No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 168: The Birth of a God

Chapter 168: The Birth of a God

Although surprises keep life from getting boring, it's so much more enjoyable when things go according to plan.

The fat man who was in the hideout of the bandits turned out to be a small merchant who began to invest in the most popular business in the current market, selling slaves.

Due to the constant defeats of the inhuman races, non-human creatures became very popular among humans, so the sale of slaves is one of the biggest businesses in recent years.

The fat merchant had the misfortune to be captured by bandits after his bodyguards were killed, but now that man is in the process of becoming a millionaire with my help, the only thing I asked for in return was total control of his mind, turning him into a puppet with no will of his own.

With the help of the slave trader, we easily entered the city and since this city is a far area from the capital, there are no powerful warriors in this place so it only took me 5 days to reprogram the brains of all the higher ups in the city.

Today marks 30 days since I came to this world and even though I control this city now, my harem did not grow since in this city I did not find interesting women because this city is a low-trade border city so I will have to move to another cities to increase my influence, wealth and harem.

Of the four slaves, I have only slept with two of them, Setsuna and Roxanne.

Roxanne not only has an adult appearance, but her obsessive tendencies were also attractive to me since she is not possessive of me, she just wants to make clear the importance of order within a group of slaves.

Yuel has a too young appearance for my liking and although she has reached the point of showing herself naked in front of me, I made it clear to her that I don't like brats. Only a degenerate is sexually attracted to little girls, that's a mental problem.

Cecyl has an appearance close to my age, but she is still uncomfortable with the idea of losing her virginity which I have respected, my purpose is to create a stable harem and not a sexual dungeon so the emotions of my lovers are more important than the mere sexual pleasure.

As for Setsuna, she gave me her body as a token of loyalty, but more importantly, she wants to be strong.

Roxanne mentioned that she felt stronger after having sex with me because I am a Higher Entity and intimate acts literally feed women with Destiny Energy which helps them overcome the restrictions of the World.

That's how Setsuna became my real lover, and even though that girl can be a bit aggressive and rude, she's pretty cute when she's happy.

My four cute slave girls have been training to be strong. Witch helps them with magic and I give them martial arts lessons.

Somewhat disappointing is that I couldn't get magic.

It seems that I am already at the limit of the superior energies that I can obtain so if I want to obtain Qi from cultivation, magic, demonic energy, or divine energy, I will have to give up one of my main energies or I will make the biggest mistake of system users, getting many different powers that prevent the evolution of one's power.

It may be that this situation is similar to a person who wants to study 4 university degrees at the same time, have a social life and sleep well. If you do everything at once you will end up collapsing or in the miraculous event that you can, you will not be able to achieve maximum performance in all activities.

[Rasen], [Anti-Rasen], [Destiny Energy] and [Reader's Madness] are my main energies. All four are energies with a lot of potential so I prefer not to use magic, although I am still developing methods to nullify magic with the help of Witch.

As for the four girls, Setsuna has enormous potential as a fighter, but she is limited by the Laws of this world where magical power is more important than fighting instincts, and since Setsuna has low magical power, she is a talentless person.

Fortunately, the 'dual cultivation' helped her to start overcoming the restrictions of this world, and since she is showing willpower that reaches the level of obsession, I am planning to give her [Madness] and [Rasen] in the same way that I strengthened my combat-focused wives like Saeko.

Anyway, those are future issues that will happen in due course even if I forget to mention them, the important thing is that I am currently in the house of the mayor of the city.

I built an underground room that can fit ten people who are tied to chairs with their eyes open while looking at a huge glass sphere that shows various images of shadows, humans being eaten by dogs, random words, and thousands of eyes.

In addition to the images flooding the brains of these humans, there are black roots reaching into their ears, filling their skulls with black blood.

Every 4 hours, 10 normal citizens are brought to this place to be subjected to systematic brainwashing. I built this place in such a way that it can work even if I'm not around so it's a convenient method of producing devout believers in a short amount of time.

