No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 177: Tsubaki's Sharp Tongue

Chapter 177: Tsubaki's Sharp Tongue

I looked at the girl in front of me.

Black hair, fair skin, red eyes, pointed ears, cute face, and black wings. Her appearance was attractive but her nervous look made her look like a scared little rabbit which caused me the need to tease her.

Ortro thought the same as me so she was in her angel of death form making the girl shudder in fear every time her gaze met Ortro's eyes even though Ortro is restrained from the mental damage her look.

"You two, stop bullying this poor girl" – Fleonell hugged the girl like a mother protecting her daughter.

I smiled wryly and nodded at Ortro for her to return to her adorable child form.

"I'm just reacting according to her expectations" – I shrugged while Ortro sat on my lap and ate cookies. – "It is not my fault that she sees me as some kind of abominable monster"

Fleonell sighed and spoke softly to the girl. – "Don't worry, this man is not going to eat you"

Well, I will, but not in a literal sense.

The girl managed to calm me down thanks to Fleonell's motherly attitude.

Although Fleonell is a splendid woman, it makes me uncomfortable when she acts like that since my disgust towards motherhood has grown ever since my mother fell in love with Seiji… I really don't want to think about it.

When the girl felt calmer she stood up and bowed respectfully to me. – "I am deeply grateful for saving my life and avenging my family…"

This girl is Eve Reese, the Demon King candidate who refused bribes from the previous Demon King and so her home was destroyed and she was persecuted.

While I had a disappointing battle with the Demon King, my soldiers took control of the capital.

There were several generals and soldiers who were willing to fight to the death, but it was thanks to the appearance of Fleonell and Eve that the soldiers agreed to lower their weapons as both women are well-loved among the Inhumans.

This prestige grew when Witch also appeared on the battlefield causing the Inhumans to finally believe that the true Dark Queen had returned.

All the generals who were loyal to the previous Demon King were turned into immortal soldiers and brainless monsters so they are now on the operating table in Shiguma's lab.

The surviving generals were loyal to Fleonell so after helping them heal their wounds they swore allegiance to the Dark Queen Fleonell, the hero Seiji and the god Orthus.

Interestingly, Fleonell publicly stated that she was not worthy of the position of Demon Queen since she once failed her responsibilities so she would be the adviser to the new Demon Queen, Eve Reese.

Although some Inhumans were disappointed that the Dark Queen was not the ruler of the Inhumans, no one publicly objected to this decision, as for the Inhumans who worked for the Humans and sought ways to cause internal conflict by spreading rumors about Eve, now they are in Ortro's stomach.

It's been five days since I took control of this kingdom, but this is my first time meeting Eve personally as I've been busy taking out the spies.

"I know this may be selfish of me, but I have a personal request…" - Eve held her bow as she struggled to hide her anxiety.

Now I am seen as the hero who overthrew the Demon King while also being the herald of a true God with the power to resurrect the dead and cause natural disasters, in the eyes of this girl I must be some kind of apocalyptic beast.

"Hey Listen! My partner will help you if you offer your butt as an offering!" – Navi appeared in front of Eve.

Navi is anxious because I have focused on my mission to eradicate the heroes while the expansion of my harem has stopped even though I have been in this world for more than a month so this idiot showed up in front of Eve despite that she is not in my harem yet.

"M-My w-what?!" - Eve flinched back in panic as her hands covered her bottom and her face flushed.

I sighed, grabbed Navi, and activated [Sadism].


I released Navi and left him convulsing on the ground.

I looked at Eve and spoke wearily at Navi's stupidity. – "The point is this, I do not do charity so if you want something you must offer something"

"..." - Eve's face was as red as a tomato, but she clenched her fists with a look of resolution. – "If you help me receive recognition from the guardian of my tribe, I will be your toy…"

I smiled and pushed Ortro off my lap to move closer to Eve.

"I like your determination, but you're confusing something" – I ignored Ortro's pout and patted Eve's head. – "I do not want a toy, I want you to be my wife"

Eve's head was so red she looked like she was about to pass out, but she nodded as she met my eyes. A cute stubborn girl.

"I'll help you after a little trip" - I took my hand away and looked to another part of the room where my maids were. – "First I have a promise to keep"

Among the group of maids, my gaze focused on the two women I promised revenge to, Setsuna and Minaris.

