No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 189: Noisy Goddesses Harem

Chapter 189: Noisy Goddesses Harem

It's been three months since I came to this world and things don't look good, not good at all...

In this world, there are a total of 12 gods and 5 sacred beasts. Of them, I have only managed to gather 3 gods and a sacred beast since the other powerful beings have disappeared or hidden in such a way that not even the Will of the World can find them.

Even though things look bad, at least there was some good news.

Kaito managed to capture several heroes who were under mind control by the human kingdoms so after resetting those heroes' neurons, they regained consciousness.

The heroes who had a deep grudge against human nations joined my party after some promises to help them return to Japan.

As for the heroes who refused to cooperate, they 'escaped' and disappeared. Shiguma's lab has many samples to investigate.

Outside of the topic of the gods, the cult that worships Orthus finally caught the attention of the human nations, but it was too late for them, my cult is already an organization that has spread throughout the world and not even the magic of Paradise is able to detect all my followers.

The Church of Light is the main religion of this world whose headquarters is the capital of the Kingdom of Light, but recently this church has fallen into chaos as the Holy Maiden left the church and joined the cult of Orthus.

A few weeks ago one of the worshipers of Orthus managed to have a long talk with the Holy Maiden and since that woman is not right in the head, she was easily influenced by [Reader's Madness].

In addition to the Holy Maiden's mental problems that made her influenced towards Madness, a corrupted deity similar to Kon was hiding within the Holy Maiden and through a spirit messenger, that deity contacted me to request refuge.

The name of the deity is Lunaris. In the past, she was the goddess of elemental spirits and wisdom, but in the war thousands of years ago she became corrupted by being exposed to a Demon God's corrupting energy during the hero's fight.

(Author's Note: Lunaris from Nidome no Yuusha. Since Lunaris's appearance is not seen in the original work, she will have the appearance of Nelia from the game Grand Chase)

Although Lunaris was very helpful in defeating the Demon God and she had not actually turned evil, many gods labeled her as a heretic god so they persecuted her to destroy her causing Lunaris to bear a deep resentment against the living beings and deities of this world.

Lunaris infiltrated the Church of Light and for thousands of years, she has been living inside the body of every Holy Maiden as she pretends to be a guardian spirit, basically the same parasitic tactic used by the System Goddess.

Even though she was technically on the enemy's side, she has been terrified of the coming of Paradise as the Corrupted Gods are seen as a plague by the entities of Paradise so it's only a matter of time before they find her and lock her up for eternity.

When Lunaris felt the traces of my [Reader's Madness] she immediately saw me as an ally as Madness is corrupted energy similar to the essence of the Corrupted Gods.

Thus she manipulated the emotions of the Holy Maiden making her a valuable ally for my group since many humans see the Holy Maiden as the voice of God and if she talks about cooperating with the Inhumans, then the fanatics will betray humanity without hesitation.

For several days the Holy Maiden and Lunaris have traveled to the Demon Realm to see me and now both women are kneeling in front of me, the Holy Maiden out of a twisted sense of love, and Lunaris out of fear.

The Holy Maiden whose real name is Meteria Loreria is a beautiful woman with sky blue hair and eyes. Everything about this woman gives a sense of holy beauty, but with my ability to see the insanity of sentient beings I can only sigh at the abyss of insanity that this woman is.

(Author's Note: Meteria Loreria from Nidome no Yuusha)

I ignored the perverted Holy Maiden who was gasping with pleasure at being near me and focused on Lunaris.

The now Goddess of Corrupted Spirits is a beautiful woman with long black hair and a voluptuous body that is more like the body of a succubus than a goddess.

Lunaris was scared not of me, but of the two women who were looking at her with evil smiles.

"Oh, to think that you were still alive, what a pleasant surprise~" – Coco was having fun intimidating the corrupted goddess.

"Heh" – Rushia smirked.

"... At least my chest isn't flat like the horizon..." - Lunaria muttered under her breath.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?! MY BREASTS ARE BIG AND BOUNCE!" – Rushia screamed so hard that she made the ground shake, she has the potential to sing death metal…

Coco put her hand on Rushia's shoulder with a kind smile. – "Yes, they are big, of course, they are…"

"Don't give me that look of pity…" – Rushia was about to fall into depression.