Unlike neural reprogramming, this level of mental suggestion is easy to break through willpower-enhancing abilities, but I'm not creating a loyal army so that doesn't matter.

To understand why I do this, you just have to listen to what the ten people tied to the chairs mutter.

"Glory to our savior… Glory to the one who will bring stability to the world… Glory to the supreme devourer who will purge the evil from the world… Glory to the supreme destroyer of injustice, Orthus… Glory to the faithful helper of the supreme destroyer, Kon…"

Through the mental corruption effects of [Reader's Madness], I am making these people worship Ortro and due to the effects of [Outer God], these people are becoming devout believers in a shadowy cult that worships balance and the greater good.

By the way, Orthus is another pronunciation for Ortro and since it sounds more imposing we chose to use that name for her Deity form.

It is strange that a group of cultists who worship the equivalent of a Lovecraftian God are believers in the balance of the universe, but these people are so obsessed with maintaining the balance of things that they will seek to destroy everything that affects the balance of the universe at the same time that they will be willing to die for the greater good.

And what is the greater good?

The greater good is what I say is the greater good.

Because these people are being infected with ideas of religious fanaticism, over time those beliefs will become obsessions that even mind purification skills will become useless to help them, and just like in the apocalyptic world, these people can infect other people's minds through words.

To carry out this plan I made Ortro talk to the Will of the World and made it think that Ortro is a divine beast from another world which became my familiar.

The Will of the World agreed to make Ortro and Kon the main deities of this world on the condition that they can only keep 10% of the souls of devout believers when they die, furthermore, Ortro's commandments must promote peace and fairness between different intelligent species.

Ortro didn't understand anything that happened since this girl only thinks about eating cookies, killing people, and getting patted on the head, she just nodded to everything I said making me seem like the official representative of the Divine Beast.

Now I am something like the Pope of the Church of the Dog.

I lost a bet with Navi and had to call this religion 'Church of the Dog'... Stupid curse in my soul that makes me lose all the coin toss games, even with my physical abilities to coordinate the movement of the coin I still lost…

Well, it was better than 'Harem King Cult', that really sounds like a sex cult that abuses naive women...

Since Ortro is an [Outer God], she can't receive 'Energy of Faith' so having a lot of fans doesn't benefit her too much and she will only get a power upgrade when her believers start to freak out as they will be giving her their minds to Ortro as food.

Even so, this is not a waste of time since Kon is an earthly deity so she is gathering a large amount of 'Faith Energy' and even part of her mind has managed to heal thanks to this energy.

Since this city is small, there are not many inhabitants so it's time to start the second step of my plan.

The most devout believers who have started to develop the [Madness] energy received large amounts of money and began traveling to remote villages with ignorant humans who are easy to influence.

The first two caravans left today for what is beginning the process of evangelization of the religion that I formed.

Now that everything is going according to plan, I am analyzing all the available information about this world to start organizing an internal war between the human kingdoms so that humanity does not have time to attack the Inhumans.

The idea is simple, to make a country richer than the other countries so that the enemies of that country will be anxious which will cause a war which will be incited by the believers of Ortro who will begin to expand through the human territories.

I must do everything in a subtle way to avoid attracting the attention of the Reincarnated, I want those idiots to continue causing disasters that cause the hatred and fear of humans since those emotions cause minds to become easier to influence with my [Reader's Madness].

War will not help to kill the Reincarnated as they are too strong and the armies will only be a hindrance.

My real goal is to reduce the human population while I personally will be the one to kill the Reincarnated and the human generals.

"Master, it's time to eat" – The door to my office (mayor's office) opened as Roxanne came in carrying a tray of sandwiches and coffee.

Although the food I make is much more delicious, enjoying food made by a beautiful woman helps me reduce my migraine. Life pleasures.

I put several documents on the desk and went to sit on a sofa where System Goddess was lying lazily.

The Will of the World didn't care that I brought a Higher Entity and even gave me permission to bring my allies from other worlds, but if I open a 'World Gate' there will be a risk of the Reincarnates invading my world so that I will only do it when I get a totally secure base.