Minaris had a calm face like a professional maid, but genocidal urges and psychopathic thoughts exploded deep within her gaze when she heard my words.

Setsuna smiled cruelly as her tail waggled like a happy dog, she is more open in showing her emotions.

Yuel, Cecyl, and Roxanne are calm women with no interest in revenge, they are happy being my maids since I treat them with care, although Yuel keeps trying to seduce me which is giving me a headache...

"You are going to travel?" - Fleonell frowned. – "The human nations must have already made preparations to attack us and the news that the hero Seiji is helping the Inhumans has spread all over the world"

I nodded. – "Seiji will stay here while a merchant travels the border areas of the human regions to buy slaves, this will help to search for information since we lost our spies within the human territory"

Witch who had remained silent intervened in the conversation. – "Although it is true that we need information about the human territory, it is very dangerous for you to travel on your own"

"On the contrary, if the humans have already started to summon heroes then you will be in danger if you accompany me, in fact, it will be a problem if an army accompanies me" – I did not agree with her. – "It is better if I move on my own together with Ortro, Navi, Tsubaki, and Kon…"

"Minaris and Setsuna will accompany me temporarily to help them deal with their personal situations, but when matters are finished they will return here with teleportation magic…"

"System Goddess and my research team will help develop the Demon Realm's defenses while you contact the scattered tribes of Inhumans, the idea is to make this place an impenetrable fortress so that the Humans can't capture the Inhumans for using them as meat shields" – I finished outlining my idea.

I have already prepared a series of written instructions so that this kingdom can be strengthened while I am in charge of hunting down the heroes.

"You can't leave me behind!" – System Goddess yelled angrily.

"I prefer that you stay here to avoid failures in the barrier or it will be a disaster if a Higher Entity appears" - I went straight to the point making System Goddess look at me angrily, but she stopped arguing.

Among my lovers and allies, only this woman is capable of creating barriers that can stop a Higher Entity, so I prefer that she stay here to strengthen this kingdom.

"Em, I have a question..." - Eve spoke with a little nervousness so I looked at her gently so that she doesn't feel overwhelmed.

Eve calmed down a bit seeing that we were all willing to answer her questions so she looked curiously. – "What is a Higher Entity? Is it a deity just like the guardian of my clan?"

"You can see it that way" - I smiled wryly.

Although an earthly deity can be stronger than a Higher Entity, Higher Entities are much more dangerous as they can use tricks from other worlds so their abilities are unpredictable.

Eve frowned. – "If there are several deities supporting humans then we better get help from other deities…"

Fleonell sighed sadly. – "Most of the deities perished in the war thousands of years ago and most of the surviving deities cut off all contact with mortals"

I haven't paid much attention to the deities of this world since in my point of view deities are slightly stronger entities than normal beings and actually, there are mortals who can beat some deities so they are not impressive entities.

"Do you know the location of those deities?" – I asked curiously.

"I know the places where some deities have chosen to rest, but it is not a good idea to visit them since they tend to destroy any being that dares to disturb them, be they human or inhuman" - Fleonell sighed.

I smiled. – "First I will help Setsuna and Minaris with their personal matters, then I want you to tell me the location of those deities"

Ortro's gaze lit up. - "Food?"

"No, they will be friends" - I kept smiling.

"I don't think those deities want to get involved with this conflict" – Fleonell looked sad.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure they help us" - I smiled gently.

I will be civilized and give those deities two options, be Ortro's servants or be her food.

"Luis..." - Tsubaki sighed. – "Violence is not the answer to every problem"

"Violence has worked pretty well so far" – I kept smiling.

Tsubaki sighed again. – "Luis, you are going to be a father so you can no longer be so violent, you must set a good example for your future daughters"

"Ahahahahahahahaha the dog can't bark anymore ahahahahahaha!"

"Shut up asshole!" – I grabbed Navi and threw him to the ground to start stomping like the damn plague he is.

I saw that Tsubaki was trying hard not to laugh, her sense of humor has been corrupted by the internet...

I sighed and looked at Fleonell. – "Please, give me a report on the gods that stay away from mortals and on a map show me where to find these gods"

Fleonell didn't answer and looked at me with a strange smile that was a mixture of longing, shame, and hope.

