was trembling, she looks like she is scared since she almost got stabbed.


Somehow I ended up taking the woman to another bar where we started talking.

Her name is Hina Tachibana, a 23-year-old teacher who teaches idiotic teenagers the same age as my sister.

She seems to be in trouble since she's having an affair with a married man or something, I honestly didn't pay much attention to her since this was as boring as a soap opera.

"And then my mother remarried and now one of my students is my stepbrother…" – Hina finished telling me about her life while I continued to get drunk.

"I see" - I shrugged. – "Well, if you are so worried about your affair with your ex-teacher, just face him, let him know that you want a real relationship and he should get a divorce, or you can mature as a person, leave these stupid things and get a boyfriend who is not ashamed of having an official relationship with you"

"…" – Hina looked at me bitterly. – "Have they told you that you are cruel with your words?"

"Reality is cruel, you accept it or avoid it" - I shrugged.

Hina stared at a glass of low-alcohol fruit juice.

I finished the vodka from the third bar so I got up to find another bar while Hina followed me.

"Are you going to follow me all night?" – I raised an eyebrow. – "Don't you have to teach tomorrow?"

"I'm still a little scared about what happened…" – Hina certainly looked scared. – "Can you keep me company tonight?"

In my infinite wisdom and high state of intoxication, I made the most rational decision.

"Ah, Seiji ♥~" – Hina moaned as her naked body swayed on my waist on a hotel bed.

Despite her demure appearance, she turned out to be quite passionate so I held onto her hips to make it easier for her to make intense moves.

With each movement, her shapely breasts jiggled giving me a nice view of her curves.

I definitely have a fetish for sexy teachers.

Her favorite position seems to be cowgirl while she prefers to take control of the pace so I just used my hands to give her thighs and nipples light stimulation.

As Hina neared orgasm, I wanted to tease her a bit so I put a little force on my waist and lifted my hips making my crotch reach the entrance of her womb.

Hina shuddered as her mouth opened to let out an intense moan, but even as she was spasming from orgasm, I didn't stop myself from entering her.

After a few minutes, I stopped moving since if I continued her body would get hurt.

When I stopped, Hina collapsed onto my body pressing her soft breasts against my chest.

Even though Hina was panting heavily, she was still awake and almost unconsciously she brought her lips to mine for a kiss.

I brought my lips close to hers and started kissing her. Although the kiss started out as a lustful kiss of sexual friends, it quickly turned into a passionate kiss of lovers in a romantic relationship.

After kissing for a while, she began to fall asleep.

As her eyelids closed, she muttered under her breath. – "Thank you Seiji… I love you…"

I sighed, I want to continue getting drunk...

I wanted to separate myself from Hina to stretch, but before I came to my senses and realized that I had just done something stupid, my phone received a message from Mr. Ichijo to remind me that tomorrow I have to go to a restaurant at ten in the morning to meet with Lin Ruoxi.

I looked at Hina and with Hamon, I checked her physical condition. She won't wake up for about ten hours so if I stay by her side until she wakes up, I won't be able to make it to my meeting with my legal wife on time...

Shit, do I already consider this woman my wife just because I fucked her?

I'm getting too soft… Stupid attachment emotions.

I sighed and lay down while Hina hugged me affectionately with a smile of a maiden in love.

Does this woman have a strong emotional dependency and is she in need of male affection?

Well, it doesn't matter, from now on she's part of my harem so whatever her problem is, I'll solve it.

I stared at the ceiling as my hand stroked through Hina's long brown hair.

Even though she's not the most beautiful nor the most caring woman in my harem, having a beautiful woman in my arms really helped lessen my frustration.

All the shit that has been happening in my life since I came back to this world is just ridiculous, but hey, life as a protagonist is full of stupid things.

At least I didn't do something too stupid like sleeping with a higher entity, although now that I think about it, Hina shares facial traits with a girl I knew before I got my system...

Whatever, I'm not going to think about unimportant things.

For now, I'll let Hina sleep a bit longer, then I'll purify the alcohol in her body and take her home so I won't be late for my meeting with Lin Ruoxi.

For now, I'll just stare at the ceiling until my rationality kicks in again.

I miss being able to sleep...



Author's Note:

It's hard to type with one hand as my left arm hurts a lot...

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