Apparently, it's usually for a Hero to have allies from other worlds so this is normal, I'll just need to be careful not to trigger a zombie apocalypse, on the other hand, Shiro and Kaede will have fun in this world.

"Hey, don't sit on my legs!" – System Goddess yelled when I used her as a seat.

"It's your fault for lying on the sofa, this is not your bed" - I ignored her and drank my coffee.

"Luis, there are other seats available..." - Tsubaki sighed while she was sitting on another sofa.

I shrugged. – "It is fun to annoy this woman"

"You are an evil man who intimidates a defenseless woman, the heavens will punish you for such injustice..." - System Goddess murmured sadly.

I looked at the disappointing goddess and smiled affectionately. – "This is my way of showing you my feelings, you can see this as harmless jokes between husband and wife"

"…" – System Goddess blushed. – "W-Well, if you put it like that i-it's fine…"

This woman can be happy with simple things, I like that.

I finished eating and got up to go to a secret warehouse that the mayor used to hide the gold that he had been accumulating from the citizens' taxes.

Since all the gold was used to finance the caravans of the Ortro believers, this vault now became a fortified room used for an important event, the 'rebirth' of Kon.

Originally Kon thought that it would be impossible to regain her power as a deity since she is a forgotten deity and she no longer has any worshipers, even her deity name was lost and thus she had to receive a new name.

With the arrival in this world that changed. Due to the new religion that I am forming, Kon is something like the right hand of the new god, Ortro.

Making an easy comparison to understand, Kon would be the equivalent of Michael in biblical beliefs.

Another important point is that Kon is no longer a True Deity, now she is a Corrupted Deity.

An Outer God represents chaos, but they are not evil beings, they are just beings that cause the alteration of the already established rules, and depending on the situation and perspective, an Outer God can be a kind entity.

A Corrupted God is similar to an Outer God. They are not essentially evil entities, but they do represent the contamination of the concepts they previously represented, which is not necessarily evil as sometimes the degeneration of a concept can be used for the greater good.

Kon used to be a deity of fertility, life, good luck, and love. By becoming a Corrupted God, she now represents putrefaction, disgrace, and obsession.

Although Kon is a deity that represents normally unpleasant concepts, she can use her abilities to help others as she can not only devour the life energy of other living beings, she can also devour curses, negative emotions, suffering, and pain.

Kon is currently too weak to devour the curse on my soul, but if she evolves into a high-level Higher Entity, she should be able to help me.

Ortro can eat minds and souls.

Kon can eat curses and life energy.

Tubaki can eat the negative energy in corrupted souls.

System Goddess can eat Destiny Energy from system users.

I can 'eat' other men's wives.

I'm forming a group of gluttons...

Entering the vault where Kon is resting, I found a scene similar to a satanic ritual.

On the ground, there was a strange circle with strange symbols which had been made with liquid gold.

A huge creature with an almost human face and the body of a nightmare monster lay sprawled across the circle.

The creature was devouring animal corpses, monsters, and some human corpses making the room reek of blood.

Above the creature's head was a cute brown-skinned girl who had her small hands buried in the creature's head as if the girl was playing with the monster's brain.

While this was happening, a beautiful woman in a witch's outfit was making various notes in the notebook as if she were witnessing an important experiment.

Even though I know this is to help Kon, it's unsettling how similar this is to a ritual to summon a demon. All that's missing is an Ouija board and a group of idiotic teenagers...

"How's Kon's condition?" – I approached Kon and stroked her head making her disturbing smile grow.

I love pets…

"It's the first time I see alchemy based on the soul" - Witch she spoke with such excitement that he seemed like a mad scientist in a laboratory doing human experiments.

"It's not perfect yet, but it will work for now" - I sighed with slight disappointment.

The system not only provides me with skills but also gives me the necessary knowledge to use those skills, so when I obtained [Human Transmutation], I obtained information related to the principles of alchemy, the creation of living beings, the chemical composition of living beings and something very strange called 'True Alchemy'.