Forming a harem is complete stupidity to hide romantic affairs from new women, and since I don't want to have to put up with the unnecessary drama, the women here already know that several of my wives are pregnant.

Witch mentioned that when the war is over, she also wants a daughter which made me sigh.

My hatred for my father has brought me to the point of obsessing over not being a fucking scum who causes his wives and daughters to suffer as that would make me equal to him. If it wasn't for that, I really would have loved to be the stereotype of the stupid father who goes to buy cigarettes and never comes back...

Leaving aside my family traumas that I have not yet overcome, I ignored the strange looks of the women and went to a long wooden table where there was a map that marked the trade routes, cities, as well as some towns of the inhuman territory and the human territory.

In a world without satellites, this type of world map is a treasure since it is a key piece for military strategy.

Ever since I mobilized my troops to this world, I tried to put a satellite into orbit to get logistical support, but the atmosphere of this world is strange.

From what would be the stratosphere on Earth, there is a great pressure of magical energy that can only be resisted by entities at the level of a dragon king, the creature with the strongest physical body in this world.

In the mesosphere things become strange, it is as if it were a gravitational field that destroys at the molecular level everything that comes close.

I spoke with the Will of the World to find a way to put a satellite into orbit, but the barrier in the atmosphere is not something that the Will can change since it seems like a natural phenomenon of this world that helps prevent the invasion of Higher Entities.

This raises a lot of questions for me.

Do all worlds of magic have these restrictions?

Why in the world of martial arts and the world of apocalypse there was no barrier that prevented space travel?

Does Gaia have the same? And if so, how come humans have sent satellites out of Earth's orbit?

System Goddess answered some of these questions for me.

Apparently, the concept of 'World' is a parallel universe so the World of martial arts encompasses the entire solar system while the distant stars and constellations are just accumulations of energy. The more beautiful the space, the greater the amount of energy in that World.

There are Worlds that encompass an entire universe and most of the time those Worlds are of a high level and a valuable treasure for all the resources they possess.

Although this world is a mid-level world, the world's magical resources are quite rich and the planet itself is 10 times the size of Earth.

Because resources accumulate on this planet, stars are just conceptual projections used for astral magic and divination but are not actually physical existences.

Despite all this, here comes a big problem.

Apparently, the stars have great importance in all the worlds that deal with themes of mysticism such as magic, spirits, or cultivation.

The 'Paradise' used the importance of the stars to create a bridge to this world and the only way I can stay with this world is if I destroy that connection.

The entities of Paradise are cunning bastards and what they did was use the moon to create an entrance to this world.

Normally using a star, planet, or moon of a World to create a Dimension Gate will cause the star to overload and explode after a while so it's not a good method for a long-term invasion, but the entities of Paradise are bastards cunning.

They took advantage of the fact that this world has two moons so that the Destiny Energy can be distributed between both moons without causing an overload that destroys the moon.

In short, I must kill or enslave the human heroes and protagonists of this world, I must overthrow the human empires that are supported by Paradise, and finally, I must destroy the two moons before a Higher Entity stronger than me appears in this world.

The problem is that I have absolutely no idea how to destroy something that literally only exists as a concept.

Stupid conceptual crap, they don't make sense, but some asshole came up with the idea of pretending this makes sense just to brag about being creative in justifying stupidity through random crap...

My only consolation is that System Goddess has some ideas to deal with this, but we will need a lot of resources including the blood of one of the members of Paradise.

For now, I'll take things slow.

I must first investigate the situation of the human territory since those morons have been too quiet and that worries me. Not even the Reincarnated have come to attack us even though they should already know that Seiji is a traitor who is supporting the Inhumans.

As I concentrated on establishing a travel route, Red Queen approached me with a strange smile. – "I just received an interesting report"

"What happened now?" – This brat's smile gives me a bad feeling.

Red Queen seemed to be enjoying herself. – "Guess who just appeared at the entrance of the kingdom while she is holding a white flag~"

I frowned. – "I'm not in the mood for games"

Red Queen pouted. – "You are not funny… Anyway, the woman with the spatial ability seems to want to talk to Seiji"

… Interesting.

I smiled wryly at Fleonell. – "I am going to see that person while you prepare the report"

Fleonell tried to hide her concern with a loving smile. - "Be careful"

What a nice wife I got, humanity is definitely worth destroying.

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