I sighed, gods are too loud, these women better be like the divine beast Caladorius who kindly offered to fight by my side after I used my Authority to beat him up and threaten to turn him into fried chicken.

Notably, Eve was mad at me for her beating up her clan's guardian beast, but that earns that stupid bird for trying to make a contract with Eve where she would lose her life expectancy in exchange for summoning the idiot bird.

Caladorius is now part of the mythological pantheon of Orthros and while that bird is technically Kon's mate, my pet seems to like chewing on the divine beast's wings.

It is ironic that in Gaia I am technically the reincarnation of a divine beast similar to Caladorius, but according to my research and making a scale of power, the previous Ortro had a power higher than the world level while Caladorius at most has power at the country level.

On the other hand, when I enslaved Caladorius I also obtained an egg capable of hatching a holy beast which I keep in my Rasen Dimension to encourage its growth.

Since using the magical energy of this world to hatch the egg will make my future pet's potential limited, I have spent two days using my energy to increase the potential of the egg in hopes of obtaining a pet that can help me in high worlds. level.

I'm still depressed about not getting a pet dragon so I'm hoping to get a dragon, phoenix, or something awesome like that.

Now I have to think about what to do.

With the betrayal of the Holy Maiden, the Kingdom of Light is in chaos with constant unrest and even the capital is in disarray.

The other three human nations are too busy with internal conflicts that they don't have time to support the Kingdom of Light.

The problems of humans are not limited to heroes who manage to resist brainwashing or heroes with brains who realize that everything is a trap, it seems that Paradise itself has internal conflicts.

Yesterday Kaito notified me that one of the Paradise puppets helped several heroes escape from the Northern Kingdom, sadly that puppet was destroyed so I couldn't know the reason for its actions, luckily I got a Wikipedia in the form of a noisy woman.

BB has a lot of information on the main factions of the multiverse so she explained to me that Paradise is not a perfect organization.

Paradise is not governed by a single entity, but there are two main factions that are divided into smaller factions with their own interests.

The faction of 'racist idiots' (name given by BB) are entities that seek the elimination of any 'impure' entity. This group only looks out for the welfare of humans, angels, fairies, elves, and other entities that receive positive bonuses from Karma.

It is important to mention that Karma does not determine good and evil but chaos and order, so this group are just racist idiots who carry a false moral flag to justify their stupidities.

The faction of 'idealistic idiots' (name given by BB) are entities that seek friendly cooperation between all intelligent entities, even demons.

Although this group sounds noble and nice, the truth is that they are too innocent and altruistic which makes them easy prey for swindlers and traitors. If it weren't for the group of idealists having some of the strongest entities on their side, the racists would have already destroyed the idealists.

The point of this is that I have to find a way to contact idealists to make a deal.

If I can create friendly relations with Paradise then I will have a better chance of facing Beast VII since in a large-scale conflict Gaia will turn it back on me for the greater good.

My other option is to join Hell, but that group is even more chaotic than Paradise as they are divided into hundreds of factions...

For this kind of thing is that democracy is rubbish, the best form of government is an absolute dictatorship with a capable leader.

However, Paradise and Hell aren't the only Higher Entity organizations in the multiverse so I'm in no hurry to join either of those two groups.

For now, I have to take advantage of the situation.

A few days ago I passed on various martial arts to Kaito and his new group of fellow heroes.

Sadly those heroes were mass-produced products so only Kaito is really useful, but they will at least serve as cannon fodder in this world.

The main point of the custom martial art I formed, [Rasen Arts], is to make entities without higher energies able to face enemies with higher energy.

To understand this, cultivators can be used as an example.

In the power system based on cultivation energy, martial arts only matter at low levels.

When the foundations of cultivation are complete, battles are determined by the quantity and quality of energy, making combat techniques, strategies, and combat experience less important. As with adolescents during puberty, it only matters who has the biggest.

The martial arts I developed have no energy limitations, on the contrary, even an entity without supernatural energy can fight against entities with large energy reserves using only punches and kicks.