Apparently, there is a Higher Entity in charge of managing the Principle of Equivalence, the primordial rule that governs alchemy which dictates that all exchange must be equal, and to obtain something you must sacrifice something of equal value.

Violating this rule will cause a conflict with the entity that regulates the Equivalence Principle, so I had to improvise.

900 animal and monster corpses, 7,000 human souls, and a massive amount of Destiny Energy. That was the price I had to pay to be able to use [Human Transmutation] on a deity like Kon and still couldn't remove the corruption in Kon's soul and couldn't resurrect her daughters either.

To resurrect the daughters of Kon I will need to do a transmutation involving three million people since, while rebuilding bodies is easy with my black blood, healing a soul on the verge of destruction is a feat that almost breaks the Principle of Equivalence.

Even alchemy wouldn't be enough to accomplish this, but here's the kicker.

Kon is a treasure chest, or rather it is her mind that can classify as a real treasure.

Kon was a deity of harvest and fortune, but she had the hobby of chatting with all kinds of deities and magical entities, so it was through those talks that Kon gained knowledge of necromancy, demonic arts, Taoism, cultivation, magic, spiritual formations, and astrology.

The only problem is that Kon's mind is so messed up that she's unable to tap into that knowledge so I had Ortro copy several of Kon's memories and then turn them into little databases to tap into that information.

With Kon's knowledge of necromancy and demon arts, I upgraded my [Human Transmutation] to 100% by making my skill evolve.

The description of the skill in the system did not change, but now this skill is no longer limited to modifying physical organisms and objects, I can now perform spiritual transmutations that theoretically should allow me to modify souls.

For now, it is a complicated issue that I still don't understand so I will postpone the experiments because if I make a mistake, I will cause an error in the reincarnation cycle which will bring me problems with Karma.

Now I understand the disappointment scientists feel at not being able to carry out their experiments due to stupidities like human rights…

I sighed and looked at Ortro. – "How long will it take you to stabilize Kon's mind?"

Ortro tilted her head to the side as if she was thinking and looked at me sadly. – "Four days, many fragments of memory, personality, and self-concept are missing so I cannot reconstruct all of her mind…"

Ortro was sad because he thinks I'm disappointed in her, but actually, this is not her fault.

The entity that left Kon in this state not only left Kon half dead, it even stole many fragments of Kon's mind making it impossible for Kon to regain her original personality, but Kon's obsessive desire to protect her daughters made her allowed to cling to the few remaining fragments of rationality.

I smiled at Ortro. – "You are doing an excellent job, when you finish stabilizing Kon, I will reward you"

"Head pats and cookies?" – Ortro's small face was filled with joy.

"Yes, lots of cookies" - I smiled wryly, this brat is cute.

"Yay!" – Ortro's expression filled with determination and she continued working.

Witch approached me with a smile. – "Everything is ready for our first goal"

When Ortro finishes stabilizing Kon, we'll travel west. In that region, there is a small human town that is famous for its hot springs.

Normally I couldn't care less about that, I personally don't understand why the Japanese are so obsessed with hot springs as, while they can be relaxing, I can't stand that disgusting smell.

The reason why we go to that city is not to vacation, but because the most troublesome Reincarnated loves hot springs so she is a frequent visitor to that city.

Now the question is… Should I seduce the woman with a goddess complex or should I kill her?

Although seduction would be the obvious answer, that takes time and if her partners find out that a man is getting close to that woman, then they will try to kill me since one of the Reincarnated is self-deprecating asshole who persecutes The Fallen Goddess. According to Navi, the proper term is 'Simp'.

Stupid teen drama...

Well, I'll see how things go.

Whether my harem grows or Ortro gets a new chew toy, it all depends on The Fallen Goddess's attitude.



Author's Note:

It was a tough week, but I finally finished my exams so I'll be writing regularly again.

Thank you for understanding, a hug <3

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