My martial arts not only break physical limitations but also break the restrictions of the laws of each world, making it possible for a martial artist without magic to beat a god to death.

Sure, this has its drawbacks.

To begin with, my martial arts training is a hell that would terrify even the most power-obsessed cultivators so only entities with a high level of Madness Energy can withstand the training.

On the other hand, since my training is practically a suicide method, if you train without supervision from an entity with resurrection skills then death becomes a certainty.

The third drawback is that my martial arts are based on 'techniques' so they do not encourage the development of supernatural energies so it is not possible to obtain 'skills', also, life expectancy doesn't constantly lengthen in the same way cultivation does, so a low level cultivator will live much longer than a high level martial artist.

This last defect is not of much importance since with the resources in my group it is easy to make my wives and subordinates achieve biological immortality.

Maybe I overdid it with my martial arts since outside of me, only 7 people have made progress in [Rasen Arts].

Hayato Furinji and Ouganosuke Yogi are the only men who could endure the training and obtained destructive power at the country level which is surprising since they can already destroy a puppet from Paradise as long as they use magic weapons that deal spirit damage.

As for my wives, Mikumo Kushinada and Shigure Kosaka reached the country level while Miu Furinji, Rachel Stanley, and Saeko Busujima are close to that level.

If it wasn't for the pregnancy, they would have shown greater advancement in their martial arts since they possess monstrous innate talents for martial arts.

I really wish that they didn't get pregnant, better yet, that none of my wives got pregnant...

As a side note, although System Goddess is in the country level, she has too many tricks that she could escape a universe level with ease.

Leaving aside the long context that honestly no one cares, but it's still necessary, I started to prepare orders for Kaito.

The plan will be to attack the Kingdom of Light with an army of humans, heroes, mutated animals, biological weapons, disposable androids, and genetically enhanced soldiers.

Although the capital is protected by puppets from Paradise, my troops will attack the cities around the capital to cut off the capital's supply lines which will delay the hero summoning rituals.

Caladorius, Coco, and Rushia will help with mass destruction attacks to increase the speed of the troops' advance, but all three deities are forbidden to fight as dangerous situations can occur.

To prevent them from ignoring my orders, especially Coco, Minaris will supervise this mission so I will lend her my Authority to give orders to the deities.

While the human nations are distracted by attacking the Kingdom of Light, I will attack the Northern Kingdom since I found out a week ago that those idiots designed a troublesome weapon.

Due to how dangerous the world has become, I used Shijou's space skills to transport the entire Demon Kingdom to the world that used to be zombies. I'm not going to say the stupid name of that world.

Although this required a great deal of energy and effort, it was a wise decision as a couple of days ago the capital of the Demon Kingdom was attacked with a beam of magical energy with the ability to wipe out a city completely.

Fortunately, the barriers placed by System Goddess easily stopped the attack, but this alarmed me about the possibility of the use of weapons of mass destruction that could harm my wives.

My idea is to attack the Northern Kingdom to steal the technology they developed and with the help of Monika to use that weapon against the human nations, and in case my mission fails, I will destroy that technology to prevent long-distance attacks comparable to an atomic bomb.

For this mission I will attack with a small group as carrying an army will only slow me down and the point of this mission is speed and stealth.

I kept building scenarios in my mind taking advantage of [Paranoia] to discard plans with more than a 30% chance of failing.

In the end, out of 7000 possible scenarios, only 10 plans had an 85% chance of success, but even those 10 plans had high risks that something problematic would happen.

I massaged my head, using [Paranoia] too much is more exhausting than using [Reader's Perspective].

I looked at the discussion between the three goddesses who were still fighting over who has the biggest chest and sighed, it's absurd that they argue over something so stupid, it's obvious that Coco won.

Even though this is a waste of time, I decided to let them argue for another 10 minutes while my headache subsided.

"Your chest is so flat that it could be used as an anvil to forge a holy sword"

"Rushia is not flat! Rushia is boing boing!"

"Hey, don't fight, this discussion is pointless..."


"Rushia won't grow up anymore so it's wrong to make fun of her eternal lack of curves"


This is relaxing.

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